Lines Matching refs:to

112 didYouMeanToExportToPdf=Did you mean to export to PDF?
114 …ram on a shared draft of this page. Please edit the diagram from the draft to ensure you are worki…
132 collapse-expand=Click to collapse/expand\nShift-click to move neighbors \nAlt-click to protect grou…
437 licenseRequired=This feature requires to be licensed.
584 …has requested to load the following plugin(s):\n \n {1}\n \n Would you like to load these plugin(s…
626 replaceIt={1} already exists. Do you want to replace it?
632 resizeLargeImages=Do you want to resize large images to make the application run faster?
646 rightToLeft=Right to left
648 rotateTooltip=Click and drag to rotate, click to turn shape only by 90 degrees
657 saveDiagramsTo=Save diagrams to
658 saveLibrary403=Insufficient permissions to edit this library
681 …on has timed out and you have been disconnected from the Google Drive. Press OK to login and save.
692 sidebarTooltip=Click to expand. Drag and drop shapes into the diagram. Shift+click to change select…
734 to=to
757 unsavedChangesClickHereToSave=Unsaved changes. Click here to save.
777 viewUrl=Link to view: {1}
819 officeNotLoggedOD=You are not logged in to OneDrive. Please open task pane and login first.
825 officeFailedAuthMsg=Unable to successfully authenticate user or authorize application.
827 …ImgErrMsg=Due to some limitations in the host application, the image could not be inserted. Please…
835 errorAuthOD=Error authenticating to OneDrive
836 officeMainHeader=Adds diagrams to your document.
838 officeStep1=Connects to Microsoft OneDrive, Google Drive or your device.
847 officeClickToEdit=Click icon to start editing:
849 connectOD=Connect to OneDrive
869 confSrvTakeTooLong=The server at {1} is taking too long to respond.
870 confCannotInsertNew=Cannot insert diagram to a new Confluence page
872 confCannotGetID=Unable to determine page ID
882 confDiagNotPublished=The diagram does not belong to a published page
892 confSessionExpired=Looks like your session expired. Log in again to keep working.
899 confGotoPage=Go to containing page
903 gliffyImportInst1=Click the "Start Import" button to import all Gliffy diagrams to
912 …io Configuration Space (DRAWIOCONFIG) does not exist. This space is needed to store config…
915 …e JSON configuration in the editor below then click save. If you need help, please refer to
921 addLibInst=Click the "Add Library" button to upload a new library.
924 customTempInst2=For more details, please refer to
926 pageIdsExpInst1=Select export target, then click the "Start Export" button to export all pages IDs.
930 reindexInst1=Click the "Start Indexing" button to refresh diagrams index.
957 confASkipDiagOtherPage=Skipped "{1}" as it belongs to another page!
958 confADiagUptoDate=Diagram "{1}" is up to date.
968 confAConfSpaceDesc=This space is used to store configuration files and custom libraries/tem…
978 officeNotLoggedGD=You are not logged in to Google Drive. Please open task pane and login fi…
1001 …porting diagram "{1}" failed. Cannot find its new page ID. Maybe it points to a page that is not i…
1003 confAUpdateDgrmCCFailed=Updating link to diagram "{1}" failed.
1005 confANoLnksInDrgm=No links to update in: {1}
1006 confAUpdateLnkToPg=Updated link to page: "{1}" in diagram: "{2}"
1007 confAUpdateLBLnkToPg=Updated lightbox link to page: "{1}" in diagram: "{2}"
1008 confAUpdateLnkBase=Updated base URL from: "{1}" to: "{2}" in diagram: "{3}"
1015 …acro of diagram "{1}" failed. Cannot find its new page ID. Maybe it points to a page that is not i…
1034 confNoPermErr=Sorry, you don't have enough permissions to view this embedded diagram from page {1}
1037 lucidImportInst1=Click the "Start Import" button to import all Lucidchart diagrams.
1040 loginFirstThen=Please login to {1} first, then {2}
1083 selectDiag2Insert=Please select a diagram to insert it.
1086 fetchingRecentFailed=Failed to fetch recent diagrams
1087 useSrch2FindDiags=Use the search box to find diagrams
1099 authDrawAccess=Authorize to access {1}
1101 errAuthSrvc=Error authenticating to {1}
1105 errAccessFile=Error: Access Denied. You do not have permission to access "{1}".
1116 loadAttFailed=Failed to load attachment "{1}"
1127 someImagesFailed={1} out of {2} failed due to the following errors
1139 errFileNotFoundOrNoPer=Error: Access Denied. File not found or you do not have permission to access…
1147 …or occurred while reading the draft file. The diagram cannot be edited now to prevent any possible…
1149 linkToDiagramHint=Add a link to this diagram. The diagram can only be edited from the page that own…
1150 linkToDiagram=Link to Diagram