Lines Matching refs:defVal
296 … {name: 'comic', dispName: 'Comic', type: 'bool', defVal: false, isVisible: function(state, format)
300 …{name: 'jiggle', dispName: 'Jiggle', type: 'float', min: 0, defVal: 1, isVisible: function(state, …
305 …{name: 'fillWeight', dispName: 'Fill Weight', type: 'int', defVal: -1, isVisible: function(state, …
309 …{name: 'hachureGap', dispName: 'Hachure Gap', type: 'int', defVal: -1, isVisible: function(state, …
313 …{name: 'hachureAngle', dispName: 'Hachure Angle', type: 'int', defVal: -41, isVisible: function(st…
317 …{name: 'curveFitting', dispName: 'Curve Fitting', type: 'float', defVal: 0.95, isVisible: function…
321 …{name: 'simplification', dispName: 'Simplification', type: 'float', defVal: 0, min: 0, max: 1, isV…
325 …{name: 'disableMultiStroke', dispName: 'Disable Multi Stroke', type: 'bool', defVal: false, isVisi…
329 …leMultiStrokeFill', dispName: 'Disable Multi Stroke Fill', type: 'bool', defVal: false, isVisible:…
333 …{name: 'dashOffset', dispName: 'Dash Offset', type: 'int', defVal: -1, isVisible: function(state, …
337 …{name: 'dashGap', dispName: 'Dash Gap', type: 'int', defVal: -1, isVisible: function(state, format)
341 …{name: 'zigzagOffset', dispName: 'ZigZag Offset', type: 'int', defVal: -1, isVisible: function(sta…
345 …{name: 'jiggle', dispName: 'Jiggle', type: 'float', min: 0, defVal: 1, isVisible: function(state, …
350 {name: 'sketchStyle', dispName: 'Sketch Style', type: 'enum', defVal: 'rough',
363 … {name: 'arcSize', dispName: 'Arc Size', type: 'float', min:0, defVal: mxConstants.LINE_ARCSIZE},
364 {name: 'sourcePortConstraint', dispName: 'Source Constraint', type: 'enum', defVal: 'none',
367 {name: 'targetPortConstraint', dispName: 'Target Constraint', type: 'enum', defVal: 'none',
370 …{name: 'jettySize', dispName: 'Jetty Size', type: 'int', min: 0, defVal: 'auto', allowAuto: true, …
374 {name: 'fillOpacity', dispName: 'Fill Opacity', type: 'int', min: 0, max: 100, defVal: 100},
375 … {name: 'strokeOpacity', dispName: 'Stroke Opacity', type: 'int', min: 0, max: 100, defVal: 100},
376 {name: 'startFill', dispName: 'Start Fill', type: 'bool', defVal: true},
377 {name: 'endFill', dispName: 'End Fill', type: 'bool', defVal: true},
378 {name: 'perimeterSpacing', dispName: 'Terminal Spacing', type: 'float', defVal: 0},
379 {name: 'anchorPointDirection', dispName: 'Anchor Direction', type: 'bool', defVal: true},
380 {name: 'snapToPoint', dispName: 'Snap to Point', type: 'bool', defVal: false},
381 {name: 'fixDash', dispName: 'Fixed Dash', type: 'bool', defVal: false},
382 {name: 'editable', dispName: 'Editable', type: 'bool', defVal: true},
383 {name: 'metaEdit', dispName: 'Edit Dialog', type: 'bool', defVal: false},
384 {name: 'backgroundOutline', dispName: 'Background Outline', type: 'bool', defVal: false},
385 {name: 'bendable', dispName: 'Bendable', type: 'bool', defVal: true},
386 {name: 'movable', dispName: 'Movable', type: 'bool', defVal: true},
387 {name: 'cloneable', dispName: 'Cloneable', type: 'bool', defVal: true},
388 {name: 'deletable', dispName: 'Deletable', type: 'bool', defVal: true},
389 {name: 'noJump', dispName: 'No Jumps', type: 'bool', defVal: false},
390 {name: 'flowAnimation', dispName: 'Flow Animation', type: 'bool', defVal: false},
391 {name: 'ignoreEdge', dispName: 'Ignore Edge', type: 'bool', defVal: false},
392 {name: 'orthogonalLoop', dispName: 'Loop Routing', type: 'bool', defVal: false},
393 {name: 'orthogonal', dispName: 'Orthogonal', type: 'bool', defVal: false}
400 …{name: 'colspan', dispName: 'Colspan', type: 'int', min: 1, defVal: 1, isVisible: function(state, …
407 …{name: 'rowspan', dispName: 'Rowspan', type: 'int', min: 1, defVal: 1, isVisible: function(state, …
443 {name: 'fillOpacity', dispName: 'Fill Opacity', type: 'int', min: 0, max: 100, defVal: 100},
444 … {name: 'strokeOpacity', dispName: 'Stroke Opacity', type: 'int', min: 0, max: 100, defVal: 100},
445 {name: 'overflow', dispName: 'Text Overflow', defVal: 'visible', type: 'enum',
449 {name: 'noLabel', dispName: 'Hide Label', type: 'bool', defVal: false},
450 {name: 'labelPadding', dispName: 'Label Padding', type: 'float', defVal: 0},
451 {name: 'direction', dispName: 'Direction', type: 'enum', defVal: 'east',
454 {name: 'portConstraint', dispName: 'Constraint', type: 'enum', defVal: 'none',
457 … {name: 'portConstraintRotation', dispName: 'Rotate Constraint', type: 'bool', defVal: false},
468 {name: 'allowArrows', dispName: 'Allow Arrows', type: 'bool', defVal: true},
469 {name: 'snapToPoint', dispName: 'Snap to Point', type: 'bool', defVal: false},
470 {name: 'perimeter', dispName: 'Perimeter', defVal: 'none', type: 'enum',
480 {name: 'fixDash', dispName: 'Fixed Dash', type: 'bool', defVal: false},
481 {name: 'autosize', dispName: 'Autosize', type: 'bool', defVal: false},
482 …{name: 'container', dispName: 'Container', type: 'bool', defVal: false, isVisible: function(state,…
507 …{name: 'recursiveResize', dispName: 'Resize Children', type: 'bool', defVal: true, isVisible: func…
513 {name: 'expand', dispName: 'Expand', type: 'bool', defVal: true},
514 … {name: 'part', dispName: 'Part', type: 'bool', defVal: false, isVisible: function(state, format)
520 {name: 'editable', dispName: 'Editable', type: 'bool', defVal: true},
521 {name: 'metaEdit', dispName: 'Edit Dialog', type: 'bool', defVal: false},
522 {name: 'backgroundOutline', dispName: 'Background Outline', type: 'bool', defVal: false},
523 {name: 'movable', dispName: 'Movable', type: 'bool', defVal: true},
524 …{name: 'movableLabel', dispName: 'Movable Label', type: 'bool', defVal: false, isVisible: function…
530 {name: 'resizable', dispName: 'Resizable', type: 'bool', defVal: true},
531 {name: 'resizeWidth', dispName: 'Resize Width', type: 'bool', defVal: false},
532 {name: 'resizeHeight', dispName: 'Resize Height', type: 'bool', defVal: false},
533 {name: 'rotatable', dispName: 'Rotatable', type: 'bool', defVal: true},
534 {name: 'cloneable', dispName: 'Cloneable', type: 'bool', defVal: true},
535 {name: 'deletable', dispName: 'Deletable', type: 'bool', defVal: true},
536 {name: 'treeFolding', dispName: 'Tree Folding', type: 'bool', defVal: false},
537 {name: 'treeMoving', dispName: 'Tree Moving', type: 'bool', defVal: false},
538 …{name: 'pointerEvents', dispName: 'Pointer Events', type: 'bool', defVal: true, isVisible: functio…
546 …{name: 'moveCells', dispName: 'Move Cells on Fold', type: 'bool', defVal: false, isVisible: functi…
4186 … {name: 'arcSize', dispName: 'Arc Size', type: 'float', min:0, defVal: mxConstants.LINE_ARCSIZE},
4187 {name: 'absoluteArcSize', dispName: 'Abs. Arc Size', type: 'bool', defVal: false}
4191 {name: 'width', dispName: 'Width', type: 'float', min:0, defVal: 4}
4195 {name: 'width', dispName: 'Width', type: 'float', min:0, defVal: 10},
4196 {name: 'startWidth', dispName: 'Start Width', type: 'float', min:0, defVal: 20},
4197 {name: 'endWidth', dispName: 'End Width', type: 'float', min:0, defVal: 20}
4201 {name: 'size', dispName: 'Indent', type: 'float', min: 0, max: 0.5, defVal: 0.1}
4205 …{name: 'arcSize', dispName: 'Arc Size', type: 'float', min:0, max: 50, defVal: mxConstants.LINE_AR…
4206 {name: 'double', dispName: 'Double', type: 'bool', defVal: false}
4210 {name: 'top', dispName: 'Top Line', type: 'bool', defVal: true},
4211 {name: 'bottom', dispName: 'Bottom Line', type: 'bool', defVal: true},
4212 {name: 'left', dispName: 'Left Line', type: 'bool', defVal: true},
4213 {name: 'right', dispName: 'Right Line', type: 'bool', defVal: true}
4217 … {name: 'arcSize', dispName: 'Arc Size', type: 'float', min:0, defVal: mxConstants.LINE_ARCSIZE},
4218 {name: 'size', dispName: 'Slope Angle', type: 'float', min:0, max: 1, defVal: 0.2}
4222 … {name: 'arcSize', dispName: 'Arc Size', type: 'float', min:0, defVal: mxConstants.LINE_ARCSIZE},
4223 {name: 'size', dispName: 'Slope Angle', type: 'float', min:0, max: 1, defVal: 0.25}
4227 … {name: 'arcSize', dispName: 'Arc Size', type: 'float', min:0, defVal: mxConstants.LINE_ARCSIZE}
4231 {name: 'size', dispName: 'Size', type: 'float', defVal: 0.3, min:0, max:1}
4235 … {name: 'arcSize', dispName: 'Arc Size', type: 'float', min:0, defVal: mxConstants.LINE_ARCSIZE},
4236 {name: 'dx', dispName: 'Left Line', type: 'float', min:0, defVal: 20},
4237 {name: 'dy', dispName: 'Top Line', type: 'float', min:0, defVal: 20}
4241 {name: 'size', dispName: 'Size', type: 'float', min:0, defVal:20 },
4242 {name: 'darkOpacity', dispName: 'Dark Opacity', type: 'float', min:-1, max:1, defVal:0 },
4243 {name: 'darkOpacity2', dispName: 'Dark Opacity 2', type: 'float', min:-1, max:1, defVal:0 }
4247 {name: 'size', dispName: 'Notch Size', type: 'float', min:0, defVal:20},
4248 {name: 'fixedSize', dispName: 'Fixed Size', type: 'bool', defVal:true}
4252 … {name: 'arcSize', dispName: 'Arc Size', type: 'float', min:0, defVal: mxConstants.LINE_ARCSIZE},
4253 {name: 'size', dispName: 'Slope Angle', type: 'float', min:0, max: 1, defVal: 0.2}
4257 {name: 'size', dispName: 'Size', type: 'float', min:0, max:1, defVal:0.4 }
4261 {name: 'size', dispName: 'Fold Size', type: 'float', min:0, defVal: 30},
4262 {name: 'darkOpacity', dispName: 'Dark Opacity', type: 'float', min:-1, max:1, defVal:0 },
4266 … {name: 'arcSize', dispName: 'Arc Size', type: 'float', min:0, defVal: mxConstants.LINE_ARCSIZE},
4267 {name: 'size', dispName: 'Cutoff Size', type: 'float', min:0, defVal: 30}
4271 … {name: 'arcSize', dispName: 'Arc Size', type: 'float', min:0, defVal: mxConstants.LINE_ARCSIZE},
4272 {name: 'base', dispName: 'Callout Width', type: 'float', min:0, defVal: 20},
4273 {name: 'size', dispName: 'Callout Length', type: 'float', min:0, defVal: 30},
4274 {name: 'position', dispName: 'Callout Position', type: 'float', min:0, max:1, defVal: 0.5},
4275 … {name: 'position2', dispName: 'Callout Tip Position', type: 'float', min:0, max:1, defVal: 0.5}
4287 {name: 'arcSize', dispName: 'Arc Size', type: 'float', min:0, defVal: 15},
4289 {name: 'horizontal', dispName: 'Horizontal', type: 'bool', defVal: true},
4290 {name: 'separatorColor', dispName: 'Separator Color', type: 'color', defVal: null},
4294 {name: 'rowLines', dispName: 'Row Lines', type: 'bool', defVal: true},
4295 {name: 'columnLines', dispName: 'Column Lines', type: 'bool', defVal: true},
4296 {name: 'fixedRows', dispName: 'Fixed Rows', type: 'bool', defVal: false},
4297 {name: 'resizeLast', dispName: 'Resize Last Column', type: 'bool', defVal: false},
4298 {name: 'resizeLastRow', dispName: 'Resize Last Row', type: 'bool', defVal: false}].
4302 {name: 'margin', dispName: 'Indent', type: 'float', min:0, defVal:4}
4306 {name: 'arcSize', dispName: 'Arc Size', type: 'float', min:0, defVal: 15},
4307 {name: 'double', dispName: 'Double', type: 'bool', defVal: false},
4308 {name: 'margin', dispName: 'Indent', type: 'float', min: 0, defVal:0}
4312 {name: 'rounded', dispName: 'Rounded', type: 'bool', defVal: true},
4313 {name: 'size', dispName: 'Size', type: 'float', min:0, max: 1, defVal: 0.5}
4317 {name: 'imageAspect', dispName: 'Fixed Image Aspect', type: 'bool', defVal:true}
4321 {name: 'imageAspect', dispName: 'Fixed Image Aspect', type: 'bool', defVal:true},
4325 {val: 'right', dispName: 'Right'}], defVal: 'left'},
4329 {val: 'bottom', dispName: 'Bottom'}], defVal: 'middle'},
4330 {name: 'imageWidth', dispName: 'Image Width', type: 'float', min:0, defVal: 24},
4331 {name: 'imageHeight', dispName: 'Image Height', type: 'float', min:0, defVal: 24},
4332 {name: 'arcSize', dispName: 'Arc Size', type: 'float', min:0, defVal: 12},
4333 {name: 'absoluteArcSize', dispName: 'Abs. Arc Size', type: 'bool', defVal: false}
4337 {name: 'size', dispName: 'Size', type: 'float', min:0, max:1, defVal:0.1 }
4341 {name: 'size', dispName: 'Size', type: 'float', min:0, defVal:30 },
4342 {name: 'arcSize', dispName: 'Arc Size', type: 'float', min:0, defVal: 20}
4346 {name: 'size', dispName: 'Size', type: 'float', min:0, defVal:20 },
4347 {name: 'arcSize', dispName: 'Arc Size', type: 'float', min:0, defVal: 20}
4351 {name: 'size', dispName: 'Size', type: 'float', min:0, defVal:38 },
4352 {name: 'arcSize', dispName: 'Arc Size', type: 'float', min:0, defVal: 20}
4356 {name: 'size', dispName: 'Size', type: 'float', min: 0, max: 1, defVal: 0.25 }
4360 {name: 'arrowWidth', dispName: 'Arrow Width', type: 'float', min: 0, max: 1, defVal: 0.3 },
4361 … {name: 'arrowSize', dispName: 'Arrowhead Length', type: 'float', min: 0, max: 1, defVal: 0.2 }
4365 {name: 'arrowWidth', dispName: 'Arrow Width', type: 'float', min: 0, max: 1, defVal: 0.3 },
4366 … {name: 'arrowSize', dispName: 'Arrowhead Length', type: 'float', min: 0, max: 1, defVal: 0.2 }
4370 {name: 'size', dispName: 'Size', type: 'float', min: 0, max: 1, defVal: 0.2 }
4374 {name: 'dx', dispName: 'Width1', type: 'float', min: 0, defVal: 20 },
4375 {name: 'dy', dispName: 'Width2', type: 'float', min: 0, defVal: 20 }
4379 {name: 'dx', dispName: 'Width1', type: 'float', min: 0, defVal: 20 },
4380 {name: 'dy', dispName: 'Width2', type: 'float', min: 0, defVal: 20 }
4384 {name: 'participant', dispName:'Participant', type:'enum', defVal:'none', enumList:[
4391 {name: 'size', dispName:'Height', type:'float', defVal:40, min:0}
4395 {name: 'width', dispName:'Title Width', type:'float', defVal:60, min:0},
4396 {name: 'height', dispName:'Title Height', type:'float', defVal:30, min:0}
4676 var defVal = prop.dependentPropsDefVal[i];
4687 vals.push(defVal);
4751 function createDynArrList(pName, pValue, subType, defVal, countProperty, myRow, flipBkg) argument
4756 …secondLevel.push({name: pName, values: vals, type: subType, defVal: defVal, countProperty: countPr…
4780 …= {type: subType, parentRow: myRow, index: index, isDeletable: true, defVal: defVal, countProperty… property in StyleFormatPanel.addProperties.createDynArrList.AnonymousFunctionc583fea83300.newProp
4782 applyStyleVal(pName, defVal, newProp);
4795 function createStaticArrList(pName, pValue, subType, defVal, size, myRow, flipBkg) argument
4805 vals[i] = curVals[i] != null? curVals[i] : (defVal != null? defVal : '');
4808 …secondLevel.push({name: pName, values: vals, type: subType, defVal: defVal, parentRow: myRow, flip…
5133 …((prop.getDefaultValue != null) ? prop.getDefaultValue(state, this) : prop.defVal); //or undefined…
5142 … prop.size = parseInt([prop.sizeProperty] || properties[prop.sizeProperty].defVal) || 0;
5174 …arentRow: prop.parentRow, isDeletable: prop.isDeletable, index: j, defVal: prop.defVal, countPrope… property in StyleFormatPanel.addProperties.iProp