Lines Matching refs:https

3 [![Latest Version](](
4 [![Total Downloads](](
5 [![Software License](](LICENSE)
6 [![Build Status](](
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8 [![Quality Score](](
9 [![Psalm Type Coverage](](
10 [![CII Best Practices](](
11 [![Sponsor development of this project](](
57 ? If you will be parsing untrusted input from users, please consider setting the `html_input` and `allow_unsafe_links` options per the example above. See <> for more details. If you also do choose to allow raw HTML input from untrusted users, consider using a library (like [HTML Purifier]( to provide additional HTML filtering.
65 Information on how to upgrade to newer versions of this library can be found at <>.
77 See the [Extensions documentation]( for more details on how to include only certain GFM features if you don't want them all.
83 - [CakePHP 3](
84 - [Drupal](
85 - [Laravel 4+](
86 - [Sculpin](
87 - [Symfony 2 & 3](
88 - [Symfony 4](
89 - [Twig Markdown extension](
90 - [Twig filter and tag](
91 - [Laravel CommonMark Blog](
95 See [our extension documentation]( for a full list of extensions bundled with this library.
101 - [Alt Three Emoji]( An emoji parser for CommonMark.
102 - [Sup Sub extensions]( - Adds support of superscript and subscript (`<sup>` and `<sub>` HTML tags)
103 - [YouTube iframe extension]( - Replaces youtube link with iframe.
104 - [Lazy Image extension]( - Adds various options for lazy loading of images.
105 - [Marker Extension]( - Adds support of highlighted text (`<mark>` HTML tag)
107 Others can be found on [Packagist under the `commonmark-extension` package type](
113 Check out the other cool things people are doing with `league/commonmark`: <>
129 **Professional support, including notification of new releases and security updates, is available through a [Tidelift Subscription](**
133 To report a security vulnerability, please use the [Tidelift security contact]( Tidelift will coordinate the fix and disclosure with us.
146 Please see [CONTRIBUTING]( for additional details.
176 - [Tidelift]( for offering support to both the maintainers and end-users through their [professional support]( program
177 - [Blackfire]( for providing an Open-Source Profiler subscription
178 - [JetBrains]( for supporting this project with complimentary [PhpStorm]( licenses
179 - [Taylor Otwell]( for sponsoring this project through GitHub sponsors
181 Are you interested in sponsoring development of this project? See <> for a list of ways to contribute.
193 This project is used by [Drupal](, [Laravel Framework](, [Cachet](, [Firefly III](, [Neos](, [](, and [more](!
199 <a href="">Get professional support for league/commonmark with a Tidelift subscription</a>
209 [commonmark.js]:
210 [GitHub-Flavored Markdown]:
212 [docs]:
213 [docs-examples]:
214 [docs-example-twitter]:
215 [docs-example-smilies]:
216 [All Contributors]:
217 [@colinodell]:
218 [@jgm]:
219 [jgm/stmd]:
220 [Composer]:
221 [PHP League]: