Lines Matching refs:dt

25 		var dt = 'bpmn business process model notation ';
38 this.createVertexTemplateEntry(s1, 40, 60, '', 'Data Object', null, null, dt + 'data object'),
39 …e=none;isCollection=1;', 40, 60, '', 'Data Object Collection', null, null, dt + 'data object colle…
40 …lateEntry(s1 + 'bpmnTransferType=input;', 40, 60, '', 'Data Input', null, null, dt + 'data input'),
41 …e=input;isCollection=1;', 40, 60, '', 'Data Input Collection', null, null, dt + 'data input collec…
42 …eEntry(s1 + 'bpmnTransferType=output;', 40, 60, '', 'Data Output', null, null, dt + 'data output'),
43 …output;isCollection=1;', 40, 60, '', 'Data Output Collection', null, null, dt + 'data output colle…
44 …ottom;align=center;verticalAlign=top;', 100, 100, '', 'Data Store', null, null, dt + 'data store'),
45 …ght;verticalAlign=bottom;fontSize=8;', 140, 80, '', 'Data Object', null, null, dt + 'data object'),
46 …hiteSpace=wrap;rounded=0;', 80, 30, 'Text', 'Text Annotation', null, null, dt + 'text annotation l…
47 …mlaneLine=0;fillColor=none;', 440, 100, '', 'Horizontal Lane', null, null, dt + 'horizontal lane'),
48 …;swimlaneLine=0;fillColor=none;', 440, 100, '', 'Vertical Lane', null, null, dt + 'vertical lane'),
49 …olor=#ffffff;strokeWidth=2;', 440, 100, '', 'Horizontal Lane', null, null, dt + 'horizontal lane'),
50 …rokeWidth=2;isCollection=1;', 440, 100, '', 'Horizontal Lane', null, null, dt + 'horizontal lane'),
51 …th=2;swimlaneFillColor=#ffffff;', 220, 100, '', 'Vertical Lane', null, null, dt + 'vertical lane'),
52 …llColor=#ffffff;isCollection=1;', 220, 100, '', 'Vertical Lane', null, null, dt + 'vertical lane'),
54 …this.createVertexTemplateEntry(s3 + 'conv;', 70, 60, '', 'Conversation', null, null, dt + 'convers…
55 …ntry(s3 + 'conv;isLoopSub=1;', 70, 60, '', 'Sub-Conversation', null, null, dt + 'sub conversation'…
56 …this.createVertexTemplateEntry(s3 + 'call;', 70, 60, '', 'Call Conversation', null, null, dt + 'ca…
57 …s3 + 'call;isLoopSub=1;', 70, 60, '', 'Call Sub-Conversation', null, null, dt + 'call sub conversa…
74 …this.createEdgeTemplateEntry(s5 + 'none;startArrow=none;', ew, eh, '', 'Association', null, dt + '…
75 …Arrow=none;', ew, eh, '', 'Directional / Directed Data Association', null, dt + 'directed data dir…
76 …hin;startArrow=openThin;', ew, eh, '', 'Bi-Directional Association', null, dt + 'bi directional bi…
77 …eEntry(s5 + 'none;startArrow=none;', ew, eh, '', 'Data Association', null, dt + 'data association'…
78 …le;fontSize=12;html=1;shape=link;', ew, eh, '', 'Conversation Link', null, dt + 'conversation link…
80 this.createEdgeTemplateEntry(s4 + '', ew, eh, '', 'Sequence Flow', null, dt + 'sequence flow'),
81 …0;endSize=6;startSize=10;', ew, eh, '', 'Conditional Sequence Flow', null, dt + 'conditional seque…
82 …Fill=0;endSize=6;startSize=6;', ew, eh, '', 'Default Sequence Flow', null, dt + 'default sequence …
83 …w=oval;startFill=0;endSize=6;startSize=4;', ew, eh, '', 'Message Flow', null, dt + 'message flow'),
131 var dt = 'bpmn business process model notation task ';
142 this.createVertexTemplateEntry(s1 + '', 120, 80, '', 'Generic Task', null, null, dt + 'generic'),
143 …ateEntry(s1 + 'isLoopStandard=1;', 120, 80, '', 'Standard Loop', null, null, dt + 'standard loop'),
144 …+ 'isLoopStandard=1;isLoopSub=1;', 120, 80, '', 'Standard Loop', null, null, dt + 'standard loop'),
145 …oopMultiParallel=1;', 120, 80, '', 'Multi-Instance, Parallel', null, null, dt + 'multi instance pa…
146 …oopMultiParallel=1;', 120, 80, '', 'Multi-Instance, Parallel', null, null, dt + 'multi instance pa…
147 …isLoopMultiSeq=1;', 120, 80, '', 'Multi-Instance, Sequential', null, null, dt + 'multi instance se…
148 …isLoopMultiSeq=1;', 120, 80, '', 'Multi-Instance, Sequential', null, null, dt + 'multi instance se…
149 …this.createVertexTemplateEntry(s1 + 'isLoopComp=1;', 120, 80, '', 'Compensation', null, null, dt +…
150 …ry(s1 + 'isLoopSub=1;isLoopComp=1;', 120, 80, '', 'Compensation', null, null, dt + 'compensation'),
151 …mp=1;isLoopStandard=1;', 120, 80, '', 'Loop and Compensation', null, null, dt + 'loop compensation…
152 …tandard=1;isLoopSub=1;', 120, 80, '', 'Loop and Compensation', null, null, dt + 'loop compensation…
153 … + 'isAdHoc=1;isLoopSub=1;', 120, 80, '', 'Ad Hoc, Collapsed', null, null, dt + 'ad hoc collapsed'…
154 …plateEntry(s1 + 'isAdHoc=1;', 120, 80, '', 'Ad Hoc, Expanded', null, null, dt + 'ad hoc expanded'),
156 …this.createVertexTemplateEntry(s2 + 'service;', 120, 80, '', 'Service', null, null, dt + 'service'…
157 this.createVertexTemplateEntry(s2 + 'send;', 120, 80, '', 'Send', null, null, dt + 'send'),
158 …this.createVertexTemplateEntry(s2 + 'receive;', 120, 80, '', 'Receive', null, null, dt + 'receive'…
159 this.createVertexTemplateEntry(s2 + 'user;', 120, 80, '', 'User', null, null, dt + 'user'),
160 this.createVertexTemplateEntry(s2 + 'manual;', 120, 80, '', 'Manual', null, null, dt + 'manual'),
161 …emplateEntry(s2 + 'businessRule;', 120, 80, '', 'Business Rule', null, null, dt + 'business rule'),
162 this.createVertexTemplateEntry(s2 + 'script;', 120, 80, '', 'Script', null, null, dt + 'script'),
163 …ry(s1 + 'isLoopSub=1;', 120, 80, '', 'Sub-Process, Collapsed', null, null, dt + 'sub process subpr…
165 …nsaction;isLoopSub=1;', 120, 80, '', 'Transaction, Collapsed', null, null, dt + 'transaction colla…
166 …ShapeType=transaction;', 120, 80, '', 'Transaction, Expanded', null, null, dt + 'transaction expan…
168 … '', 'Message-Event Sub-Process, Non-interrupting, Collapsed', null, null, dt + 'non interrupting …
169 … 80, '', 'Message-Event Sub-Process, Interrupting, Collapsed', null, null, dt + 'interrupting mess…
170 …0, '', 'Timer-Event Sub-Process, Non-interrupting, Collapsed', null, null, dt + 'non interrupting …
171 …0, 80, '', 'Timer-Event Sub-Process, Interrupting, Collapsed', null, null, dt + 'interrupting time…
172 … 'Conditional-Event Sub-Process, Non-interrupting, Collapsed', null, null, dt + 'non interrupting …
173 … '', 'Conditional-Event Sub-Process, Interrupting, Collapsed', null, null, dt + 'interrupting cond…
174 …, '', 'Signal-Event Sub-Process, Non-interrupting, Collapsed', null, null, dt + 'non interrupting …
175 …, 80, '', 'Signal-Event Sub-Process, Interrupting, Collapsed', null, null, dt + 'interrupting sign…
176 …'', 'Multiple-Event Sub-Process, Non-interrupting, Collapsed', null, null, dt + 'non interrupting …
177 …80, '', 'Multiple-Event Sub-Process, Interrupting, Collapsed', null, null, dt + 'interrupting mult…
178 …llel Multiple Event Sub-Process, Non-interrupting, Collapsed', null, null, dt + 'non interrupting …
179 …arallel Multiple Event Sub-Process, Interrupting , Collapsed', null, null, dt + 'interrupting para…
180 …, 'Escalation-Event Sub-Process, Non-interrupting, Collapsed', null, null, dt + 'non interrupting …
181 …, '', 'Escalation-Event Sub-Process, Interrupting, Collapsed', null, null, dt + 'interrupting esca…
182 …0, 80, '', 'Error-Event Sub-Process, Interrupting, Collapsed', null, null, dt + 'interrupting erro…
183 …'', 'Compensation-Event Sub-Process, Interrupting, Collapsed', null, null, dt + 'interrupting comp…
184 …;spacingLeft=5;', 180, 100, '', 'Event Sub-Process, Expanded', null, null, dt + 'event sub process…
186 …this.createVertexTemplateEntry(s4, 120, 80, '', 'Call Activity', null, null, dt + 'call activity'),
187 …ry(s4 + 'taskMarker=user;', 120, 80, '', 'User Call Activity', null, null, dt + 'user call activit…
188 …4 + 'taskMarker=manual;', 120, 80, '', 'Manual Call Activity', null, null, dt + 'manual call activ…
189 …er=businessRule;', 120, 80, '', 'Business Rule Call Activity', null, null, dt + 'business rule cal…
190 …4 + 'taskMarker=script;', 120, 80, '', 'Script Call Activity', null, null, dt + 'script call activ…
191 …(s4 + 'isLoopSub=1;', 120, 80, '', 'Call Activity, Collapsed', null, null, dt + 'call activity col…
192 …left;spacingLeft=5;', 180, 100, '', 'Call Activity, Expanded', null, null, dt + 'call activity exp…
206 var dt = 'bpmn business process model notation choreography ';
210 this.addEntry(dt + 'choreography task', function()
238 this.addEntry(dt + 'choreography task loop', function()
266 this.addEntry(dt + 'choreography task sequential multi instance', function()
294 this.addEntry(dt + 'choreography task parallel multi instance', function()
322 this.addEntry(dt + 'sub choreography collapsed', function()
350 this.addEntry(dt + 'sub choreography loop collapsed', function()
378 this.addEntry(dt + 'sub choreography sequential multi instance collapsed', function()
406 this.addEntry(dt + 'sub choreography parallel multi instance collapsed', function()
434 this.addEntry(dt + 'sub choreography expanded', function()
462 this.addEntry(dt + 'call choreography activity calling global task', function()
490 this.addEntry(dt + 'call choreography activity calling global task loop', function()
518 …this.addEntry(dt + 'call choreography activity calling global task sequential multi instance', fun…
546 …this.addEntry(dt + 'call choreography activity calling global task parallel multi instance', funct…
574 this.addEntry(dt + 'call choreography activity calling', function()
602 this.addEntry(dt + 'call choreography activity calling loop', function()
630 this.addEntry(dt + 'call choreography activity calling sequential multi instance', function()
658 this.addEntry(dt + 'call choreography activity calling parallel multi instance', function()
686 …ftStyle=square;', 120, 20, '', 'Participant, Initiating, Top', null, null, dt + 'initiating partic…
688 this.addEntry(dt + 'initiating participant top with decorator', function()
709 …ace=wrap;', 120, 20, '', 'Additional Participant, Initiating', null, null, dt + 'initiating additi…
710 …eSpace=wrap;', 120, 20, '', 'Participant, Initiating, Bottom', null, null, dt + 'initiating partic…
712 this.addEntry(dt + 'initiating participant bottom with decorator', function()
733 …, 120, 40, '', 'Participant, Initiating, Multi-Instance, Top', null, null, dt + 'initiating partic…
735 this.addEntry(dt + 'initiating participant multi instance top with decorator', function()
756 … 'Additional Participant, Initiating, Multi-Instance, Bottom', null, null, dt + 'initiating additi…
757 …20, 40, '', 'Participant, Initiating, Multi-Instance, Bottom', null, null, dt + 'initiating partic…
759 this.addEntry(dt + 'initiating participant multi instance bottom with decorator', function()
780 …Space=wrap;', 120, 20, '', 'Participant, Non-Initiating, Top', null, null, dt + 'non initiating pa…
782 this.addEntry(dt + 'non initiating participant top with decorator', function()
803 …wrap;', 120, 20, '', 'Additional Participant, Non-Initiating', null, null, dt + 'non initiating ad…
804 …ce=wrap;', 120, 20, '', 'Participant, Non-Initiating, Bottom', null, null, dt + 'non initiating pa…
806 this.addEntry(dt + 'non initiating participant bottom with decorator', function()
827 …0, 40, '', 'Participant, Non-Initiating, Multi-Instance, Top', null, null, dt + 'initiating partic…
829 this.addEntry(dt + 'non initiating participant multi instance top with decorator', function()
850 …ditional Participant, Non-Initiating, Multi-Instance, Bottom', null, null, dt + 'non initiating ad…
851 …40, '', 'Participant, Non-Initiating, Multi-Instance, Bottom', null, null, dt + 'non initiating pa…
853 this.addEntry(dt + 'non initiating participant multi instance bottom with decorator', function()
886 var dt = 'bpmn business process model notation event ';
893 …mplateEntry(s + 'standard;symbol=general;', w, h, '', 'None Start', null, null, dt + 'none start'),
894 …ing;symbol=general;', w, h, '', 'None Intermediate, Throwing', null, null, dt + 'none intermediate…
895 …this.createVertexTemplateEntry(s + 'end;symbol=terminate2;', w, h, '', 'End', null, null, dt + 'en…
896 …ard;symbol=message;', w, h, '', 'Message Start, Interrupting', null, null, dt + 'message start int…
897 …symbol=message;', w, h, '', 'Message Start, Non-Interrupting', null, null, dt + 'message start non…
898 …;symbol=message;', w, h, '', 'Message Intermediate, Throwing', null, null, dt + 'message intermedi…
899 …;symbol=message;', w, h, '', 'Message Intermediate, Catching', null, null, dt + 'message intermedi…
900 …ge;', w, h, '', 'Message Intermediate, Boundary Interrupting', null, null, dt + 'message intermedi…
901 …, w, h, '', 'Message Intermediate, Boundary Non-Interrupting', null, null, dt + 'message intermedi…
902 …xTemplateEntry(s + 'end;symbol=message;', w, h, '', 'Message End', null, null, dt + 'message end'),
903 …tandard;symbol=timer;', w, h, '', 'Timer Start, Interrupting', null, null, dt + 'timer start inter…
904 …int;symbol=timer;', w, h, '', 'Timer Start, Non-Interrupting', null, null, dt + 'timer start non i…
905 …hing;symbol=timer;', w, h, '', 'Timer Intermediate, Catching', null, null, dt + 'timer intermediat…
906 …imer;', w, h, '', 'Timer Intermediate, Boundary Interrupting', null, null, dt + 'timer intermediat…
907 …;', w, h, '', 'Timer Intermediate, Boundary Non-Interrupting', null, null, dt + 'timer intermediat…
908 …mbol=escalation;', w, h, '', 'Escalation Start, Interrupting', null, null, dt + 'escalation start …
909 …=escalation;', w, h, '', 'Escalation Start, Non-Interrupting', null, null, dt + 'escalation start …
910 …ion;', w, h, '', 'Escalation Intermediate, Boundary Throwing', null, null, dt + 'escalation interm…
911 …', w, h, '', 'Escalation Intermediate, Boundary Interrupting', null, null, dt + 'escalation interm…
912 …tion;', w, h, '', 'Escalation Intermediate, Non-Interrupting', null, null, dt + 'escalation interm…
913 …Entry(s + 'end;symbol=escalation;', w, h, '', 'Escalation End', null, null, dt + 'escalation end'),
914 …ventInt;symbol=error;', w, h, '', 'Error Start, Interrupting', null, null, dt + 'error start inter…
915 …rror;', w, h, '', 'Error Intermediate, Boundary Interrupting', null, null, dt + 'error intermediat…
916 …this.createVertexTemplateEntry(s + 'end;symbol=error;', w, h, '', 'Error End', null, null, dt + 'e…
917 …=compensation;', w, h, '', 'Compensation Start, Interrupting', null, null, dt + 'compensation star…
918 …mpensation;', w, h, '', 'Compensation Intermediate, Throwing', null, null, dt + 'compensation inte…
919 … w, h, '', 'Compensation Intermediate, Boundary Interrupting', null, null, dt + 'compensation inte…
920 …(s + 'end;symbol=compensation;', w, h, '', 'Compensation End', null, null, dt + 'compensation end'…
921 …ol=conditional;', w, h, '', 'Conditional Start, Interrupting', null, null, dt + 'conditional start…
922 …onditional;', w, h, '', 'Conditional Start, Non-Interrupting', null, null, dt + 'conditional start…
923 …conditional;', w, h, '', 'Conditional Intermediate, Catching', null, null, dt + 'conditional inter…
924 …, w, h, '', 'Conditional Intermediate, Boundary Interrupting', null, null, dt + 'conditional inter…
925 … h, '', 'Conditional Intermediate, Boundary Non-Interrupting', null, null, dt + 'conditional inter…
926 …tching;symbol=link;', w, h, '', 'Link Intermediate, Catching', null, null, dt + 'link intermediate…
927 …rowing;symbol=link;', w, h, '', 'Link Intermediate, Throwing', null, null, dt + 'link intermediate…
928 …ndard;symbol=signal;', w, h, '', 'Signal Start, Interrupting', null, null, dt + 'signal start inte…
929 …t;symbol=signal;', w, h, '', 'Signal Start, Non-Interrupting', null, null, dt + 'signal start non …
930 …ng;symbol=signal;', w, h, '', 'Signal Intermediate, Catching', null, null, dt + 'signal intermedia…
931 …ng;symbol=signal;', w, h, '', 'Signal Intermediate, Throwing', null, null, dt + 'signal intermedia…
932 …nal;', w, h, '', 'Signal Intermediate, Boundary Interrupting', null, null, dt + 'signal intermedia…
933 …', w, h, '', 'Signal Intermediate, Boundary Non-Interrupting', null, null, dt + 'signal intermedia…
934 …this.createVertexTemplateEntry(s + 'end;symbol=signal;', w, h, '', 'Signal End', null, null, dt + …
935 …d;symbol=multiple;', w, h, '', 'Multiple Start, Interrupting', null, null, dt + 'multiple start in…
936 …mbol=multiple;', w, h, '', 'Multiple Start, Non-Interrupting', null, null, dt + 'multiple start no…
937 …ymbol=multiple;', w, h, '', 'Multiple Intermediate, Catching', null, null, dt + 'multiple intermed…
938 …ymbol=multiple;', w, h, '', 'Multiple Intermediate, Throwing', null, null, dt + 'multiple intermed…
939 …e;', w, h, '', 'Multiple Intermediate, Boundary Interrupting', null, null, dt + 'multiple intermed…
940 … w, h, '', 'Multiple Intermediate, Boundary Non-Interrupting', null, null, dt + 'multiple intermed…
941 …mplateEntry(s + 'end;symbol=multiple;', w, h, '', 'Multiple End', null, null, dt + 'multiple end'),
942 …Multiple;', w, h, '', 'Parallel Multiple Start, Interrupting', null, null, dt + 'parallel multiple…
943 …iple;', w, h, '', 'Parallel Multiple Start, Non-Interrupting', null, null, dt + 'parallel multiple…
944 …tiple;', w, h, '', 'Parallel Multiple Intermediate, Catching', null, null, dt + 'parallel multiple…
945 …, '', 'Parallel Multiple Intermediate, Boundary Interrupting', null, null, dt + 'parallel multiple…
946 …, 'Parallel Multiple Intermediate, Boundary Non-Interrupting', null, null, dt + 'parallel multiple…
947 …cel;', w, h, '', 'Cancel Intermediate, Boundary Interrupting', null, null, dt + 'cancel intermedia…
948 …this.createVertexTemplateEntry(s + 'end;symbol=cancel;', w, h, '', 'Cancel End', null, null, dt + …
949 …xTemplateEntry(s + 'end;symbol=terminate;', w, h, '', 'Terminate', null, null, dt + 'terminate')
963 var dt = 'bpmn business process model notation gateway ';
970 …this.createVertexTemplateEntry(s2 + 'none;symbol=none;', w, h, '', 'Exclusive', null, null, dt + '…
971 …s2 + 'none;symbol=none;gwType=exclusive;', w, h, '', 'Exclusive', null, null, dt + 'exclusive'),
972 …this.createVertexTemplateEntry(s2 + 'end;symbol=general;', w, h, '', 'Inclusive', null, null, dt +…
973 …ry(s2 + 'none;symbol=none;gwType=parallel;', w, h, '', 'Parallel', null, null, dt + 'parallel'),
974 …Entry(s2 + 'none;symbol=none;gwType=complex;', w, h, '', 'Complex', null, null, dt + 'complex'),
976 …exTemplateEntry(s2 + 'standard;symbol=general;', w, h, '', 'Start', null, null, dt + 'none start'),
977 …try(s2 + 'throwing;symbol=general;', w, h, '', 'Intermediate', null, null, dt + 'none intermediate…
978 …this.createVertexTemplateEntry(s2 + 'end;symbol=general;', w, h, '', 'End', null, null, dt + 'none…
979 …ateEntry(s2 + 'standard;symbol=message;', w, h, '', 'Message', null, null, dt + 'message standard'…
980 …eventInt;symbol=message;', w, h, '', 'Message (Interrupting)', null, null, dt + 'message interrupt…
981 …nint;symbol=message;', w, h, '', 'Message (Non-Interrupting)', null, null, dt + 'message non inter…
982 … + 'catching;symbol=message;', w, h, '', 'Message (Catching)', null, null, dt + 'message catching'…
983 …symbol=message;', w, h, '', 'Message Boundary (Interrupting)', null, null, dt + 'message boundary …
984 …ol=message;', w, h, '', 'Message Boundary (Non-Interrupting)', null, null, dt + 'message boundary …
985 … + 'throwing;symbol=message;', w, h, '', 'Message (Throwing)', null, null, dt + 'message throwing'…
986 …TemplateEntry(s2 + 'end;symbol=message;', w, h, '', 'Message End', null, null, dt + 'message end'),
987 …this.createVertexTemplateEntry(s2 + 'standard;symbol=timer;', w, h, '', 'Timer', null, null, dt + …
988 … + 'eventInt;symbol=timer;', w, h, '', 'Timer (Interrupting)', null, null, dt + 'timer interruptin…
989 …ntNonint;symbol=timer;', w, h, '', 'Timer (Non-Interrupting)', null, null, dt + 'timer non interru…
990 …ry(s2 + 'catching;symbol=timer;', w, h, '', 'Timer (Catching)', null, null, dt + 'timer catching'),
991 …Int;symbol=timer;', w, h, '', 'Timer Boundary (Interrupting)', null, null, dt + 'timer boundary in…
992 …symbol=timer;', w, h, '', 'Timer Boundary (Non-Interrupting)', null, null, dt + 'timer boundary no…
993 …nt;symbol=escalation;', w, h, '', 'Escalation (Interrupting)', null, null, dt + 'escalation interr…
994 …ymbol=escalation;', w, h, '', 'Escalation (Non-Interrupting)', null, null, dt + 'escalation non in…
995 …=escalation;', w, h, '', 'Escalation Boundary (Interrupting)', null, null, dt + 'escalation bounda…
996 …alation;', w, h, '', 'Escalation Boundary (Non-Interrupting)', null, null, dt + 'escalation bounda…
997 …rowing;symbol=escalation;', w, h, '', 'Escalation (Throwing)', null, null, dt + 'escalation throwi…
998 …ntry(s2 + 'end;symbol=escalation;', w, h, '', 'Escalation End', null, null, dt + 'escalation end'),
999 …(s2 + 'standard;symbol=conditional;', w, h, '', 'Conditional', null, null, dt + 'conditional stand…
1000 …;symbol=conditional;', w, h, '', 'Conditional (Interrupting)', null, null, dt + 'conditional inter…
1001 …bol=conditional;', w, h, '', 'Conditional (Non-Interrupting)', null, null, dt + 'conditional non i…
1002 …hing;symbol=conditional;', w, h, '', 'Conditional (Catching)', null, null, dt + 'conditional catch…
1003 …onditional;', w, h, '', 'Conditional Boundary (Interrupting)', null, null, dt + 'conditional bound…
1004 …tional;', w, h, '', 'Conditional Boundary (Non-Interrupting)', null, null, dt + 'conditional bound…
1005 …Entry(s2 + 'catching;symbol=link;', w, h, '', 'Link (Catching)', null, null, dt + 'link catching'),
1006 …Entry(s2 + 'throwing;symbol=link;', w, h, '', 'Link (Throwing)', null, null, dt + 'link throwing'),
1007 … + 'eventInt;symbol=error;', w, h, '', 'Error (Interrupting)', null, null, dt + 'error interruptin…
1008 …Int;symbol=error;', w, h, '', 'Error Boundary (Interrupting)', null, null, dt + 'error boundary in…
1009 …this.createVertexTemplateEntry(s2 + 'end;symbol=error;', w, h, '', 'Error (End)', null, null, dt +…
1010 …t;symbol=cancel;', w, h, '', 'Cancel Boundary (Interrupting)', null, null, dt + 'cancel boundary i…
1011 …this.createVertexTemplateEntry(s2 + 'end;symbol=cancel;', w, h, '', 'Cancel End', null, null, dt +…
1012 …ymbol=compensation;', w, h, '', 'Compensation (Interrupting)', null, null, dt + 'compensation inte…
1013 …pensation;', w, h, '', 'Compensation Boundary (Interrupting)', null, null, dt + 'compensation boun…
1014 …ng;symbol=compensation;', w, h, '', 'Compensation (Throwing)', null, null, dt + 'compensation thro…
1015 …s2 + 'end;symbol=compensation;', w, h, '', 'Compensation End', null, null, dt + 'compensation end'…
1016 …plateEntry(s2 + 'standard;symbol=signal;', w, h, '', 'Signal', null, null, dt + 'signal standard'),
1017 … 'eventInt;symbol=signal;', w, h, '', 'Signal (Interrupting)', null, null, dt + 'signal interrupti…
1018 …Nonint;symbol=signal;', w, h, '', 'Signal (Non-Interrupting)', null, null, dt + 'signal non interr…
1019 …s2 + 'catching;symbol=signal;', w, h, '', 'Signal (Catching)', null, null, dt + 'signal catching'),
1020 …t;symbol=signal;', w, h, '', 'Signal Boundary (Interrupting)', null, null, dt + 'signal boundary i…
1021 …mbol=signal;', w, h, '', 'Signal Boundary (Non-Interrupting)', null, null, dt + 'signal boundary n…
1022 …s2 + 'throwing;symbol=signal;', w, h, '', 'Signal (Throwing)', null, null, dt + 'signal throwing'),
1023 …this.createVertexTemplateEntry(s2 + 'end;symbol=signal;', w, h, '', 'Signal End', null, null, dt +…
1024 …Entry(s2 + 'standard;symbol=multiple;', w, h, '', 'Multiple ', null, null, dt + 'multiple standard…
1025 …entInt;symbol=multiple;', w, h, '', 'Multiple (Interrupting)', null, null, dt + 'multiple interrup…
1026 …nt;symbol=multiple;', w, h, '', 'Multiple (Non-Interrupting)', null, null, dt + 'multiple non inte…
1027 … 'catching;symbol=multiple;', w, h, '', 'Multiple (Catching)', null, null, dt + 'multiple catching…
1028 …mbol=multiple;', w, h, '', 'Multiple Boundary (Interrupting)', null, null, dt + 'multiple boundary…
1029 …=multiple;', w, h, '', 'Multiple Boundary (Non-Interrupting)', null, null, dt + 'multiple boundary…
1030 … 'throwing;symbol=multiple;', w, h, '', 'Multiple (Throwing)', null, null, dt + 'multiple throwing…
1031 …plateEntry(s2 + 'end;symbol=multiple;', w, h, '', 'Multiple End', null, null, dt + 'multiple end'),
1032 …teEntry(s2 + 'standard;symbol=star;', w, h, '', 'Multiple Start', null, null, dt + 'multiple end'),
1033 …dard;symbol=parallelMultiple;', w, h, '', 'Parallel Multiple', null, null, dt + 'parallel multiple…
1034 …allelMultiple;', w, h, '', 'Parallel Multiple (Interrupting)', null, null, dt + 'parallel multiple…
1035 …lMultiple;', w, h, '', 'Parallel Multiple (Non-Interrupting)', null, null, dt + 'parallel multiple…
1036 …=parallelMultiple;', w, h, '', 'Parallel Multiple (Catching)', null, null, dt + 'parallel multiple…
1037 …iple;', w, h, '', 'Parallel Multiple Boundary (Interrupting)', null, null, dt + 'parallel multiple…
1038 …;', w, h, '', 'Parallel Multiple Boundary (Non-Interrupting)', null, null, dt + 'parallel multiple…
1039 …texTemplateEntry(s2 + 'end;symbol=terminate;', w, h, '', 'Terminate', null, null, dt + 'terminate')