Lines Matching refs:was

2 …ep-63,1963,52,Full,YES,NO,,,,,,,,,Merged with Ultron in Rage of Ultron Vol. 1. A funeral was held. 
3 …ep-63,1963,52,Full,YES,YES,,,,,,,,,Dies in Secret Invasion V1:I8. Actually was sent tto Microverse…
4 …er the influence of Immortus Stark committed a number of horrible acts and was killed.' This set …
20 …' Dies in Annihilation:_Conquest_Vol_1_3. Comes back as ""As before"" also was once named Madame M…
23 …and_the_Scarlet_Witch_Vol_1_2. Did not return however he was eventually cloned but the clone was k…
40 …to. After Secret Invasion it turns out she was actually being impersonated by a Skrull the whole t…
46 …MALE,,Nov-89,1989,26,Full,YES,YES,,,,,,,,,"Dies during New Invaders. Was ""was revived as a living…
49 …LE,,Jun-92,1992,23,Full,YES,YES,,,,,,,,,Died in Deathlok Vol 2 #5. JK that was actually just a Lif…
51 …6)#,Namor McKenzie,1561,NO,MALE,,Dec-85,1985,30,Full,YES,YES,,,,,,,,,Namor was presumed killed in …
52 …ers: Children's Crusade arc because time travel but take my word for it it was actually kind of we…
54 …he Ebony Blade. Returned when The Master put her in a statis tube. Death 2 was when Namor mercy ki…
56 …FEMALE,,Nov-88,1988,27,Honorary,YES,YES,,,,,,,,,Killed by Iron Man when he was controlled by Immor…
58 …-616)#,,61,NO,MALE,,Feb-89,1989,26,Full,YES,YES,,,,,,,,,Killed by Neut who was working for Immortu…
78 …00,115,Probationary,YES,YES,NO,,,,,,,,Died in Identity_Disc_Vol_1_1. Later was revealed to be aliv…
85 …ria""",18,NO,FEMALE,,Apr-96,1996,19,Honorary,YES,NO,,,,,,,,,Whitney killed was a clone possibly th…
90 …YES,YES,YES,YES,,,,,,,First died in a zero energy explosion in space. Body was apparently reanimat…
154 …,Full,YES,YES,,,,,,,,,Died in Uncanny_Avengers_Vol_1_22. Returned when 'he was able to use his pow…