Lines Matching refs:dt

52 		var dt = 'gmdl google media design library bottom navigation ';
56 this.addDataEntry(dt + 'bottom navigation', 358, 48, 'Bottom Navigation',
58 this.addDataEntry(dt + 'bottom navigation', 358, 48, 'Bottom Navigation',
78 var dt = 'gmdl google media design library bottom sheets ';
82 this.addDataEntry(dt + 'bottom sheet', 358, 320, 'Bottom Sheet',
84 this.addDataEntry(dt + 'grid style options', 358, 642, 'Grid Style With Some Options',
86 this.addDataEntry(dt + 'grid style all options', 358, 642, 'Grid Style With All Options',
88 this.addDataEntry(dt + 'list style', 358, 642, 'List Style',
90 …this.addDataEntry(dt + 'bottom sheet menu items subtext', 358, 360, 'Bottom Sheet (menu items with…
92 …this.addDataEntry(dt + 'deep linked modal bottom sheet', 358, 642, 'Deep-linked modal bottom sheet…
94 this.addDataEntry(dt + 'long list', 358, 642, 'Long list',
114 var dt = 'gmdl google media design library button ';
119 …NORMAL', 'Raised Button (Normal)', null, null, this.getTagsForStencil(gn, 'button', dt).join(' ')),
121 …100, 36, 'HOVER', 'Raised Button (Hover)', null, null, this.getTagsForStencil(gn, 'button', dt).jo…
123 …CUSED', 'Raised Button (Focused)', null, null, this.getTagsForStencil(gn, 'button', dt).join(' ')),
125 …ESSED', 'Raised Button (Pressed)', null, null, this.getTagsForStencil(gn, 'button', dt).join(' ')),
127 …ABLED', 'Raised Button (Pressed)', null, null, this.getTagsForStencil(gn, 'button', dt).join(' ')),
129 …NORMAL', 'Raised Button (Normal)', null, null, this.getTagsForStencil(gn, 'button', dt).join(' ')),
131 …100, 36, 'HOVER', 'Raised Button (Hover)', null, null, this.getTagsForStencil(gn, 'button', dt).jo…
133 …CUSED', 'Raised Button (Focused)', null, null, this.getTagsForStencil(gn, 'button', dt).join(' ')),
135 …ESSED', 'Raised Button (Pressed)', null, null, this.getTagsForStencil(gn, 'button', dt).join(' ')),
137 …ABLED', 'Raised Button (Pressed)', null, null, this.getTagsForStencil(gn, 'button', dt).join(' ')),
139 …NORMAL', 'Raised Button (Normal)', null, null, this.getTagsForStencil(gn, 'button', dt).join(' ')),
141 …100, 36, 'HOVER', 'Raised Button (Hover)', null, null, this.getTagsForStencil(gn, 'button', dt).jo…
143 …CUSED', 'Raised Button (Focused)', null, null, this.getTagsForStencil(gn, 'button', dt).join(' ')),
145 …ESSED', 'Raised Button (Pressed)', null, null, this.getTagsForStencil(gn, 'button', dt).join(' ')),
147 …ABLED', 'Raised Button (Pressed)', null, null, this.getTagsForStencil(gn, 'button', dt).join(' ')),
149 …NORMAL', 'Raised Button (Normal)', null, null, this.getTagsForStencil(gn, 'button', dt).join(' ')),
151 …100, 36, 'HOVER', 'Raised Button (Hover)', null, null, this.getTagsForStencil(gn, 'button', dt).jo…
153 …CUSED', 'Raised Button (Focused)', null, null, this.getTagsForStencil(gn, 'button', dt).join(' ')),
155 …ESSED', 'Raised Button (Pressed)', null, null, this.getTagsForStencil(gn, 'button', dt).join(' ')),
157 …ABLED', 'Raised Button (Pressed)', null, null, this.getTagsForStencil(gn, 'button', dt).join(' ')),
158 this.addDataEntry(dt + 'dropdown menu', 100, 180, 'Dropdown Menu',
160 this.addDataEntry(dt + 'dropdown button', 100, 30, 'Dropdown Button',
162 this.addDataEntry(dt + 'dropdown button editable', 100, 40, 'Dropdown Button (Editable)',
164 this.addDataEntry(dt + 'dropdown button selected', 100, 150, 'Dropdown Button (Selected)',
166 …this.addDataEntry(dt + 'dropdown button selected editable', 100, 150, 'Dropdown Button (Selected, …
168 this.addDataEntry(dt + 'persistent footer button', 300, 40, 'Persistent Footer Buttons',
170 …this.addDataEntry(dt + 'persistent footer button fixed', 300, 40, 'Persistent Footer Buttons (fixe…
173 this.addEntry(dt + 'floating action button', function()
183 this.addEntry(dt + 'floating action button', function()
192 this.addEntry(dt + 'floating action button', function()
201 this.addEntry(dt + 'floating action button', function()
210 this.addEntry(dt + 'floating action button', function()
219 this.addEntry(dt + 'floating action button', function()
228 this.addEntry(dt + 'floating action button', function()
237 this.addEntry(dt + 'floating action button', function()
246 this.addEntry(dt + 'floating action button', function()
255 this.addEntry(dt + 'floating action button', function()
264 this.addEntry(dt + 'floating action button', function()
273 this.addEntry(dt + 'floating action button', function()
282 this.addEntry(dt + 'floating action button', function()
291 this.addEntry(dt + 'floating action button', function()
300 this.addEntry(dt + 'floating action button', function()
309 this.addEntry(dt + 'floating action button', function()
318 this.addEntry(dt + 'floating action button', function()
327 this.addEntry(dt + 'floating action button', function()
336 this.addEntry(dt + 'floating action button', function()
345 this.addEntry(dt + 'floating action button', function()
354 this.addEntry(dt + 'floating action button', function()
363 this.addEntry(dt + 'floating action button', function()
372 this.addEntry(dt + 'floating action button', function()
381 this.addEntry(dt + 'floating action button', function()
390 this.addEntry(dt + 'floating action button', function()
399 this.addEntry(dt + 'floating action button', function()
408 this.addEntry(dt + 'floating action button', function()
417 this.addEntry(dt + 'floating action button', function()
426 this.addEntry(dt + 'floating action button', function()
435 this.addEntry(dt + 'floating action button', function()
444 this.addEntry(dt + 'floating action button mini', function()
453 this.addDataEntry(dt + 'toolbar', 358, 64, 'Toolbar',
455 this.addDataEntry(dt + 'floating action button', 50, 156, 'Floating action buttons',
457 this.addDataEntry(dt + 'related actions', 200, 40, 'Related actions',
459 this.addDataEntry(dt + 'floating action button', 50, 456, 'Floating action buttons',
478 var dt = 'gmdl google media design library card ';
482 this.addDataEntry(dt + 'card', 342, 356, 'Card',
484 this.addDataEntry(dt + 'card collection', 358, 642, 'Card Collection',
486 this.addDataEntry(dt + 'card collection', 358, 642, 'Card Collection',
488 …this.addDataEntry(dt + 'card collection varied layouts', 358, 642, 'Card collection with varied la…
490 this.addDataEntry(dt + 'card collection', 358, 642, 'Card collection',
492 this.addDataEntry(dt + 'card collection', 358, 642, 'Card collection',
495 this.addEntry(dt + 'card', function()
506 this.addDataEntry(dt + 'card', 342, 378, 'Card',
508 this.addDataEntry(dt + 'card', 344, 420, 'Card',
510 this.addDataEntry(dt + 'card', 344, 162, 'Card',
512 this.addDataEntry(dt + 'card', 344, 162, 'Card with UI controls',
514 … this.addDataEntry(dt + 'card ui controls user interface', 342, 522, 'Card with segmented buttons',
516 this.addDataEntry(dt + 'card slider', 342, 570, 'Card with slider',
518 this.addDataEntry(dt + 'card', 342, 236, 'Card',
520 this.addDataEntry(dt + 'card', 342, 530, 'Card',
522 this.addDataEntry(dt + 'card', 342, 386, 'Card',
524 this.addDataEntry(dt + 'card', 342, 356, 'Card',
526 this.addDataEntry(dt + 'card', 342, 334, 'Card',
528 this.addDataEntry(dt + 'card', 300, 266, 'Card',
530 this.addDataEntry(dt + 'card', 342, 246, 'Card',
532 this.addDataEntry(dt + 'card', 342, 342, 'Card',
534 this.addDataEntry(dt + 'card', 342, 216, 'Card',
536 this.addDataEntry(dt + 'card', 342, 146, 'Card',
538 this.addDataEntry(dt + 'card', 300, 176, 'Card',
540 this.addDataEntry(dt + 'card', 300, 224, 'Card',
542 this.addDataEntry(dt + 'card', 342, 272, 'Card',
560 var dt = 'gmdl google media design library chip ';
564 this.addDataEntry(dt + 'chip', 170, 32, 'Chip with text and icon',
567 this.addEntry(dt + 'chip', function()
577 this.addDataEntry(dt + 'list style', 358, 642, 'List Style',
579 this.addDataEntry(dt + 'list style', 358, 642, 'List Style',
597 var dt = 'gmdl google media design library dialog ';
601 …this.addDataEntry(dt + 'dialog persistent footer', 280, 472, 'Dialog with persistent footer button…
603 …this.addDataEntry(dt + 'scrollable dialog persistent footer', 280, 345, 'Scrollable dialog with pe…
605 this.addDataEntry(dt + 'message dialog', 480, 480, 'Message dialog',
607 this.addDataEntry(dt + 'dialog', 280, 273, 'Dialog',
609 this.addDataEntry(dt + 'fullscreen dialog', 358, 642, 'Fullscreen dialog',
611 this.addDataEntry(dt + 'dialog scrollable list', 280, 270, 'Dialog with scrollable list',
613 this.addDataEntry(dt + 'dialog scrollable list', 280, 112, 'Dialog with scrollable list',
615 this.addDataEntry(dt + 'simple dialog', 280, 250, 'Simple dialog',
617 this.addDataEntry(dt + 'simple dialog', 280, 250, 'Simple dialog',
635 var dt = 'gmdl google media design library divider ';
639 this.addDataEntry(dt + 'email list full bleed divider', 358, 642, 'Full-bleed dividers',
641 …this.addDataEntry(dt + 'full bleed divider compose email', 358, 642, 'Full-bleed dividers (Compose…
643 this.addDataEntry(dt + 'image based content divider', 358, 642, 'Image based content dividers',
645 this.addDataEntry(dt + 'full bleed divider', 358, 642, 'Full-bleed dividers',
647 this.addDataEntry(dt + 'inset divider', 358, 642, 'Inset dividers',
665 var dt = 'gmdl google media design library grid list ';
669 this.addDataEntry(dt + 'grid titles', 358, 642, 'Grid titles',
671 this.addDataEntry(dt + 'grid style', 358, 642, 'Grid Style',
673 this.addDataEntry(dt + 'grid style', 358, 642, 'Grid Style',
675 this.addDataEntry(dt + 'two line grid list', 358, 642, 'Two-line grid list',
677 this.addDataEntry(dt + 'two line grid list', 358, 642, 'Two-line grid list',
694 var dt = 'gmdl google media design library icon ';
699 20, 20, '', 'Edit', null, null, this.getTagsForStencil(gn, 'edit', dt).join(' ')),
701 20, 20, '', 'Star', null, null, this.getTagsForStencil(gn, 'star', dt).join(' ')),
703 20, 18, '', 'Heart', null, null, this.getTagsForStencil(gn, 'heart', dt).join(' ')),
705 20, 18, '', 'Reply', null, null, this.getTagsForStencil(gn, 'reply', dt).join(' ')),
707 24, 16, '', 'Users', null, null, this.getTagsForStencil(gn, 'users', dt).join(' ')),
709 20, 20, '', 'GPS', null, null, this.getTagsForStencil(gn, 'gps', dt).join(' ')),
711 20, 20, '', 'Share', null, null, this.getTagsForStencil(gn, 'share', dt).join(' ')),
713 20, 20, '', 'Navigate', null, null, this.getTagsForStencil(gn, 'navigate', dt).join(' ')),
715 20, 20, '', 'Chat', null, null, this.getTagsForStencil(gn, 'chat', dt).join(' ')),
717 12, 20, '', 'Voice', null, null, this.getTagsForStencil(gn, 'voice', dt).join(' ')),
719 16, 24, '', 'Google', null, null, this.getTagsForStencil(gn, 'google', dt).join(' ')),
721 24, 16, '', 'Video', null, null, this.getTagsForStencil(gn, 'video', dt).join(' ')),
723 24, 22, '', 'Gallery', null, null, this.getTagsForStencil(gn, 'gallery', dt).join(' ')),
725 24, 22, '', 'Birthday', null, null, this.getTagsForStencil(gn, 'birthday', dt).join(' ')),
727 24, 16, '', 'Cloud', null, null, this.getTagsForStencil(gn, 'cloud', dt).join(' ')),
729 16, 16, '', 'X', null, null, this.getTagsForStencil(gn, 'x', dt).join(' ')),
731 12, 20, '', 'Bookmark', null, null, this.getTagsForStencil(gn, 'bookmark', dt).join(' ')),
733 20, 20, '', 'Calendar', null, null, this.getTagsForStencil(gn, 'calendar', dt).join(' ')),
735 22, 18, '', 'Attraction', null, null, this.getTagsForStencil(gn, 'attraction', dt).join(' ')),
737 18, 20, '', 'Dining', null, null, this.getTagsForStencil(gn, 'dining', dt).join(' ')),
739 20, 20, '', 'Education', null, null, this.getTagsForStencil(gn, 'education', dt).join(' ')),
741 20, 20, '', 'Family', null, null, this.getTagsForStencil(gn, 'family', dt).join(' ')),
743 20, 18, '', 'Health', null, null, this.getTagsForStencil(gn, 'health', dt).join(' ')),
745 20, 20, '', 'Office', null, null, this.getTagsForStencil(gn, 'office', dt).join(' ')),
747 20, 20, '', 'Promotion', null, null, this.getTagsForStencil(gn, 'promotion', dt).join(' ')),
749 20, 20, '', 'Radio', null, null, this.getTagsForStencil(gn, 'radio', dt).join(' ')),
751 20, 20, '', 'Recipe', null, null, this.getTagsForStencil(gn, 'recipe', dt).join(' ')),
753 20, 20, '', 'Sports', null, null, this.getTagsForStencil(gn, 'sports', dt).join(' ')),
755 20, 20, '', 'Travel', null, null, this.getTagsForStencil(gn, 'travel', dt).join(' '))
772 var dt = 'gmdl google media design library list ';
776 this.addDataEntry(dt + 'scannable list', 358, 642, 'Scannable list',
778 this.addDataEntry(dt + 'item list', 358, 642, 'Item list',
780 this.addDataEntry(dt + 'item list', 358, 642, 'Item list',
782 this.addDataEntry(dt + 'item list', 152, 631, 'Item list',
784 this.addDataEntry(dt + 'list style', 358, 642, 'List Style',
786 this.addDataEntry(dt + 'avatar text icon', 358, 642, 'Avatar with text and icon',
788 this.addDataEntry(dt + 'three line list', 358, 642, 'Three-line list',
790 this.addDataEntry(dt + 'single line item avatar', 358, 642, 'Single-line item with avatar',
792 this.addDataEntry(dt + 'two line item list', 358, 642, 'Two-line item list',
794 this.addDataEntry(dt + 'three line list icon', 358, 642, 'Three-line list with icon',
796 …this.addDataEntry(dt + 'three line list avatar icon', 358, 642, 'Three-line list with avatar and i…
798 this.addDataEntry(dt + 'line item primary checkbox', 358, 56, 'Line item with primary checkbox',
800 this.addDataEntry(dt + 'line item primary checkbox', 358, 56, 'Line item with primary checkbox',
802 this.addDataEntry(dt + 'line item primary checkbox', 358, 56, 'Line item with primary checkbox',
804 this.addDataEntry(dt + 'line item primary checkbox', 358, 56, 'Line item with primary checkbox',
806 this.addDataEntry(dt + 'item list', 358, 56, 'Item list',
808 this.addDataEntry(dt + 'item list', 358, 56, 'Item list',
810 this.addDataEntry(dt + 'item list', 358, 56, 'Item list',
812 this.addDataEntry(dt + 'line item checkbox', 358, 56, 'Line item with primary checkbox',
814 this.addDataEntry(dt + 'item list', 358, 642, 'Item list',
816 this.addDataEntry(dt + 'item list expanded', 358, 642, 'Item list (expanded)',
834 var dt = 'gmdl google media design library menu ';
838 this.addDataEntry(dt + 'menu simple', 170, 168, 'Menu',
840 this.addDataEntry(dt + 'menu simple', 170, 272, 'Menu',
842 this.addDataEntry(dt + 'simple menu', 280, 160, 'Simple menu',
844 this.addDataEntry(dt + 'simple menu multi line', 280, 328, 'Simple menu (multi-line)',
846 this.addDataEntry(dt + 'menu items', 318, 126, 'Menu items',
848 this.addDataEntry(dt + 'menu', 318, 126, 'Menu',
850 this.addDataEntry(dt + 'menu', 318, 126, 'Menu',
852 this.addDataEntry(dt + 'cascading menu', 636, 632, 'Cascading menu',
854 this.addDataEntry(dt + 'cascading menu', 192, 146, 'Cascading menu',
856 this.addDataEntry(dt + 'menu disabled actions', 85, 190, 'Menu with disabled actions',
858 this.addDataEntry(dt + 'menu disabled actions', 170, 222, 'Menu with disabled actions',
860 this.addDataEntry(dt + 'scrollable menu', 272, 420, 'Scrollable menu',
862 this.addDataEntry(dt + 'cascading menu', 604, 590, 'Cascading menu',
880 var dt = 'gmdl google media design library misc ';
885 …358, 642, '', 'Background (Light)', null, null, this.getTagsForStencil(gn, 'background', dt).join(…
887 …358, 642, '', 'Background (Dark)', null, null, this.getTagsForStencil(gn, 'background', dt).join('…
888 this.addDataEntry(dt + 'keyboard', 358, 224, 'Keyboard',
891 this.addEntry(dt + 'snackbar', function()
918 var dt = 'gmdl google media design library picker ';
922 this.addDataEntry(dt + 'date picker portrait', 328, 484, 'Date picker (portrait)',
924 this.addDataEntry(dt + 'date picker portrait dark', 328, 484, 'Date picker (portrait, dark)',
926 this.addDataEntry(dt + 'date picker landscape', 512, 304, 'Date picker (landscape)',
928 this.addDataEntry(dt + 'date picker landscape dark', 512, 304, 'Date picker (landscape, dark)',
930 this.addDataEntry(dt + 'time picker', 328, 484, 'Time picker',
932 this.addDataEntry(dt + 'time picker dark', 328, 484, 'Time picker (dark)',
934 this.addDataEntry(dt + 'time picker landscape light', 512, 304, 'Time picker (landscape, light)',
936 this.addDataEntry(dt + 'time picker landscape dark', 512, 304, 'Time picker (landscape, dark)',
938 this.addDataEntry(dt + 'year picker light', 328, 484, 'Year picker (light)',
940 this.addDataEntry(dt + 'year picker dark', 328, 484, 'Year picker (dark)',
942 this.addDataEntry(dt + 'date picker landscape light', 512, 304, 'Date picker (landscape, light)',
944 this.addDataEntry(dt + 'date picker landscape dark', 512, 304, 'Date picker (landscape, dark)',
962 var dt = 'gmdl google media design library selection control ';
966 this.addEntry(dt + 'checkbox on hover light dark', function()
972 this.addEntry(dt + 'checkbox on focused pressed light dark', function()
981 this.addEntry(dt + 'checkbox on disabled light', function()
987 this.addEntry(dt + 'checkbox on disabled focused light', function()
996 this.addEntry(dt + 'checkbox off hover light', function()
1002 this.addEntry(dt + 'checkbox off focused pressed light', function()
1011 this.addEntry(dt + 'checkbox off disabled light', function()
1017 this.addEntry(dt + 'checkbox off disabled focused light', function()
1026 this.addEntry(dt + 'checkbox on disabled dark', function()
1032 this.addEntry(dt + 'checkbox on disabled focused dark', function()
1041 this.addEntry(dt + 'checkbox off hover dark', function()
1047 this.addEntry(dt + 'checkbox off focused pressed dark', function()
1056 this.addEntry(dt + 'checkbox off disabled dark', function()
1062 this.addEntry(dt + 'checkbox off disabled focused dark', function()
1071 this.addEntry(dt + 'radio button on hover light dark', function()
1077 this.addEntry(dt + 'radio button on focused pressed light dark', function()
1086 this.addEntry(dt + 'radio button on disabled light', function()
1092 this.addEntry(dt + 'radio button on disabled focused light', function()
1101 this.addEntry(dt + 'radio button off hover light', function()
1107 this.addEntry(dt + 'radio button off focused pressed light', function()
1116 this.addEntry(dt + 'radio button off disabled light', function()
1122 this.addEntry(dt + 'radio button off disabled focused light', function()
1131 this.addEntry(dt + 'radio button on disabled dark', function()
1137 this.addEntry(dt + 'radio button on disabled focused dark', function()
1146 this.addEntry(dt + 'radio button off hover dark', function()
1152 this.addEntry(dt + 'radio button off focused pressed dark', function()
1161 this.addEntry(dt + 'radio button off disabled dark', function()
1167 this.addEntry(dt + 'radio button off disabled focused dark', function()
1176 this.addEntry(dt + 'switch on light', function()
1182 this.addEntry(dt + 'switch on dark', function()
1188 this.addEntry(dt + 'switch off light dark', function()
1210 var dt = 'gmdl google media design library slider ';
1215 …200, 10, '', 'Slider (normal)', null, null, this.getTagsForStencil(gn, 'slider normal', dt).join('…
1217 …200, 10, '', 'Slider (normal)', null, null, this.getTagsForStencil(gn, 'slider normal', dt).join('…
1219 …200, 10, '', 'Slider (normal)', null, null, this.getTagsForStencil(gn, 'slider normal', dt).join('…
1221 …200, 30, '', 'Slider (focused)', null, null, this.getTagsForStencil(gn, 'slider focused', dt).join…
1223 …200, 30, '', 'Slider (focused)', null, null, this.getTagsForStencil(gn, 'slider focused', dt).join…
1225 …200, 30, '', 'Slider (focused)', null, null, this.getTagsForStencil(gn, 'slider focused', dt).join…
1227 …200, 20, '', 'Slider (click)', null, null, this.getTagsForStencil(gn, 'slider click', dt).join(' '…
1229 …200, 20, '', 'Slider (click)', null, null, this.getTagsForStencil(gn, 'slider click', dt).join(' '…
1231 …200, 20, '', 'Slider (click)', null, null, this.getTagsForStencil(gn, 'slider click', dt).join(' '…
1233 …210, 20, '', 'Slider (disabled)', null, null, this.getTagsForStencil(gn, 'slider disabled', dt).jo…
1235 …210, 20, '', 'Slider (disabled)', null, null, this.getTagsForStencil(gn, 'slider disabled', dt).jo…
1237 …210, 20, '', 'Slider (disabled)', null, null, this.getTagsForStencil(gn, 'slider disabled', dt).jo…
1239 …al, light)', null, null, this.getTagsForStencil(gn, 'discrete slider normal light', dt).join(' ')),
1241 …'Discrete slider (normal)', null, null, this.getTagsForStencil(gn, 'slider normal', dt).join(' ')),
1243 …'Discrete slider (normal)', null, null, this.getTagsForStencil(gn, 'slider normal', dt).join(' ')),
1245 …iscrete slider (focused)', null, null, this.getTagsForStencil(gn, 'slider focused', dt).join(' ')),
1247 …iscrete slider (focused)', null, null, this.getTagsForStencil(gn, 'slider focused', dt).join(' ')),
1249 …iscrete slider (focused)', null, null, this.getTagsForStencil(gn, 'slider focused', dt).join(' ')),
1251 …, 'Discrete slider (click)', null, null, this.getTagsForStencil(gn, 'slider click', dt).join(' ')),
1253 …lider (click, light)', null, null, this.getTagsForStencil(gn, 'slider click light', dt).join(' ')),
1255 …lider (click, light)', null, null, this.getTagsForStencil(gn, 'slider click light', dt).join(' ')),
1257 …der (disabled)', null, null, this.getTagsForStencil(gn, 'discrete slider disabled', dt).join(' ')),
1259 …der (disabled)', null, null, this.getTagsForStencil(gn, 'discrete slider disabled', dt).join(' ')),
1261 …der (disabled)', null, null, this.getTagsForStencil(gn, 'discrete slider disabled', dt).join(' ')),
1263 …rmal, dark)', null, null, this.getTagsForStencil(gn, 'discrete slider normal dark', dt).join(' ')),
1265 …click, dark)', null, null, this.getTagsForStencil(gn, 'discrete slider click dark', dt).join(' ')),
1267 …click, dark)', null, null, this.getTagsForStencil(gn, 'discrete slider click dark', dt).join(' ')),
1269 …(click, dark)', null, null, this.getTagsForStencil(gn, 'discrete slider click dark', dt).join(' '))
1286 var dt = 'gmdl google media design library tab ';
1290 this.addDataEntry(dt + 'stepper', 704, 478, 'Stepper',
1292 this.addDataEntry(dt + 'editable steps', 704, 72, 'Editable Steps',
1294 this.addDataEntry(dt + 'noneditable non editable steps', 704, 72, 'Non-editable Steps',
1296 this.addDataEntry(dt + 'mobile step text', 358, 642, 'Mobile step (text)',
1298 this.addDataEntry(dt + 'mobile step dots', 358, 642, 'Mobile step (dots)',
1300 this.addDataEntry(dt + 'mobile step progress bar', 358, 642, 'Mobile step (progress bar)',
1302 … this.addDataEntry(dt + 'editable steps optional', 704, 72, 'Editable Steps (with optional steps)',
1304 …this.addDataEntry(dt + 'noneditable non editable steps optional', 704, 72, 'Non-editable Steps (wi…
1306 this.addDataEntry(dt + 'mobile vertical stepper', 358, 642, 'Mobile vertical stepper',
1308 …this.addDataEntry(dt + 'stepper alternative label placing', 404, 50, 'Stepper with alternative lab…
1310 …this.addDataEntry(dt + 'stepper alternative label placing optional', 404, 50, 'Stepper with altern…
1328 var dt = 'gmdl google media design library tab ';
1332 this.addDataEntry(dt + 'fixed tab bar', 358, 642, 'Fixed tab bar',
1334 this.addDataEntry(dt + 'fixed tab bar', 358, 642, 'Fixed tab bar',
1336 this.addDataEntry(dt + 'fixed tab bar', 358, 642, 'Fixed tab bar',
1338 this.addDataEntry(dt + 'fixed tab bar', 358, 642, 'Fixed tab bar',
1340 this.addDataEntry(dt + 'scrollable tab bar', 358, 642, 'Scrollable tab bar',
1342 this.addDataEntry(dt + 'scrollable tab bar', 358, 642, 'Scrollable tab bar',
1344 this.addDataEntry(dt + 'fixed tab bar icons', 358, 642, 'Fixed tab bar with icons',
1346 this.addDataEntry(dt + 'fixed tab bar icons', 358, 642, 'Fixed tab bar with icons',
1348 this.addDataEntry(dt + 'desktop tab bar', 758, 152, 'Desktop tab bar',
1350 this.addDataEntry(dt + 'desktop tab bar', 758, 152, 'Desktop tab bar',
1352 this.addDataEntry(dt + 'desktop tab bar overflow', 758, 152, 'Desktop tab bar with overflow',
1354 this.addDataEntry(dt + 'desktop tab bar overflow', 758, 152, 'Desktop tab bar with overflow',
1372 var dt = 'gmdl google media design library text field ';
1376 this.addDataEntry(dt + 'single line text field', 346, 360, 'Single-line text field',
1379 this.addEntry(dt + 'single line text field normal light dark', function()
1387 this.addEntry(dt + 'single line text field hover light dark', function()
1395 this.addEntry(dt + 'single line text field press light dark', function()
1403 this.addEntry(dt + 'single line text field focus light', function()
1411 this.addEntry(dt + 'single line text field normal light', function()
1419 this.addEntry(dt + 'single line text field error light', function()
1429 this.addEntry(dt + 'single line text field disabled', function()
1437 this.addEntry(dt + 'single line text field focus dark', function()
1445 this.addEntry(dt + 'single line text field normal dark', function()
1453 this.addEntry(dt + 'single line text field error dark', function()
1463 …this.addDataEntry(dt + 'single line text field icon normal light', 346, 35, 'Single-line text fiel…
1465 …this.addDataEntry(dt + 'single line text field icon focus light', 342, 35, 'Single-line text field…
1467 …this.addDataEntry(dt + 'single line text field icon normal light', 342, 35, 'Single-line text fiel…
1469 …this.addDataEntry(dt + 'single line text field icon normal dark', 342, 35, 'Single-line text field…
1471 …this.addDataEntry(dt + 'single line text field icon focus dark', 342, 35, 'Single-line text field …
1473 …this.addDataEntry(dt + 'single line text field icon normal dark', 342, 35, 'Single-line text field…
1476 this.addEntry(dt + 'single line text field normal light dark', function()
1484 this.addEntry(dt + 'single line text field focus light', function()
1494 this.addEntry(dt + 'single line text field focus light', function()
1504 this.addEntry(dt + 'single line text field focus light dark', function()
1514 this.addEntry(dt + 'single line text field focus dark', function()
1524 this.addEntry(dt + 'single line text field focus dark', function()
1534 this.addDataEntry(dt + 'full text field', 362, 56, 'Full text field',
1536 this.addDataEntry(dt + 'full text field', 362, 294, 'Full text field',
1538 this.addDataEntry(dt + 'inset text field', 362, 56, 'Inset text field',
1540 this.addDataEntry(dt + 'focus card suggestion', 362, 246, 'Focus card suggestions',