Lines Matching refs:Diagram

63 blankDiagram=Blank Diagram
93 classDiagram=Class Diagram
179 diagramContent=Diagram Content
180 diagramLocked=Diagram has been locked to prevent further data loss.
182 diagramName=Diagram Name
183 diagramIsPublic=Diagram is public
184 diagramIsNotPublic=Diagram is not public
250 entityRelationshipDiagram=Entity Relationship Diagram
418 invalidFilename=Diagram names must not contain the following characters: \ / | : ; { } < > & + ? = "
537 openExistingDiagram=Open Existing Diagram
719 swimlaneDiagram=Swimlane Diagram
759 untitledDiagram=Untitled Diagram
842 officeSelDiag=Select Diagram:
877 confEditedExt=Diagram/Page edited externally
878 diagNotFound=Diagram Not Found
879 confEditedExtRefresh=Diagram/Page is edited externally. Please refresh the page.
888 diagCantLoad=Diagram cannot be loaded
954 confADiagFoundIndex=Diagram "{1}" found. Indexing
955 confADiagIndexSucc=Diagram "{1}" indexed successfully.
958 confADiagUptoDate=Diagram "{1}" is up to date.
990 confDiagEditedExt=Diagram is edited in another session. It will be saved as a new attachment versio…
1052 diagNameEmptyErr=Diagram name cannot be empty
1053 openDiagram=Open Diagram
1065 curDiagram=Current Diagram
1077 diagFname=Diagram filename
1078 diagUrl=Diagram URL
1079 showDiag=Show Diagram
1080 diagPreview=Diagram Preview
1093 diagNotFoundChckUrl=Diagram not found or cannot be accessed. Please check the specified URL
1110 invalidDiagUrl=Invalid Diagram URL
1117 embedDrawDiag=Embed Diagram
1118 addDiagram=Add Diagram
1119 embedDiagram=Embed Diagram
1150 linkToDiagram=Link to Diagram