Lines Matching refs:_this

1069         var _this = || this;
1070 _this.calendar = calendar;
1071 _this.className = [];
1072 _this.uid = String(EventSource.uuid++);
1073 return _this;
1701 var _this = this;
1704 destClass.prototype[name] = _this.prototype[name];
1713 var _this = this;
1715 destClass.prototype[name] = _this.prototype[name];
1828 var _this =, options) || this;
1829 _this.component = component;
1830 return _this;
2488 var _this = this;
2504 _this.handleTouchMove($.Event(ev));
2511 _this.handleScroll($.Event(ev));
2593 var _this = this;
2598 _this.mouseIgnoreDepth--;
3440 var _this = || this;
3442 _this.overflowX = options.overflowX || options.overflow || 'auto';
3443 _this.overflowY = options.overflowY || options.overflow || 'auto';
3444 return _this;
3530 var _this =, _view, _options) || this;
3532 _this.segSelector = '.fc-event-container > *'; // what constitutes an event element?
3533 if (_this.dateSelectingClass) {
3534 _this.dateClicking = new _this.dateClickingClass(_this);
3536 if (_this.dateSelectingClass) {
3537 _this.dateSelecting = new _this.dateSelectingClass(_this);
3539 if (_this.eventPointingClass) {
3540 _this.eventPointing = new _this.eventPointingClass(_this);
3542 if (_this.eventDraggingClass && _this.eventPointing) {
3543 _this.eventDragging = new _this.eventDraggingClass(_this, _this.eventPointing);
3545 if (_this.eventResizingClass && _this.eventPointing) {
3546 _this.eventResizing = new _this.eventResizingClass(_this, _this.eventPointing);
3548 if (_this.externalDroppingClass) {
3549 _this.externalDropping = new _this.externalDroppingClass(_this);
3551 return _this;
3586 var _this = this;
3590 … if (!$( + ':not(.fc-helper),' + // directly on an event element
3591 _this.segSelector + ':not(.fc-helper) *,' + // within an event element
3595 return, ev);
3611 var _this = this;
3616 if (seg && !_this.shouldIgnoreEventPointing()) {
3617 return, seg, ev); // context will be the Grid
3791 var _this =, null, viewSpec.options) || this;
3792 _this.batchRenderDepth = 0;
3793 _this.isSelected = false; // boolean whether a range of time is user-selected or not
3794 _this.calendar = calendar;
3795 _this.viewSpec = viewSpec;
3797 _this.type = viewSpec.type;
3799 = _this.type;
3800 _this.initRenderQueue();
3801 _this.initHiddenDays();
3802 _this.dateProfileGenerator = new _this.dateProfileGeneratorClass(_this);
3803 _this.bindBaseRenderHandlers();
3804 _this.eventOrderSpecs = util_1.parseFieldSpecs(_this.opt('eventOrder'));
3806 if (_this['initialize']) {
3807 _this['initialize']();
3809 return _this;
3938 var _this = this;
3940 _this.executeDateRender(dateProfile);
3944 var _this = this;
3946 _this.executeDateUnrender();
3971 var _this = this;
3973 _this.whenSizeUpdated(_this.triggerViewRender);
3976 _this.triggerViewDestroy();
3994 var _this = this;
3996 _this.executeEventRender(eventsPayload);
3997 _this.whenSizeUpdated(_this.triggerAfterEventsRendered);
4001 var _this = this;
4003 _this.triggerBeforeEventsDestroyed();
4004 _this.executeEventUnrender();
4010 var _this = this;
4012 _this.renderBusinessHours(businessHourGenerator);
4016 var _this = this;
4018 _this.unrenderBusinessHours();
4042 var _this = this;
4055 _this.nowIndicatorTimeoutID = null;
4059_this.nowIndicatorIntervalID = setInterval(update, delay); // update every interval
4584 var _this = this;
4588 return _this.getBgClasses(seg.footprint.eventDef);
4592 'background-color': _this.getBgColor(seg.footprint.eventDef)
4596 return _this.filterEventRenderEl(seg.footprint, el);
4612 var _this = this;
4630 el = _this.filterEventRenderEl(seg.footprint, el);
5205 var _this = || this;
5206 _this._watchers = {};
5207 _this._props = {};
5208 _this.applyGlobalWatchers();
5209 _this.constructed();
5210 return _this;
5319 var _this = this;
5322 var res =, deps);
5324 _this.unset(name); // put in an unset state while resolving
5326 _this.set(name, val);
5330 _this.set(name, res);
5333 _this.unset(name);
5335, deps);
5347 var _this = this;
5393 _this.on(eventName, handler);
5417 if (_this.has(depName)) {
5418 values[depName] = _this.get(depName);
5433[i][0], bindTuples[i][1]);
5970 var _this =, calendar) || this;
5971 _this.eventDefs = []; // for if setRawEventDefs is never called
5972 return _this;
6427 var _this = this;
6430 _this.handleDelayEnd(initialEv);
7324 var _this =, view) || this;
7325 _this.cellWeekNumbersVisible = false; // display week numbers in day cell?
7326_this.bottomCoordPadding = 0; // hack for extending the hit area for the last row of the coordinat…
7329 _this.isRigid = false;
7330 _this.hasAllDayBusinessHours = true;
7331 return _this;
7650 var _this = this;
7672 segsBelow = _this.getCellSegs(row, col, levelLimit);
7675 moreLink = _this.renderMoreLink(row, col, segsBelow);
7741 var _this = this;
7746 var clickOption = _this.opt('eventLimitClick');
7747 var date = _this.getCellDate(row, col);
7749 var dayEl = _this.getCellEl(row, col);
7750 var allSegs = _this.getCellSegs(row, col);
7752 var reslicedAllSegs = _this.resliceDaySegs(allSegs, date);
7753 var reslicedHiddenSegs = _this.resliceDaySegs(hiddenSegs, date);
7756 clickOption = _this.publiclyTrigger('eventLimitClick', {
7772 _this.showSegPopover(row, col, moreEl, reslicedAllSegs);
7781 var _this = this;
7802 if (_this.popoverSegs) {
7803 _this.triggerBeforeEventSegsDestroyed(_this.popoverSegs);
7805 _this.segPopover.removeElement();
7806 _this.segPopover = null;
7807 _this.popoverSegs = null;
7936 var _this =, calendar, viewSpec) || this;
7937 _this.dayGrid = _this.instantiateDayGrid();
7938 _this.dayGrid.isRigid = _this.hasRigidRows();
7939 if (_this.opt('weekNumbers')) {
7940 if (_this.opt('weekNumbersWithinDays')) {
7941 _this.dayGrid.cellWeekNumbersVisible = true;
7942 _this.dayGrid.colWeekNumbersVisible = false;
7945 _this.dayGrid.cellWeekNumbersVisible = false;
7946 _this.dayGrid.colWeekNumbersVisible = true;
7949 _this.addChild(_this.dayGrid);
7950 _this.scroller = new Scroller_1.default({
7954 return _this;
8103 var _this = _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
8104 _this.colWeekNumbersVisible = false; // display week numbers along the side?
8105 return _this;
8704 var _this = this;
8712 _this.addEventDefs(eventDefs);
8713 _this.pendingCnt--;
8714 _this.tryRelease();
8719 _this.pendingCnt--;
8720 _this.tryRelease();
8788 var _this = this;
8790 _this.removeEventDef(eventDef);
8885 var _this = this;
8891'release', onResolve);
9301 var _this = this;, start.clone(), end.clone(), timezone, function (rawEventDefs) {
9305 _this.calendar.popLoading();
9306 onResolve(_this.parseEventDefs(rawEventDefs));
9356 var _this = this;
9368 url: _this.url,
9372 _this.calendar.popLoading();
9374 … callbackRes = util_1.applyAll(onSuccess, _this, [rawEventDefs, status, xhr]); // redirect `this`
9378 onResolve(_this.parseEventDefs(rawEventDefs));
9385 _this.calendar.popLoading();
9386 … util_1.applyAll(onError, _this, [xhr, statusText, errorThrown]); // redirect `this`
9518 var _this = this;
9521 _this.isAnimating = false;
9522 _this.removeElement();
9523 _this.top0 = _this.left0 = null; // reset state for future updatePosition calls
9675 var _this = this;
9688 _this.hide();
9814 var _this = this;
9822 if (_this.canRunNext()) {
9823 _this.runRemaining();
9853 var _this = || this;
9854 _this.waitsByNamespace = waitsByNamespace || {};
9855 return _this;
9894 var _this = this;
9896 _this.waitNamespace = null;
9897 _this.tryStart();
10027 var _this = || this;
10028 _this.isRTL = false; // frequently accessed options
10029 _this.hitsNeededDepth = 0; // necessary because multiple callers might need the same hits
10030 _this.hasAllDayBusinessHours = false; // TODO: unify with largeUnit and isTimeScale?
10031 _this.isDatesRendered = false;
10034 _this['view'] = _view;
10037 _this['options'] = _options;
10039 _this.uid = String(DateComponent.guid++);
10040 _this.childrenByUid = {};
10041 _this.nextDayThreshold = moment.duration(_this.opt('nextDayThreshold'));
10042 _this.isRTL = _this.opt('isRTL');
10043 if (_this.fillRendererClass) {
10044 _this.fillRenderer = new _this.fillRendererClass(_this);
10046 if (_this.eventRendererClass) { // fillRenderer is optional -----v
10047 _this.eventRenderer = new _this.eventRendererClass(_this, _this.fillRenderer);
10049 if (_this.helperRendererClass && _this.eventRenderer) {
10050 _this.helperRenderer = new _this.helperRendererClass(_this, _this.eventRenderer);
10052 if (_this.businessHourRendererClass && _this.fillRenderer) {
10053_this.businessHourRenderer = new _this.businessHourRendererClass(_this, _this.fillRenderer);
10055 return _this;
10206 var _this = this;
10213 _this.publiclyTrigger('eventAfterRender', {
10215 args: [legacy, seg.el, _this]
10225 var _this = this;
10231 _this.publiclyTrigger('eventDestroy', {
10233 args: [legacy, seg.el, _this]
10805 var _this = this;
10812 var date = _this.moment(;
10815 … var customAction = _this.view.opt('navLink' + util_1.capitaliseFirstLetter(viewType) + 'Click');
10823 _this.zoomTo(date, viewType);
10829 var theme = new themeClass(_this.optionsManager);
10831 _this.theme = theme;
10836 var widgetClass = _this.theme.getClass('widget');
10837 _this.theme = null;
10843_this.businessHourGenerator = new BusinessHourGenerator_1.default(deps.businessHours, _this);
10844 if (_this.view) {
10845 _this.view.set('businessHourGenerator', _this.businessHourGenerator);
10848 _this.businessHourGenerator = null;
10889 var _this = this;
10891 if (view === _this.view) { // hack
10892 _this.setToolbarsTitle(deps.title);
10896 if (view === _this.view) { // hack
10897_this.currentDate =; // might have been constrained by view dates
10898 _this.updateToolbarButtons(deps.dateProfile);
11150 var _this = this;
11195 _this.localeData = localeData;
11198 if (_this.currentDate) {
11199 _this.localizeMoment(_this.currentDate); // sets to localeData
11335 var _this = this;
11344 _this.trigger('eventsReset', eventsPayload);
11348 var source = EventSourceParser_1.default.parse(rawSource, _this);
11557 var _this = _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
11558 _this.isDragging = false; // jqui-dragging an external element? boolean
11559 return _this;
11601 var _this = this;
11609 _this.isDragging = true;
11616 singleEventDef = _this.computeExternalDrop(hitFootprint, meta);
11652 _this.isDragging = false;
11653 _this.dragListener = null;
11776 var _this =, component) || this;
11777 _this.isResizing = false;
11778 _this.eventPointing = eventPointing;
11779 return _this;
11806 var _this = this;
11826 _this.eventPointing.handleMouseout(seg, ev);
11827 _this.segResizeStart(seg, ev);
11836_this.computeEventStartResizeMutation(origHitFootprint, hitFootprint, seg.footprint) :
11837_this.computeEventEndResizeMutation(origHitFootprint, hitFootprint, seg.footprint);
11872 _this.segResizeStop(seg, ev);
11878 _this.dragListener = null;
11968 var _this =, component) || this;
11969 _this.isDragging = false;
11970 _this.eventPointing = eventPointing;
11971 return _this;
12013 var _this = this;
12030 _this.dragListener = null;
12039 var _this = this;
12065 opacity: dragListener.isTouch ? null : _this.opt('dragOpacity'),
12066 revertDuration: _this.opt('dragRevertDuration'),
12081 _this.eventPointing.handleMouseout(seg, ev);
12082 _this.segDragStart(seg, ev);
12098 … eventDefMutation = _this.computeEventDropMutation(origFootprint, footprint, eventDef);
12142 _this.segDragStop(seg, ev);
12150 _this.dragListener = null;
12239 var _this =, component) || this;
12240 _this.dragListener = _this.buildDragListener();
12241 return _this;
12254 var _this = this;
12258 if (_this.opt('selectable') && !component.shouldIgnoreMouse()) {
12260 distance: _this.opt('selectMinDistance')
12265 if (_this.opt('selectable') && !component.shouldIgnoreTouch()) {
12267 delay: _this.getDelay()
12275 var _this = this;
12284_this.view.unselect(ev); // since we could be rendering a new selection, we want to clear any old …
12293 selectionFootprint = _this.computeSelection(origHitFootprint, hitFootprint);
12316 _this.view.reportSelection(selectionFootprint, ev);
12372 var _this =, component) || this;
12373 _this.dragListener = _this.buildDragListener();
12374 return _this;
12395 var _this = this;
12417_this.view.triggerDayClick(componentFootprint, component.getHitEl(dayClickHit), ev);
12456 var _this =, calendar, viewSpec) || this;
12457 _this.usesMinMaxTime = true; // indicates that minTime/maxTime affects rendering
12458 _this.timeGrid = _this.instantiateTimeGrid();
12459 _this.addChild(_this.timeGrid);
12460 if (_this.opt('allDaySlot')) { // should we display the "all-day" area?
12461 _this.dayGrid = _this.instantiateDayGrid(); // the all-day subcomponent of this view
12462 _this.addChild(_this.dayGrid);
12464 _this.scroller = new Scroller_1.default({
12468 return _this;
12797 var _this =, view) || this;
12798 _this.processOptions();
12799 return _this;
13280 var _this =, timeGrid, fillRenderer) || this;
13281 _this.timeGrid = timeGrid;
13282 return _this;
13671 var _this =, dayGrid, fillRenderer) || this;
13672 _this.dayGrid = dayGrid;
13673 return _this;
13970 var _this = _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
13971 _this.fillSegTag = 'td'; // override the default tag name
13972 return _this;
14110 var _this =, calendar, viewSpec) || this;
14111 _this.segSelector = '.fc-list-item'; // which elements accept event actions
14112 _this.scroller = new Scroller_1.default({
14116 return _this;
14480 var _this = this;
14521 _this.viewsWithButtons.push(buttonName);
14670 var _this = || this;
14671 _this._calendar = _calendar;
14672 _this.overrides = $.extend({}, overrides); // make a copy
14673 _this.dynamicOverrides = {};
14674 _this.compute();
14675 return _this;