Lines Matching refs:this

35 allowPopups=Allow pop-ups to avoid this dialog.
47 authorizeThisAppIn=Authorize this app in {1}:
114 draftRevisionMismatch=There is a different version of this diagram on a shared draft of this page. …
171 deleteLibrary401=Insufficient permissions to delete this library
174 …teLibraryConfirm=You are about to permanently delete this library. Are you sure you want to do thi…
241 mainEmbedNotice=Paste this into the page
244 embedNotice=Paste this once at the end of the page
264 …ion has ended. Please <a target='_blank' href='{1}'>{2}</a> and return to this tab to try to save …
274 …=The owner has disabled options to download, print or copy for commenters and viewers on this file.
327 forbidden=You are not authorized to access this file
350 fromThisPage=From this page
419 invalidLicenseSeeThisPage=Your license is invalid, please see this <a target="_blank" href="https:/…
517 noPageContentOrNotSaved=No anchors found on this page or it hasn't been saved yet
547 openSupported=Supported formats are files saved from this software (.xml), .vsdx and .gliffy
608 redirectToNewApp=This file was created or modified in a newer version of this app. You will be redi…
616 rememberThisSetting=Remember this setting
658 saveLibrary403=Insufficient permissions to edit this library
748 tryOpeningViaThisPage=Try opening via this page
916 thisPage=this page
1002 …ror=Error importing diagram "{1}". Cannot fetch or save the diagram. Cannot fix this diagram links.
1034 confNoPermErr=Sorry, you don't have enough permissions to view this embedded diagram from page {1}
1126 officeNotSupported=This feature is not supported in this host application
1149 linkToDiagramHint=Add a link to this diagram. The diagram can only be edited from the page that own…
1159 …ftPermissionErr=Draft cannot be written. Do you have attachment write/read permission on this page?