Lines Matching refs:is

85 cannotLoad=Fallaron os intentos de carregamento. Por favor, inténtao de novo máis tarde.
86 cannotLogin=Fallaron os intentos de acceso. Por favor, inténtao de novo máis tarde.
114 draftRevisionMismatch=There is a different version of this diagram on a shared draft of this page. …
167 decideLater=Decidir máis tarde
363 …ir mediante Google Drive. Por favor, preme Abrir deseguido e comparte dende o menú de máis accións:
487 more=Máis
488 moreResults=Máis Resultados
489 moreShapes=Máis Formas
508 noMoreResults=Non hai máis resultados
632 resizeLargeImages=Queres redimensionar imaxes largas para facer que a aplicación sexa máis rápida?
809 showMore=Amosar Máis
820 officeSelectSingleDiag=Por favor selecciona un diagrama sinxelo só sen máis contidos.
869 confSrvTakeTooLong=The server at {1} is taking too long to respond.
879 confEditedExtRefresh=Diagram/Page is edited externally. Please refresh the page.
880 …ftDelOrExt=Cannot edit diagrams in a draft page, diagram is deleted from the page, or diagram is e…
904 …rocedure will take some time and the browser window must remain open until the import is completed.
912 Configuration Space (DRAWIOCONFIG) does not exist. This space is nee…
927 …rocedure will take some time and the browser window must remain open until the export is completed.
931 …cedure will take some time and the browser window must remain open until the indexing is completed.
958 confADiagUptoDate=Diagram "{1}" is up to date.
968 confAConfSpaceDesc=This space is used to store configuration files and custom libraries/tem…
983 vsdNoConfig="vsdurl" is not configured
989 confEditDraftDelOrExt=This diagram is in a draft page, is deleted from the page, or is edited exter…
990 confDiagEditedExt=Diagram is edited in another session. It will be saved as a new attachment versio…
1001 …diagram "{1}" failed. Cannot find its new page ID. Maybe it points to a page that is not imported.
1015 …diagram "{1}" failed. Cannot find its new page ID. Maybe it points to a page that is not imported.
1050 confADiagImportIncom={1} diagram "{2}" is imported partially and may have missing shapes
1106 noPrevAvail=No preview is available.
1115 attCorrupt=Attachment file "{1}" is corrupted
1126 officeNotSupported=This feature is not supported in this host application
1160 confDraftTooBigErr=Draft size is too large. Pease check "Attachment Maximum Size" of "Attachment Se…
1165 teamsNoEditingMsg=Editor functionality is only available in Desktop environment (in MS Teams App or…