Lines Matching refs:localize

23731 var localize = _fillers_vscode_nls_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["loadMessageBundle"]();
23733 …{ func: 'rgb($red, $green, $blue)', desc: localize('css.builtin.rgb', 'Creates a Color from red, g…
23734 …{ func: 'rgba($red, $green, $blue, $alpha)', desc: localize('css.builtin.rgba', 'Creates a Color f…
23735 …{ func: 'hsl($hue, $saturation, $lightness)', desc: localize('css.builtin.hsl', 'Creates a Color f…
23736 …{ func: 'hsla($hue, $saturation, $lightness, $alpha)', desc: localize('css.builtin.hsla', 'Creates…
24576 var localize = _fillers_vscode_nls_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["loadMessageBundle"]();
24586 …NumberExpected: new CSSIssueType('css-numberexpected', localize('expected.number', "number expecte…
24587 …ConditionExpected: new CSSIssueType('css-conditionexpected', localize('expected.condt', "condition…
24588 …RuleOrSelectorExpected: new CSSIssueType('css-ruleorselectorexpected', localize('expected.ruleorse…
24589 DotExpected: new CSSIssueType('css-dotexpected', localize('', "dot expected")),
24590 …ColonExpected: new CSSIssueType('css-colonexpected', localize('expected.colon', "colon expected")),
24591 …SemiColonExpected: new CSSIssueType('css-semicolonexpected', localize('expected.semicolon', "semi-…
24592 TermExpected: new CSSIssueType('css-termexpected', localize('expected.term', "term expected")),
24593 …ExpressionExpected: new CSSIssueType('css-expressionexpected', localize('expected.expression', "ex…
24594 …OperatorExpected: new CSSIssueType('css-operatorexpected', localize('expected.operator', "operator…
24595 …IdentifierExpected: new CSSIssueType('css-identifierexpected', localize('expected.ident', "identif…
24596 …PercentageExpected: new CSSIssueType('css-percentageexpected', localize('expected.percentage', "pe…
24597 …URIOrStringExpected: new CSSIssueType('css-uriorstringexpected', localize('expected.uriorstring', …
24598 URIExpected: new CSSIssueType('css-uriexpected', localize('expected.uri', "URI expected")),
24599 …VariableNameExpected: new CSSIssueType('css-varnameexpected', localize('expected.varname', "variab…
24600 …VariableValueExpected: new CSSIssueType('css-varvalueexpected', localize('expected.varvalue', "var…
24601 …PropertyValueExpected: new CSSIssueType('css-propertyvalueexpected', localize('expected.propvalue'…
24602 …LeftCurlyExpected: new CSSIssueType('css-lcurlyexpected', localize('expected.lcurly', "{ expected"…
24603 …RightCurlyExpected: new CSSIssueType('css-rcurlyexpected', localize('expected.rcurly', "} expected…
24604 …LeftSquareBracketExpected: new CSSIssueType('css-rbracketexpected', localize('expected.lsquare', "…
24605 …RightSquareBracketExpected: new CSSIssueType('css-lbracketexpected', localize('expected.rsquare', …
24606 …LeftParenthesisExpected: new CSSIssueType('css-lparentexpected', localize('expected.lparen', "( ex…
24607 …RightParenthesisExpected: new CSSIssueType('css-rparentexpected', localize('expected.rparent', ") …
24608 …CommaExpected: new CSSIssueType('css-commaexpected', localize('expected.comma', "comma expected")),
24609 …PageDirectiveOrDeclarationExpected: new CSSIssueType('css-pagedirordeclexpected', localize('expect…
24610 …UnknownAtRule: new CSSIssueType('css-unknownatrule', localize('unknown.atrule', "at-rule unknown")…
24611 …UnknownKeyword: new CSSIssueType('css-unknownkeyword', localize('unknown.keyword', "unknown keywor…
24612 …SelectorExpected: new CSSIssueType('css-selectorexpected', localize('expected.selector', "selector…
24613 …StringLiteralExpected: new CSSIssueType('css-stringliteralexpected', localize('expected.stringlite…
24614 …WhitespaceExpected: new CSSIssueType('css-whitespaceexpected', localize('expected.whitespace', "wh…
24615 …MediaQueryExpected: new CSSIssueType('css-mediaqueryexpected', localize('expected.mediaquery', "me…
24616 …IdentifierOrWildcardExpected: new CSSIssueType('css-idorwildcardexpected', localize('expected.idor…
24617 …WildcardExpected: new CSSIssueType('css-wildcardexpected', localize('expected.wildcard', "wildcard…
24618 …IdentifierOrVariableExpected: new CSSIssueType('css-idorvarexpected', localize('expected.idorvar',…
29939 var localize = _fillers_vscode_nls_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["loadMessageBundle"]();
29949 …FromExpected: new SCSSIssueType('scss-fromexpected', localize('expected.from', "'from' expected")),
29950 …ThroughOrToExpected: new SCSSIssueType('scss-throughexpected', localize('expected.through', "'thro…
29951 InExpected: new SCSSIssueType('scss-fromexpected', localize('', "'in' expected")),
30926 var localize = _fillers_vscode_nls_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["loadMessageBundle"]();
30964 var title = localize('css.codeaction.rename', "Rename to '{0}'", propertyName_1);
31068 var localize = _fillers_vscode_nls_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["loadMessageBundle"]();
31486 …completionItem.detail = localize('completion.argument', 'argument from \'{0}\'', mixinNode.getName…
32587 var localize = _fillers_vscode_nls_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["loadMessageBundle"]();
32770 = localize('literal.keyframes', "@keyframes {0}", node.getName());
32773 = localize('literal.fontface', "@font-face");
33121 var localize = _fillers_vscode_nls_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["loadMessageBundle"]();
33166 … 'description': localize('less.builtin.if', 'returns one of two values depending on a condition.')
33171 …'description': localize('less.builtin.boolean', '"store" a boolean test for later evaluation in a …
33177 … 'description': localize('less.builtin.length', 'returns the number of elements in a value list')
33182 …'description': localize('less.builtin.extract', 'returns a value at the specified position in the …
33187 … 'description': localize('less.builtin.range', 'generate a list spanning a range of values')
33192 …'description': localize('less.builtin.each', 'bind the evaluation of a ruleset to each member of a…
33198 'description': localize('less.builtin.escape', 'URL encodes a string')
33203 'description': localize('less.builtin.e', 'escape string content')
33208 'description': localize('less.builtin.replace', 'string replace')
33213 'description': localize('less.builtin.unit', 'remove or change the unit of a dimension')
33218 'description': localize('less.builtin.color', 'parses a string to a color'),
33224 … 'description': localize('less.builtin.convert', 'converts numbers from one type into another')
33229 … 'description': localize('', 'inlines a resource and falls back to `url()`'),
33234 'description': localize('less.builtin.abs', 'absolute value of a number'),
33239 'description': localize('less.builtin.acos', 'arccosine - inverse of cosine function'),
33244 'description': localize('less.builtin.asin', 'arcsine - inverse of sine function'),
33250 'description': localize('less.builtin.ceil', 'rounds up to an integer')
33254 'description': localize('less.builtin.cos', 'cosine function'),
33259 'description': localize('less.builtin.floor', 'rounds down to an integer'),
33264 'description': localize('less.builtin.percentage', 'converts to a %, e.g. 0.5 > 50%'),
33270 'description': localize('less.builtin.round', 'rounds a number to a number of places'),
33275 'description': localize('less.builtin.sqrt', 'calculates square root of a number'),
33280 'description': localize('less.builtin.sin', 'sine function'),
33285 'description': localize('less.builtin.tan', 'tangent function'),
33290 … 'description': localize('less.builtin.atan', 'arctangent - inverse of tangent function'),
33295 'description': localize('less.builtin.pi', 'returns pi'),
33300 …'description': localize('less.builtin.pow', 'first argument raised to the power of the second argu…
33305 'description': localize('less.builtin.mod', 'first argument modulus second argument'),
33310 'description': localize('less.builtin.min', 'returns the lowest of one or more values'),
33315 'description': localize('less.builtin.max', 'returns the lowest of one or more values'),
33323 'description': localize('less.builtin.argb', 'creates a #AARRGGBB')
33328 'description': localize('less.builtin.hsl', 'creates a color')
33333 'description': localize('less.builtin.hsla', 'creates a color')
33338 'description': localize('less.builtin.hsv', 'creates a color')
33343 'description': localize('less.builtin.hsva', 'creates a color')
33348 …'description': localize('less.builtin.hue', 'returns the `hue` channel of `@color` in the HSL spac…
33353 …'description': localize('less.builtin.saturation', 'returns the `saturation` channel of `@color` i…
33358 …'description': localize('less.builtin.lightness', 'returns the `lightness` channel of `@color` in …
33363 …'description': localize('less.builtin.hsvhue', 'returns the `hue` channel of `@color` in the HSV s…
33368 …'description': localize('less.builtin.hsvsaturation', 'returns the `saturation` channel of `@color…
33373 …'description': localize('less.builtin.hsvvalue', 'returns the `value` channel of `@color` in the H…
33378 'description': localize('', 'returns the `red` channel of `@color`')
33383 'description': localize('', 'returns the `green` channel of `@color`')
33388 'description': localize('', 'returns the `blue` channel of `@color`')
33393 'description': localize('less.builtin.alpha', 'returns the `alpha` channel of `@color`')
33398 …'description': localize('less.builtin.luma', 'returns the `luma` value (perceptual brightness) of …
33403 … 'description': localize('less.builtin.saturate', 'return `@color` 10% points more saturated')
33408 … 'description': localize('less.builtin.desaturate', 'return `@color` 10% points less saturated')
33413 'description': localize('less.builtin.lighten', 'return `@color` 10% points lighter')
33418 'description': localize('less.builtin.darken', 'return `@color` 10% points darker')
33423 … 'description': localize('less.builtin.fadein', 'return `@color` 10% points less transparent')
33428 … 'description': localize('less.builtin.fadeout', 'return `@color` 10% points more transparent')
33433 'description': localize('less.builtin.fade', 'return `@color` with 50% transparency')
33438 … 'description': localize('less.builtin.spin', 'return `@color` with a 10 degree larger in hue')
33443 'description': localize('less.builtin.mix', 'return a mix of `@color1` and `@color2`')
33448 … 'description': localize('less.builtin.greyscale', 'returns a grey, 100% desaturated color'),
33453 …'description': localize('less.builtin.contrast', 'return `@darkcolor` if `@color1 is> 43% luma` ot…
33526 var localize = _fillers_vscode_nls_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["loadMessageBundle"]();
33631 result = localize('namelist.single', "'{0}'", curr);
33634 result = localize('namelist.concatenated', "{0}, '{1}'", result, curr);
33704 …var message = localize('keyframes.standardrule.missing', "Always define standard rule '@keyframes'…
33708 …var message = localize('keyframes.vendorspecific.missing', "Always include all vendor specific rul…
33813 …s_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Rules"].PropertyIgnoredDueToDisplay, localize('rule.propertyIgn…
33825 …s_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Rules"].PropertyIgnoredDueToDisplay, localize('rule.propertyIgn…
33834 …s_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Rules"].PropertyIgnoredDueToDisplay, localize('rule.propertyIgn…
33898 …), _lintRules_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["Rules"].UnknownProperty, localize('property.unknown…
33928 …var message = localize('property.standard.missing', "Also define the standard property '{0}' for c…
33932 …var message = localize('property.vendorspecific.missing', "Always include all vendor specific prop…
34086 var localize = _fillers_vscode_nls_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["loadMessageBundle"]();
34111 …AllVendorPrefixes: new Rule('compatibleVendorPrefixes', localize('rule.vendorprefixes.all', "When …
34112 …IncludeStandardPropertyWhenUsingVendorPrefix: new Rule('vendorPrefix', localize('rule.standardvend…
34113 …DuplicateDeclarations: new Rule('duplicateProperties', localize('rule.duplicateDeclarations', "Do …
34114 …EmptyRuleSet: new Rule('emptyRules', localize('rule.emptyRuleSets', "Do not use empty rulesets"), …
34115 …ImportStatemement: new Rule('importStatement', localize('rule.importDirective', "Import statements…
34116 …BewareOfBoxModelSize: new Rule('boxModel', localize('rule.bewareOfBoxModelSize', "Do not use width…
34117 …UniversalSelector: new Rule('universalSelector', localize('rule.universalSelector', "The universal…
34118 …ZeroWithUnit: new Rule('zeroUnits', localize('rule.zeroWidthUnit', "No unit for zero needed"), Ign…
34119 …RequiredPropertiesForFontFace: new Rule('fontFaceProperties', localize('rule.fontFaceProperties', …
34120 …HexColorLength: new Rule('hexColorLength', localize('rule.hexColor', "Hex colors must consist of t…
34121 …ArgsInColorFunction: new Rule('argumentsInColorFunction', localize('rule.colorFunction', "Invalid …
34122 …UnknownProperty: new Rule('unknownProperties', localize('rule.unknownProperty', "Unknown property.…
34123 …UnknownAtRules: new Rule('unknownAtRules', localize('rule.unknownAtRules', "Unknown at-rule."), Wa…
34124 …IEStarHack: new Rule('ieHack', localize('rule.ieHack', "IE hacks are only necessary when supportin…
34125 …UnknownVendorSpecificProperty: new Rule('unknownVendorSpecificProperties', localize('rule.unknownV…
34126 …PropertyIgnoredDueToDisplay: new Rule('propertyIgnoredDueToDisplay', localize('rule.propertyIgnore…
34127 …AvoidImportant: new Rule('important', localize('rule.avoidImportant', "Avoid using !important. It …
34128 …AvoidFloat: new Rule('float', localize('rule.avoidFloat', "Avoid using 'float'. Floats lead to fra…
34129 …AvoidIdSelector: new Rule('idSelector', localize('rule.avoidIdSelector', "Selectors should not con…
34132 …ValidProperties: new Setting('validProperties', localize('rule.validProperties', "A list of proper…
34671 var localize = _fillers_vscode_nls_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["loadMessageBundle"]();
34795 … { func: 'red($color)', desc: localize('', 'Gets the red component of a color.') },
34796 …{ func: 'green($color)', desc: localize('', 'Gets the green component of a color…
34797 …{ func: 'blue($color)', desc: localize('', 'Gets the blue component of a color.')…
34798 …{ func: 'mix($color, $color, [$weight])', desc: localize('scss.builtin.mix', 'Mixes two colors tog…
34799 … { func: 'hue($color)', desc: localize('scss.builtin.hue', 'Gets the hue component of a color.') },
34800 …{ func: 'saturation($color)', desc: localize('scss.builtin.saturation', 'Gets the saturation compo…
34801 …{ func: 'lightness($color)', desc: localize('scss.builtin.lightness', 'Gets the lightness componen…
34802 …{ func: 'adjust-hue($color, $degrees)', desc: localize('scss.builtin.adjust-hue', 'Changes the hue…
34803 …{ func: 'lighten($color, $amount)', desc: localize('scss.builtin.lighten', 'Makes a color lighter.…
34804 …{ func: 'darken($color, $amount)', desc: localize('scss.builtin.darken', 'Makes a color darker.') …
34805 …{ func: 'saturate($color, $amount)', desc: localize('scss.builtin.saturate', 'Makes a color more s…
34806 …{ func: 'desaturate($color, $amount)', desc: localize('scss.builtin.desaturate', 'Makes a color le…
34807 …{ func: 'grayscale($color)', desc: localize('scss.builtin.grayscale', 'Converts a color to graysca…
34808 …{ func: 'complement($color)', desc: localize('scss.builtin.complement', 'Returns the complement of…
34809 …{ func: 'invert($color)', desc: localize('scss.builtin.invert', 'Returns the inverse of a color.')…
34810 …{ func: 'alpha($color)', desc: localize('scss.builtin.alpha', 'Gets the opacity component of a col…
34812 …{ func: 'rgba($color, $alpha)', desc: localize('scss.builtin.rgba', 'Changes the alpha component f…
34813 …{ func: 'opacify($color, $amount)', desc: localize('scss.builtin.opacify', 'Makes a color more opa…
34814 …{ func: 'fade-in($color, $amount)', desc: localize('scss.builtin.fade-in', 'Makes a color more opa…
34815 …{ func: 'transparentize($color, $amount)', desc: localize('scss.builtin.transparentize', 'Makes a …
34816 …{ func: 'fade-out($color, $amount)', desc: localize('scss.builtin.fade-out', 'Makes a color more t…
34817 …green], [$blue], [$hue], [$saturation], [$lightness], [$alpha])', desc: localize('scss.builtin.adj…
34818 …red], [$green], [$blue], [$saturation], [$lightness], [$alpha])', desc: localize('…
34819 …green], [$blue], [$hue], [$saturation], [$lightness], [$alpha])', desc: localize('scss.builtin.cha…
34820 …{ func: 'ie-hex-str($color)', desc: localize('', 'Converts a color into the…
34823 …{ func: 'selector-nest($selectors…)', desc: localize('scss.builtin.selector-nest', 'Nests selector…
34824 …{ func: 'selector-append($selectors…)', desc: localize('scss.builtin.selector-append', 'Appends se…
34825 …{ func: 'selector-extend($selector, $extendee, $extender)', desc: localize('scss.builtin.selector-…
34826 …{ func: 'selector-replace($selector, $original, $replacement)', desc: localize('scss.builtin.selec…
34827 …{ func: 'selector-unify($selector1, $selector2)', desc: localize('scss.builtin.selector-unify', 'U…
34828 …{ func: 'is-superselector($super, $sub)', desc: localize('', 'Returns…
34829 …{ func: 'simple-selectors($selector)', desc: localize('scss.builtin.simple-selectors', 'Returns th…
34830 …{ func: 'selector-parse($selector)', desc: localize('scss.builtin.selector-parse', 'Parses a selec…
34833 …{ func: 'unquote($string)', desc: localize('scss.builtin.unquote', 'Removes quotes from a string.'…
34834 … { func: 'quote($string)', desc: localize('scss.builtin.quote', 'Adds quotes to a string.') },
34835 …{ func: 'str-length($string)', desc: localize('scss.builtin.str-length', 'Returns the number of ch…
34836 …{ func: 'str-insert($string, $insert, $index)', desc: localize('scss.builtin.str-insert', 'Inserts…
34837 …{ func: 'str-index($string, $substring)', desc: localize('scss.builtin.str-index', 'Returns the in…
34838 …{ func: 'str-slice($string, $start-at, [$end-at])', desc: localize('scss.builtin.str-slice', 'Extr…
34839 …{ func: 'to-upper-case($string)', desc: localize('', 'Converts a string …
34840 …{ func: 'to-lower-case($string)', desc: localize('', 'Converts a string …
34841 …{ func: 'percentage($number)', desc: localize('scss.builtin.percentage', 'Converts a unitless numb…
34842 …{ func: 'round($number)', desc: localize('scss.builtin.round', 'Rounds a number to the nearest who…
34843 …{ func: 'ceil($number)', desc: localize('scss.builtin.ceil', 'Rounds a number up to the next whole…
34844 …{ func: 'floor($number)', desc: localize('scss.builtin.floor', 'Rounds a number down to the previo…
34845 …{ func: 'abs($number)', desc: localize('scss.builtin.abs', 'Returns the absolute value of a number…
34846 …{ func: 'min($numbers)', desc: localize('scss.builtin.min', 'Finds the minimum of several numbers.…
34847 …{ func: 'max($numbers)', desc: localize('scss.builtin.max', 'Finds the maximum of several numbers.…
34848 … { func: 'random([$limit])', desc: localize('scss.builtin.random', 'Returns a random number.') },
34849 … { func: 'length($list)', desc: localize('scss.builtin.length', 'Returns the length of a list.') },
34850 …{ func: 'nth($list, $n)', desc: localize('scss.builtin.nth', 'Returns a specific item in a list.')…
34851 …{ func: 'set-nth($list, $n, $value)', desc: localize('scss.builtin.set-nth', 'Replaces the nth ite…
34852 …{ func: 'join($list1, $list2, [$separator])', desc: localize('scss.builtin.join', 'Joins together …
34853 …{ func: 'append($list1, $val, [$separator])', desc: localize('scss.builtin.append', 'Appends a sin…
34854 …{ func: 'zip($lists)', desc: localize('', 'Combines several lists into a single mu…
34855 …{ func: 'index($list, $value)', desc: localize('scss.builtin.index', 'Returns the position of a va…
34856 …{ func: 'list-separator(#list)', desc: localize('scss.builtin.list-separator', 'Returns the separa…
34857 …{ func: 'map-get($map, $key)', desc: localize('', 'Returns the value in a map …
34858 …{ func: 'map-merge($map1, $map2)', desc: localize('', 'Merges two maps toget…
34859 …{ func: 'map-remove($map, $keys)', desc: localize('', 'Returns a new map wi…
34860 …{ func: 'map-keys($map)', desc: localize('', 'Returns a list of all keys in a…
34861 …{ func: 'map-values($map)', desc: localize('', 'Returns a list of all value…
34862 …{ func: 'map-has-key($map, $key)', desc: localize('', 'Returns whether a m…
34863 …{ func: 'keywords($args)', desc: localize('scss.builtin.keywords', 'Returns the keywords passed to…
34864 …{ func: 'feature-exists($feature)', desc: localize('scss.builtin.feature-exists', 'Returns whether…
34865 …{ func: 'variable-exists($name)', desc: localize('scss.builtin.variable-exists', 'Returns whether …
34866 …{ func: 'global-variable-exists($name)', desc: localize('', 'Re…
34867 …{ func: 'function-exists($name)', desc: localize('scss.builtin.function-exists', 'Returns whether …
34868 …{ func: 'mixin-exists($name)', desc: localize('scss.builtin.mixin-exists', 'Returns whether a mixi…
34869 …{ func: 'inspect($value)', desc: localize('scss.builtin.inspect', 'Returns the string representati…
34870 …{ func: 'type-of($value)', desc: localize('scss.builtin.type-of', 'Returns the type of a value.') …
34871 …{ func: 'unit($number)', desc: localize('scss.builtin.unit', 'Returns the unit(s) associated with …
34872 …{ func: 'unitless($number)', desc: localize('scss.builtin.unitless', 'Returns whether a number has…
34873 …{ func: 'comparable($number1, $number2)', desc: localize('scss.builtin.comparable', 'Returns wheth…
34874 …{ func: 'call($name, $args…)', desc: localize('', 'Dynamically calls a Sass funct…
34879 … documentation: localize("scss.builtin.@extend", "Inherits the styles of another selector."),
34884 …documentation: localize("scss.builtin.@at-root", "Causes one or more rules to be emitted at the ro…
34889 …documentation: localize("scss.builtin.@debug", "Prints the value of an expression to the standard …
34894 …documentation: localize("scss.builtin.@warn", "Prints the value of an expression to the standard e…
34899 …documentation: localize("scss.builtin.@error", "Throws the value of an expression as a fatal error…
34904 …documentation: localize("scss.builtin.@if", "Includes the body if the expression does not evaluate…
34911 …documentation: localize("scss.builtin.@for", "For loop that repeatedly outputs a set of styles for…
34918 …documentation: localize("scss.builtin.@each", "Each loop that sets `$var` to each item in the list…
34925 …documentation: localize("scss.builtin.@while", "While loop that takes an expression and repeatedly…
34932 …documentation: localize("scss.builtin.@mixin", "Defines styles that can be re-used throughout the …
34939 …documentation: localize("scss.builtin.@include", "Includes the styles defined by another mixin int…
34944 …documentation: localize("scss.builtin.@function", "Defines complex operations that can be re-used …
34951 …documentation: localize("scss.builtin.@use", "Loads mixins, functions, and variables from other Sa…
34959 …documentation: localize("scss.builtin.@forward", "Loads a Sass stylesheet and makes its mixins, fu…
34969 … documentation: localize('scss.builtin.sass:math', 'Provides functions that operate on numbers.'),
34974 …documentation: localize('scss.builtin.sass:string', 'Makes it easy to combine, search, or split ap…
34979 …documentation: localize('scss.builtin.sass:color', 'Generates new colors based on existing ones, m…
34984 … documentation: localize('scss.builtin.sass:list', 'Lets you access and modify values in lists.'),
34989 …documentation: localize('scss.builtin.sass:map', 'Makes it possible to look up the value associate…
34994 …documentation: localize('scss.builtin.sass:selector', 'Provides access to Sass’s powerful selector…
34999 …documentation: localize('scss.builtin.sass:meta', 'Exposes the details of Sass’s inner workings.'),
35240 var localize = _fillers_vscode_nls_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["loadMessageBundle"]();
35619 …return localize('specificity', "[Selector Specificity](…
37068 function localize(key, message) { function
37076 return localize;