Lines Matching refs:lang

2 $lang['usingdevel'] = 'You are currently using the development-version of database2 library';
3 $lang['menu'] = 'Database2 local DB console';
4 $lang['tagdisabled'] = 'Embedding tables with database2 here is disabled in this wiki\'s configurat…
5 $lang['nodblink'] = 'No link to database: %s';
6 $lang['nocolmeta'] = 'missing meta information on columns';
7 $lang['restabnames'] = 'using reserved table names denied';
8 $lang['accessdenied'] = 'access denied (%s@%s)';
9 $lang['badinteraction'] = 'DB interaction failed: %s (line %d)';
10 $lang['deferror'] = '<strong>%s</strong><br />at %d@%s';
11 $lang['btnResetSession'] = 'Reset Session';
12 $lang['btnViewTable'] = 'View Table';
13 $lang['defmissing'] = 'missing valid data definition';
14 $lang['nocreatetable'] = 'failed to create table %s';
15 $lang['reclocked'] = 'The record is currently locked!';
16 $lang['tablelocked'] = 'The table is currently locked!';
17 $lang['editnorelease'] = 'Releasing lock on record failed!';
18 $lang['notransact'] = 'Failed to start transaction!';
19 $lang['editnoid'] = 'Failed to get unique ID for new record!';
20 $lang['editprepare'] = 'Failed to prepare writing record!';
21 $lang['editexecute'] = 'Failed to write record!';
22 $lang['editcommit'] = 'Failed to commit writing record!';
23 $lang['editrollback'] = 'Failed to roll back writing record!';
24 $lang['editloadprepare'] = 'Failed to prepare loading record!';
25 $lang['editloadexecute'] = 'Failed to load record!';
26 $lang['editcantsave'] = 'Writing record failed: %s';
27 $lang['notarecord'] = 'Selected record does not exist!';
28 $lang['navprevious'] = 'and switch to previous record';
29 $lang['navnext'] = 'and switch to next record';
30 $lang['navreturn'] = 'and return to list';
31 $lang['delprepare'] = 'Failed to prepare deleting record!';
32 $lang['delexecute'] = 'Failed to delete record!';
33 $lang['delcommit'] = 'Failed to commit deleting record!';
34 $lang['nodrop'] = 'Failed to drop table %s!';
35 $lang['dropcommit'] = 'Failed to commit dropping table!';
36 $lang['countprepare'] = 'Failed to prepare counting record!';
37 $lang['countexecute'] = 'Failed to count record!';
38 $lang['listprepare'] = 'Failed to prepare listing records!';
39 $lang['listexecute'] = 'Failed to list records!';
40 $lang['hintsortasc'] = 'Sort by this column ascendingly';
41 $lang['hintsortdesc'] = 'Sort by this column descendingly';
42 $lang['hintflipfirst'] = 'Flip to first page';
43 $lang['hintflipprev'] = 'Flip to previous page';
44 $lang['hintflipnext'] = 'Flip to next page';
45 $lang['hintfliplast'] = 'Flip to last page';
46 $lang['recnumsingle'] = '%d record';
47 $lang['recnummulti'] = '%d records';
48 $lang['recnummultipage'] = '%d records on %d pages';
49 $lang['cmdadd'] = 'Add Record';
50 $lang['cmddrop'] = 'Drop Table';
51 $lang['enumunselected'] = 'Please select ...';
52 $lang['cmdprint'] = 'Print Version';
53 $lang['cmdcsv'] = 'Export to CSV';
54 $lang['cmdxml'] = 'Export to XML';
55 $lang['cmdlog'] = 'Export Changelog';
56 $lang['cmdview'] = 'View This Record';
57 $lang['cmdedit'] = 'Edit This Record';
58 $lang['cmddelete'] = 'Delete This Record';
59 $lang['cmdinsert'] = 'Insert Record Before This One';
60 $lang['cmdcopy'] = 'Add Copy of This Record';
61 $lang['cmdfilterapply'] = 'Apply filter';
62 $lang['cmdfilterintersect'] = 'Append intersection rule';
63 $lang['cmdfilterunion'] = 'Append union rule';
64 $lang['cmdsave'] = 'Save';
65 $lang['cmdnosave'] = 'Don\'t Save';
66 $lang['cmdokay'] = 'Okay';
67 $lang['cmdcancel'] = 'Cancel';
68 $lang['cmdreturn'] = 'Return';
69 $lang['cmddropfile'] = 'Drop File';
70 $lang['cmddl'] = 'Download';
71 $lang['confirmdelete'] = 'Do you really want to delete this record?';
72 $lang['confirmdrop'] = 'Do you really want to irreversibly drop this table?';
73 $lang['confirmdropfile'] = 'Do you really want to drop the attached image/file?';
74 $lang['oplike'] = 'like';
75 $lang['opnotlike'] = 'not like';
76 $lang['opand'] = 'and';
77 $lang['opor'] = 'or';
78 $lang['opset'] = 'is set';
79 $lang['opclear'] = 'is clear';
80 $lang['definline'] = 'invalid definition at line #%d';
81 $lang['defdouble'] = 'double column definition: %s';
82 $lang['invalidbool'] = 'invalid booltype option';
83 $lang['noaliased'] = 'missing aliased term';
84 $lang['emptyenum'] = 'no enumeration elements';
85 $lang['readerdisabled'] = 'related enumeration relies on custom view feature disabled in configurat…
86 $lang['multiacl'] = 'multi-column row-related ACL rejected';
87 $lang['invalidreader'] = 'invalid statement on related enumeration';
88 $lang['badtype'] = 'no such type: %s';
89 $lang['baddef'] = 'check definition in line %d: %s<br />';
90 $lang['emptydef'] = 'define at least one column<br />';
91 $lang['idnotable'] = 'Cannot create record ID pool!';
92 $lang['idreadprepare'] = 'Failed to prepare reading from ID pool!';
93 $lang['idreadexecute'] = 'Failed to read from ID pool!';
94 $lang['idwriteprepare'] = 'Failed to prepare writing to ID pool!';
95 $lang['idwriteexecute'] = 'Failed to write to ID pool!';
96 $lang['idcommit'] = 'Failed to commit operation on ID pool!';
97 $lang['idrollback'] = 'Failed to commit roll back on ID pool!';
98 $lang['idnoid'] = 'Failed to obtain unique ID from ID pool!';
99 $lang['userunknown'] = 'Failed to get name of current user!';
100 $lang['aclprepare'] = 'Failed to prepare reading row-related ACL!';
101 $lang['aclexecute'] = 'Failed to read row-related ACL!';
102 $lang['lognotable'] = 'Cannot create log file!';
103 $lang['logprepare'] = 'Failed to prepare writing to log file!';
104 $lang['logexecute'] = 'Failed to write to log file!';
105 $lang['locksuperlocked'] = 'Superordinated resource is locked!';
106 $lang['locksubprepare'] = 'Failed to prepare reading subordinated locks!';
107 $lang['locksubexecute'] = 'Failed to read subordinated locks!';
108 $lang['locksublocked'] = 'At least one subordinated resource is locked!';
109 $lang['lockreadprepare'] = 'Failed to prepare reading lock!';
110 $lang['lockreadexecute'] = 'Failed to read lock!';
111 $lang['lockwriteprepare'] = 'Failed to prepare writing lock!';
112 $lang['lockwriteexecute'] = 'Failed to write lock!';
113 $lang['locklocked'] = 'Requested resource is locked!';
114 $lang['lockcommit'] = 'Failed to commit operation on locks!';
115 $lang['lockrollback'] = 'Failed to roll back operation on locks!';
116 $lang['releaseprepare'] = 'Failed to prepare releasing lock!';
117 $lang['releaseexecute'] = 'Failed to release lock!';
118 $lang['releasecommit'] = 'Failed to commit releasing lock!';
119 $lang['releaserollback'] = 'Failed to roll back releasing lock!';
120 $lang['medianomedia'] = 'Linking non-media data rejected: %s';
121 $lang['mediana'] = 'Linked media not available!';
122 $lang['mediadenied'] = 'Accessing linked media denied!';
123 $lang['medianoeditor'] = 'Missing editor session file for linking!';
124 $lang['fileinvalid'] = 'Invalid file data!';
125 $lang['filebadupload'] = 'Upload failed: %s!';
126 $lang['filenoupload'] = 'Uploaded file is empty!';
127 $lang['filebadmime'] = 'Invalid type of file!';
128 $lang['filenoimage'] = 'Uploaded file is not an image!';
129 $lang['fileimagealt'] = 'Image in &quot;%s&quot; (MIME:&nbsp;%s)';
130 $lang['fileincomplete'] = 'Incomplete file read!';
131 $lang['fileexternal'] = 'Adjusting external file disabled!';
132 $lang['fileexternalfound'] = 'externally provided file: found';
133 $lang['fileexternalnotfound'] = 'externally provided file: not found';
134 $lang['filedenied'] = 'access denied'; // on accessing hidden files
135 $lang['filedlhint'] = 'Opens file for download';
136 $lang['markrequired'] = 'You need to set this mark!';
137 $lang['required'] = 'Add this information as it is required!';
138 $lang['badenum'] = 'Invalid selection!';
139 $lang['badinteger'] = 'Invalid integer value!';
140 $lang['baddate'] = 'Invalid date value!';
141 $lang['badtime'] = 'Invalid time value!';
142 $lang['baddatetime'] = 'Incomplete date/time value!';
143 $lang['baddatetimetail'] = 'Invalid additional information next to date/time value!';
144 $lang['badphonefax'] = 'Invalid phone/fax number!';
145 $lang['badfloat'] = 'Invalid float value!';
146 $lang['badmoney'] = 'Invalid monetary information!';
147 $lang['badmoneytail'] = 'Invalid additional information next to monetary information!';
148 $lang['badurl'] = 'Invalid URL!';
149 $lang['badurlnoabs'] = 'An absolute URL is required!';
150 $lang['badmail'] = 'Invalid mail address!';
151 $lang['badmailunknown'] = 'Unknown domain in mail address!';
152 $lang['badaclrule'] = 'Invalid ACL rule or rule element!';
153 $lang['today'] = 'today'; // detected on parsing dates
154 $lang['now'] = 'now'; // detected on parsing time
155 $lang['hidden'] = 'hidden'; // used to list hidden fields in a record
156 $lang['NULL'] = 'NULL'; // used to list unset values
157 $lang['none'] = 'none'; // used to mark missing file
158 $lang['printtitle'] = 'Print version of table %s';
159 $lang['consoleoff'] = 'Console is disabled in configuration!';
160 $lang['consolesession'] = 'Session data is not available, thus history is disabled!';
161 $lang['consolegoodresult'] = 'Query okay, empty result';
162 $lang['consolebtn'] = 'Submit query';
163 $lang['consolesqlitedoc'] = 'SQLite language reference';
164 $lang['consoledbselector'] = 'Database (omit for current page):';
165 $lang['consolehelpershortcuts'] = 'Shortcuts:';
166 $lang['consolehelperkeys'] = 'List keys';
167 $lang['consolehelperlocks'] = 'List locks';
168 $lang['consolehelperlog'] = 'List log';
169 $lang['consolehelpertables'] = 'List tables';
170 $lang['consolehelpervac'] = 'Compress DB file';
171 $lang['consolehelpertemplates'] = 'Templates:';
172 $lang['consolehelperread'] = 'Read record(s)';
173 $lang['consolehelperreadsql'] = 'SELECT * FROM <tablename> WHERE <column>=<value>';
174 $lang['consolehelperedit'] = 'Edit record(s)';
175 $lang['consolehelpereditsql'] = 'UPDATE <tablename> SET <column1>=<value1>,<column2>=<value2> WHERE…
176 $lang['consolehelperdelete'] = 'Delete record(s)';
177 $lang['consolehelperdeletesql'] = 'DELETE FROM <tablename> WHERE <column>=<value>';
178 $lang['consolehelperadd'] = 'Insert record(s)';
179 $lang['consolehelperaddsql'] = 'INSERT INTO <tableName> ( <column1>,<column2>,<column3> ) VALUES ( …
180 $lang['consolehelperhistory'] = 'History:';