Lines Matching refs:opt

1121         var calendarTransform = this.calendar.opt('eventDataTransform');
1681 Interaction.prototype.opt = function (name) {
1682 return this.view.opt(name);
1751 var forceEventDuration = calendar.opt('forceEventDuration');
1758 forcedAllDay = calendar.opt('allDayDefault');
3054 return this.source.calendar.opt('eventConstraint'); // what about View option?
3063 return this.source.calendar.opt('eventOverlap'); // what about View option?
3387 if (!end && calendar.opt('forceEventDuration')) {
3682 isEditable = this.opt('eventStartEditable');
3692 isEditable = this.opt('editable');
3700 return this.opt('eventResizableFromStart') && this.isEventDefResizable(eventDef);
3710 isResizable = this.opt('eventDurationEditable');
3804 _this.eventOrderSpecs = util_1.parseFieldSpecs(_this.opt('eventOrder'));
3815 View.prototype.opt = function (name) {
3822 event: this.opt('eventRenderWait')
3876 …}, dateProfile.isRangeAllDay, this.opt('titleFormat') || this.computeTitleFormat(dateProfile), thi…
3886 return this.opt('monthYearFormat'); // like "September 2014"
4046 if (this.opt('nowIndicator')) {
4327 if (this.isSelected && this.opt('unselectAuto')) {
4329 ignore = this.opt('unselectCancel');
4375 var val = this.opt(name);
4387 … var hiddenDays = this.opt('hiddenDays') || []; // array of day-of-week indices that are hidden
4391 if (this.opt('weekends') === false) {
4499 EventRenderer.prototype.opt = function (name) {
4500 return this.view.opt(name);
4507 this.opt('eventTimeFormat') ||
4508 this.opt('timeFormat') || // deprecated
4510 displayEventTime = this.opt('displayEventTime');
4514 displayEventEnd = this.opt('displayEventEnd');
4709 return this.opt('smallTimeFormat');
4750 val = this.opt('eventBackgroundColor') || this.opt('eventColor');
4764 val = this.opt('eventBorderColor') || this.opt('eventColor');
4778 val = this.opt('eventTextColor');
5688 DateProfileGenerator.prototype.opt = function (name) {
5689 return this._view.opt(name);
5738 if (!this.opt('showNonCurrentDates')) {
5741 minTime = moment.duration(this.opt('minTime'));
5742 maxTime = moment.duration(this.opt('maxTime'));
5802 else if ((dayCount = this.opt('dayCount'))) {
5838 var alignment = this.opt('dateAlignment');
5846 dateIncrementInput = this.opt('dateIncrement');
5884 var customAlignment = this.opt('dateAlignment');
5936 var dateIncrementInput = this.opt('dateIncrement');
5941 else if ((customAlignment = this.opt('dateAlignment'))) {
6692 this.opt('columnHeaderFormat') ||
6693 this.opt('columnFormat') || // deprecated
6751 return this.opt('dayOfMonthFormat'); // "Sat 12/10"
6878 if (typeof t.opt('columnHeaderHtml') === 'function') {
6879 innerHtml = t.opt('columnHeaderHtml')(date);
6881 else if (typeof t.opt('columnHeaderText') === 'function') {
6882 innerHtml = util_1.htmlEscape(t.opt('columnHeaderText')(date));
7746 var clickOption = _this.opt('eventLimitClick');
7798 viewportConstrain: this.opt('popoverViewportConstrain'),
7829 var title = this.getCellDate(row, col).format(this.opt('dayPopoverFormat'));
7882 var opt = this.opt('eventLimitText');
7883 if (typeof opt === 'function') {
7884 return opt(num);
7887 return '+' + num + ' ' + opt;
7939 if (_this.opt('weekNumbers')) {
7940 if (_this.opt('weekNumbersWithinDays')) {
7988 (this.opt('columnHeader') ?
8011 var eventLimit = this.opt('eventLimit');
8018 var eventLimit = this.opt('eventLimit');
8114 util_1.htmlEscape(this.opt('weekNumberTitle')) +
8356 Constraints.prototype.opt = function (name) {
8357 return this._calendar.opt(name);
8372 var eventAllowFunc = this.opt('eventAllow');
8395 …tprintAllowed(componentFootprint, peerEventFootprints, this.opt('selectConstraint'), this.opt('sel…
8396 selectAllowFunc = this.opt('selectAllow');
9402 startParam = calendar.opt('startParam');
9406 endParam = calendar.opt('endParam');
9410 timezoneParam = calendar.opt('timezoneParam');
10041 _this.nextDayThreshold = moment.duration(_this.opt('nextDayThreshold'));
10042 _this.isRTL = _this.opt('isRTL');
10078 DateComponent.prototype.opt = function (name) {
10079 return this._getView().opt(name); // default implementation
10482 if (!forceOff && this.opt('navLinks')) {
10495 return this.opt('allDayHtml') || util_1.htmlEscape(this.opt('allDayText'));
10641 var optHandler = this.opt(name);
10664 this.opt(name); // handler specified in options
10686 Calendar.prototype.opt = function (name) {
10729 var defaultDateInput = this.opt('defaultDate');
10815 … var customAction = _this.view.opt('navLink' + util_1.capitaliseFirstLetter(viewType) + 'Click');
10860 this.renderView(this.opt('defaultView'));
10861 if (this.opt('handleWindowResize')) {
10863 this.windowResize.bind(this), this.opt('windowResizeDelay')));
10972 return this.opt('contentHeight') === 'auto' || this.opt('height') === 'auto';
10998 var contentHeightInput = this.opt('contentHeight');
10999 var heightInput = this.opt('height');
11017 Math.max(this.opt('aspectRatio'), .5));
11069 layout: this.opt('header')
11075 layout: this.opt('footer')
11151 this.defaultAllDayEventDuration = moment.duration(this.opt('defaultAllDayEventDuration'));
11152 this.defaultTimedEventDuration = moment.duration(this.opt('defaultTimedEventDuration'));
11211 if (this.opt('timezone') === 'local') {
11218 else if (this.opt('timezone') === 'UTC') {
11253 return this.opt('timezone') !== 'local' && this.opt('timezone') !== 'UTC';
11303 var now = this.opt('now');
11312 return duration.locale(this.opt('locale')).humanize();
11337 var rawSources = this.opt('eventSources') || [];
11338 var singleRawSource = this.opt('events');
11356 …return this.eventManager.requestEvents(start, end, this.opt('timezone'), !this.opt('lazyFetching')…
11587 if (this.opt('droppable')) { // only listen if this setting is on
11591 accept = this.opt('dropAccept');
11818 scroll: this.opt('dragScroll'),
11979 var delay = this.opt('eventLongPressDelay');
11981 delay = this.opt('longPressDelay'); // fallback
12056 scroll: this.opt('dragScroll'),
12065 opacity: dragListener.isTouch ? null : _this.opt('dragOpacity'),
12066 revertDuration: _this.opt('dragRevertDuration'),
12247 var delay = this.opt('selectLongPressDelay');
12249 delay = this.opt('longPressDelay'); // fallback
12258 if (_this.opt('selectable') && !component.shouldIgnoreMouse()) {
12260 distance: _this.opt('selectMinDistance')
12265 if (_this.opt('selectable') && !component.shouldIgnoreTouch()) {
12279 scroll: this.opt('dragScroll'),
12399 scroll: this.opt('dragScroll'),
12460 if (_this.opt('allDaySlot')) { // should we display the "all-day" area?
12513 (this.opt('columnHeader') ?
12572 eventLimit = this.opt('eventLimit');
12610 var scrollTime = moment.duration(this.opt('scrollTime'));
12703 if (this.opt('weekNumbers')) {
12704 weekText = weekStart.format(this.opt('smallWeekFormat'));
12839 var slotDuration = this.opt('slotDuration');
12840 var snapDuration = this.opt('snapDuration');
12849 input = this.opt('slotLabelFormat');
12854 this.opt('smallTimeFormat'); // the computed default
12855 input = this.opt('slotLabelInterval');
13123 var eventMinHeight = this.opt('agendaEventMinHeight');
13242 …if (this.opt('selectHelper')) { // this setting signals that a mock helper event should be rendered
13307 return this.opt('noMeridiemTimeFormat'); // like "6:30" (no AM/PM)
13474 var shouldOverlap = this.opt('slotEventOverlap');
13833 return this.opt('extraSmallTimeFormat'); // like "6p" or "6:30p"
14078 if (this.opt('fixedWeekCount')) {
14189 util_1.htmlEscape(this.opt('noEventsMessage')) +
14229 var mainFormat = this.opt('listDayFormat');
14230 var altFormat = this.opt('listDayAltFormat');
14325 return this.opt('mediumTimeFormat');