Lines Matching refs:in

35   * [[struct]]  (needed for autocomplete search in editor and topbar)
36 * [[bureaucracy]] (needed for autocomplete search in editor and topbar)
56 I wanted a better way for inserting wiki-internal-links in the editor. After some searching and pro…
60 …ist opened the dlh-page is loaded in the overlay, then the elements are transferred in a new line …
62 … mermaid: integrated. And dlh ships a mermaid live editor (the first chart in the wiki-editor is n…
82 ==== main feature - page-search in the editor ====
92 * create at least one field in this scheme
115 in the config you can switch several buttons on and off.\\
128 put it in your sidebar page and be happy \\
166 <dlh.*> this one line comment will only be seen in the editor / pagesource </dlh.*>
172 comment will also only be seen in the editor / pagesource
231 * struct autocomplete (like the dlh page in the editor BUT only one field)
238 A ''%%*%%'' in these inputs will be replaced with the dlhID that is in the most right input\\
242 in the config you can define a helper page which will be displayed in the top bar **width is 600px*…
247 in the config you can define a list of templates that shall be in the dropdown. Empty config = no d…
251 in the config define a pageid for a page that contains **ONE** autocomplete struct field\\
275 in the config you can define a wikiid and a label for a link that will be displayed in the menu\\
371 This plugin is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without ev…