Lines Matching refs:dt

18 		var dt = 'db database schema er entity relation table ';
52 …this.addDataEntry(dt, 180, 160, 'Table 1', '7Zhvb5swEMY/DW8nwCNr3kL/aGomTW33AdxwAUuOTW2nkH36ncEkai…
53 …this.addDataEntry(dt, 180, 160, 'Table 2', '7ZjRbpswFIafhtsJ48KaW1jbi2bS1PYF3OCAJcdGtlvInn7H2CRLE9…
54 …this.addDataEntry(dt, 180, 30, 'Table Row 1', 'xVXbboMwDP0aXicKY9oz7PLSvbT7gYy4EC2NUeIWuq+fQ0JZd9E…
55 …this.addDataEntry(dt + ' fk pk foreign key primary', 180, 30, 'Table Row 2', 'xVXbTsMwDP2avqKupYjn…
56 …this.addDataEntry(dt + ' fk pk foreign key primary', 180, 30, 'Table Row 3', 'xVXbTsMwDP2avqKupYjn…
57 this.addEntry(dt + ' list', function()
68 this.addEntry(dt + ' list', function()
72 this.addEntry(dt + 'table row', function()
85 this.addEntry(dt + 'table row divider hline line separator', function()
92 this.addEntry(dt + 'table', function()
106 …TemplateEntry('whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;align=center;', 100, 40, 'Entity', 'Entity', null, null, dt),
107 …eSpace=wrap;html=1;align=center;', 100, 40, 'Entity', 'Entity (Rounded)', null, null, dt + 'chen'),
108 …;whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;align=center;', 100, 40, 'Entity', 'Weak Entity', null, null, dt + 'chen'),
110 100, 40, 'Attribute', 'Attribute', null, null, dt + 'attribute chen'),
112 100, 40, 'Attribute', 'Key Attribute', null, null, dt + 'attribute key chen'),
114 …r-bottom: 1px dotted">Attribute</span>', 'Weak Key Attribute', null, null, dt + 'attribute key wea…
116 100, 40, 'Attribute', 'Derived Attribute', null, null, dt + 'attribute derived chen'),
118 100, 40, 'Attribute', 'Multivalue Attribute', null, null, dt + 'attribute multivalue chen'),
120 … 140, 60, 'Associative\nEntity', 'Associative Entity', null, null, dt + 'associative entity chen'),
122 120, 60, 'Relationship', 'Relationship', null, null, dt + 'chen'),
124 120, 60, 'Relationship', 'Identifying Relationship', null, null, dt + 'chen'),
125 …=cloud;whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;align=center;', 100, 60, 'Cloud', 'Cloud', null, null, dt + 'cloud'),
126 this.addEntry(dt + 'hierarchy', function()
141 …Entry('shape=note;size=20;whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;', w, h, 'Note', 'Note', null, null, dt + 'note'),
142 this.addEntry(dt + 'relation chen', function()
148 this.addEntry(dt + 'mandatory participation chen', function()
154 this.addEntry(dt + 'mandatory participation chen', function()
160 this.addEntry(dt + 'mandatory participation chen', function()
166 this.addEntry(dt + 'optional participation chen', function()
172 this.addEntry(dt + 'optional participation chen', function()
178 this.addEntry(dt + 'optional participation chen', function()
184 this.addEntry(dt + 'recursive relationship chen', function()
190 this.addEntry(dt + 'recursive relationship chen', function()
196 this.addEntry(dt + 'recursive relationship chen', function()
202 …1;endArrow=ERzeroToMany;endFill=1;', w, h, '', '0 to Many Optional', null, dt + 'zero many optiona…
203 …EdgeStyle;fontSize=12;html=1;endArrow=ERoneToMany;', w, h, '', '1 to Many', null, dt + 'one many'),
204 …tyle;fontSize=12;html=1;endArrow=ERmandOne;', w, h, '', '1 Mandatory', null, dt + 'one mandatory'),
205 …ontSize=12;html=1;endArrow=ERmandOne;startArrow=ERmandOne;', w, h, '', '1 to 1', null, dt + 'one'),
206 …yRelationEdgeStyle;fontSize=12;html=1;endArrow=ERone;endFill=1;', w, h, '', '1', null, dt + 'one'),
207 …le;fontSize=12;html=1;endArrow=ERzeroToOne;endFill=1;', w, h, '', '0 to 1', null, dt + 'zero one'),
208 …entityRelationEdgeStyle;fontSize=12;html=1;endArrow=ERmany;', w, h, '', 'Many', null, dt + 'many'),
209 …ntSize=12;html=1;endArrow=ERmany;startArrow=ERmany;', w, h, '', 'Many to Many', null, dt + 'many'),
210 …y;startArrow=ERzeroToOne;', w, h, '', '1 Optional to Many Optional', null, dt + 'one optional many…
211 …ny;startArrow=ERmandOne;', w, h, '', '1 Mandatory to Many Optional', null, dt + 'one mandatory man…
212 …ToOne;startArrow=ERmandOne;', w, h, '', '1 Mandatory to 1 Optional', null, dt + 'one mandatory opt…
213 …y;startArrow=ERmandOne;', w, h, '', '1 Mandatory to Many Mandatory', null, dt + 'one mandatory man…
214 …;startArrow=ERzeroToOne;', w, h, '', '1 Optional to Many Mandatory', null, dt + 'one optional mand…
215 …artArrow=ERoneToMany;', w, h, '', 'Many Mandatory to Many Mandatory', null, dt + 'mandatory many'),
216 …rtArrow=ERzeroToMany;', w, h, '', 'Many Optional to Many Mandatory', null, dt + 'mandatory many op…
217 …;startArrow=ERzeroToMany;', w, h, '', 'Many Optional to Many Optional', null, dt + 'many optional')