Lines Matching refs:This
437 licenseRequired=This feature requires to be licensed.
608 redirectToNewApp=This file was created or modified in a newer version of this app. You will be redi…
837 officeStepsHeader=This add-in performs the following steps:
876 confExtEditNotPossible=This diagram cannot be edited externally. Please try editing it while editin…
912 Configuration Space (DRAWIOCONFIG) does not exist. This space is nee…
964 confAConfPageDesc=This page contains configuration file (configuration.json) as attachment
965 confALibPageDesc=This page contains custom libraries as attachments
966 confATempPageDesc=This page contains custom templates as attachments
968 confAConfSpaceDesc=This space is used to store configuration files and custom libraries/tem…
974 confALibExist=This library already exists
989 confEditDraftDelOrExt=This diagram is in a draft page, is deleted from the page, or is edited exter…
1045 chromeOnly=This feature only works in Google Chrome
1046 msgDeleted=This message has been deleted
1126 officeNotSupported=This feature is not supported in this host application