Lines Matching refs:Sidebar

8Sidebar.prototype.tagIndex = '5V1dV+M6sv01rDvngax0oLvveYQEaGaAziE0PW8sxVYSDbblI9uk6V9/VVWS7ST+kB0z…  class
14Sidebar.prototype.searchIndexData = '7Z1rU+M40Kh/zVbN+wEq98vHkHDbJUxeHGDrfFEpjkh0cKwc2R6G/fVHchKGK…
19 Sidebar.prototype.gearImage = GRAPH_IMAGE_PATH + '/clipart/Gear_128x128.png';
24 Sidebar.prototype.libAliases = {'aws2': 'aws3', 'gcp' : 'gcp2'};
29 Sidebar.prototype.defaultEntries = 'general;uml;er;bpmn;flowchart;basic;arrows2';
34Sidebar.prototype.signs = ['Animals', 'Food', 'Healthcare', 'Nature', 'People', 'Safety', 'Science… = ['Analytics', 'Applications', 'Blockchain', 'Data', 'DevOps', 'Infrastruct…
38Sidebar.prototype.allied_telesis = ['Buildings', 'Computer and Terminals', 'Media Converters', 'Se…
40Sidebar.prototype.gcp = ['Cards', 'Big Data', 'Compute', 'Developer Tools', 'Extras', 'Identity an…
42Sidebar.prototype.gcp2 = ['Paths', 'Zones', 'Service Cards', 'Compute', 'API Management', 'Securit…
44Sidebar.prototype.gcp3 = ['API Platform Ecosystems', 'Big Data', 'Cloud AI', 'Compute', 'Data Tran…
46Sidebar.prototype.rack = ['General', 'APC', 'Cisco', 'Dell', 'F5', 'HP', 'HPE Aruba Gateways Contr…
48Sidebar.prototype.pids = ['Agitators', 'Apparatus Elements', 'Centrifuges', 'Compressors', 'Compre… = ['Buildings', 'Computers and Peripherals', 'Controllers and Modules', 'D…
55Sidebar.prototype.cisco19 = ['LAN Switching', 'Routing WAN', 'Network Management', 'Data Center', …
57Sidebar.prototype.cisco_safe = ['Architecture', 'Business Icons', 'Capability', 'Design', 'IoT Thi…
59Sidebar.prototype.sysml = ['Model Elements', 'Blocks', 'Ports and Flows', 'Constraint Blocks', 'Ac…
62Sidebar.prototype.eip = ['Message Construction', 'Message Routing', 'Message Transformation', 'Mes…
65Sidebar.prototype.gmdl = ['Bottom Navigation', 'Bottom Sheets', 'Buttons', 'Cards', 'Chips', 'Dial…
68Sidebar.prototype.aws2 = ['Analytics', 'Application Services', 'Compute', 'Database', 'Developer T…
71Sidebar.prototype.aws3 = ['Analytics', 'Application Services', 'Artificial Intelligence', 'Busines…
75Sidebar.prototype.aws4b = ['Arrows', 'General Resources', 'Illustrations', 'Groups Light', 'Groups…
79Sidebar.prototype.aws4 = ['Arrows', 'General Resources', 'Illustrations', 'Groups', 'Analytics', '… = ['Clouds', 'Communications', 'Concepts', 'Databases', 'Devices', 'Secur…
86Sidebar.prototype.veeam = ['Data Center', 'Misc', 'Software', 'Storage', 'UsersStatus', 'VASCompon…
87Sidebar.prototype.veeam2 = ['Auxiliary', 'Data Center', 'Features', 'General', 'Products and Compo…
89Sidebar.prototype.archimate3 = ['Application', 'Business', 'Composite', 'Implementation and Migrat…
91Sidebar.prototype.electrical = ['LogicGates', 'Resistors', 'Capacitors', 'Inductors', 'SwitchesRel…
96 Sidebar.prototype.customEntries = null;
104 Sidebar.prototype.enabledLibraries = null;
109 Sidebar.prototype.maxPreloadCount = 20;
114 Sidebar.prototype.configuration = [{id: 'general', libs: ['general', 'misc', 'advanced']},
120 …deling'}, {id : 'kubernetes'}, {id : 'cisco19', prefix: 'cisco19', libs: Sidebar.prototype.cisco19…
125 {id: 'ibm', prefix: 'ibm', libs:},
126 … {id: 'allied_telesis', prefix: 'allied_telesis', libs: Sidebar.prototype.allied_telesis},
128 {id: 'eip', prefix: 'eip', libs: Sidebar.prototype.eip},
133 … {id: 'signs', prefix: 'signs', libs: Sidebar.prototype.signs},
134 {id: 'gcp', prefix: 'gcp', libs: Sidebar.prototype.gcp},
135 {id: 'gcp2', prefix: 'gcp2', libs: Sidebar.prototype.gcp2},
136 {id: 'gcp3', prefix: 'gcp3', libs: Sidebar.prototype.gcp3},
137 {id: 'rack', prefix: 'rack', libs: Sidebar.prototype.rack},
138 … {id: 'electrical', prefix: 'electrical', libs: Sidebar.prototype.electrical},
139 {id: 'aws2', prefix: 'aws2', libs: Sidebar.prototype.aws2},
140 {id: 'aws3', prefix: 'aws3', libs: Sidebar.prototype.aws3},
141 … {id: 'aws4b', prefix: 'aws4b', libs: Sidebar.prototype.aws4b},
142 {id: 'aws4', prefix: 'aws4', libs: Sidebar.prototype.aws4},
143 {id: 'pid', prefix: 'pid', libs: Sidebar.prototype.pids},
144 … {id: 'cisco', prefix: 'cisco', libs:},
145 … {id: 'cisco_safe', prefix: 'cisco_safe', libs: Sidebar.prototype.cisco_safe},
146 … {id: 'office', prefix: 'office', libs:},
147 … {id: 'veeam', prefix: 'veeam', libs: Sidebar.prototype.veeam},
148 … {id: 'veeam2', prefix: 'veeam2', libs: Sidebar.prototype.veeam2},
154 {id: 'gmdl', prefix: 'gmdl', libs: Sidebar.prototype.gmdl},
155 … {id: 'archimate3', prefix: 'archimate3', libs: Sidebar.prototype.archimate3},
158 … {id: 'sysml', prefix: 'sysml', libs: Sidebar.prototype.sysml}];
163 var siderbarInsertSearchHint = Sidebar.prototype.insertSearchHint;
165Sidebar.prototype.insertSearchHint = function(div, searchTerm, count, page, results, len, more, te…
235 Sidebar.prototype.togglePalettes = function(prefix, ids)
243 Sidebar.prototype.togglePalette = function(id)
251 Sidebar.prototype.showPalettes = function(prefix, ids, visible)
262 Sidebar.prototype.showPalette = function(id, visible)
282 Sidebar.prototype.getConfigurationById = function(id)
316 Sidebar.prototype.isEntryVisible = function(key)
365 Sidebar.prototype.showEntries = function(entries, remember, force)
455 Sidebar.prototype.init = function()
541 Sidebar.prototype.addFoldingHandler = function(title, content, funct)
664 Sidebar.prototype.extractShapeStyle = function(style)
684 var sidebarGetTagsForStencil = Sidebar.prototype.getTagsForStencil;
686 Sidebar.prototype.getTagsForStencil = function(pkg, stc, moreTags)
715 Sidebar.prototype.addTagIndex = function(text)
742 Sidebar.prototype.showPopupMenuForEntry = function(elt, libs, evt)
787 Sidebar.prototype.addSearchIndex = function(shapes)
831 Sidebar.prototype.initPalettes = function()
1207 var sidebarAddStencilPalette = Sidebar.prototype.addStencilPalette;
1209Sidebar.prototype.addStencilPalette = function(id, title, stencilFile, style, ignore, onInit, scal…
1243 Sidebar.prototype.extractIconsFromResponse = function(res, results)
1276 var sidebarSearchEntries = Sidebar.prototype.searchEntries;
1278 Sidebar.prototype.searchEntries = function(searchTerms, count, page, success, error)
1363 var sidebarItemClicked = Sidebar.prototype.itemClicked;
1365 Sidebar.prototype.itemClicked = function(cells, ds, evt)