Lines Matching refs:diagrams

657 saveDiagramsTo=Save diagrams to
823 noDiagrams=No diagrams found
836 officeMainHeader=Adds diagrams to your document.
880 confCannotEditDraftDelOrExt=Cannot edit diagrams in a draft page, diagram is deleted from the page,…
903 gliffyImportInst1=Click the "Start Import" button to import all Gliffy diagrams to
923 customTempInst1=Custom templates are diagrams saved in children pages of
930 reindexInst1=Click the "Start Indexing" button to refresh diagrams index.
934 confAAllDiagDone=All {1} diagrams processed. Process finished.
936 confAAllDiagInPageDone=All {1} diagrams in page "{2}" processed successfully.
937 confAPartialDiagDone={1} out of {2} {3} diagrams in page "{4}" processed successfully.
939 confANoDiagFoundInPage=No {1} diagrams found in page "{2}".
941 confANoDiagFound=No {1} diagrams found. Process finished.
942 confASearchFailed=Searching for {1} diagrams failed. Please try again later.
949 confACheckBrokenDiagLnk=Checking for broken diagrams links.
959 confACheckPagesWDraw=Checking pages having diagrams.
995 confAProcessDrawDiag=Started processing imported diagrams
996 confAProcessDrawDiagDone=Finished processing imported diagrams
998 confAErrPrcsDiagInPage=Error processing diagrams in page "{1}"
999 confAPrcsDiagInPage=Processing diagrams in page "{1}"
1014 confAPrcsDiagInPageDone=Processing diagrams in page "{1}" finished
1037 lucidImportInst1=Click the "Start Import" button to import all Lucidchart diagrams.
1047 confAErrFetchDrawList=Error fetching diagrams list. Some diagrams are skipped.
1056 confAReimportStarted=Re-import {1} diagrams started...
1085 noRecentDiags=No recent diagrams found
1086 fetchingRecentFailed=Failed to fetch recent diagrams
1087 useSrch2FindDiags=Use the search box to find diagrams
1121 deepIndexing=Deep Indexing (Index diagrams that aren't used in any page also)
1124 officeNoDiagramsSelected=No diagrams found in the selection
1125 officeNoDiagramsInDoc=No diagrams found in the document
1140 confACheckPagesWEmbed=Checking pages having embedded diagrams.
1167 viewerOnlyMsg=You cannot edit the diagrams in the mobile platform, please use the desktop client or…