Lines Matching refs:with

55 - Fixed autolink extension not detecting some URIs with underscores (#956)
139 - Fixed front matter parsing with Windows line endings (#821)
145 - Fixed front matter parsing with Windows line endings (#821)
151 - Fixed front matter parsing with Windows line endings (#821)
176 - Added new `HtmlDecorator` class which can wrap existing renderers with additional HTML tags
227 - Fixed ability to register block parsers that identify lines starting with letters (#706)
269 - Made compatible with CommonMark spec 0.30.0
275 - Fixed processing instructions with EOLs
279 - Fixed link label normalization with escaped newlines
300 - **Added purity markers throughout the codebase** (verified with Psalm)
365 - `CommonMarkConverter::convertToHtml()` now returns an instance of `RenderedContentInterface`. This can be cast to a string for backward compatibility with 1.x.
366 - **Table of Contents items are no longer wrapped with `<p>` tags** (#613)
381 - The `HeadingPermalinkExtension` and `FootnoteExtension` were modified to ensure they never produce a slug which conflicts with slugs created by the other extension
383 - The `AbstractBlock::$data` and `AbstractInline::$data` arrays were replaced with a `Data` array-like object on the base `Node` class
394 - `BlockRendererInterface` and `InlineRendererInterface` were replaced by `NodeRendererInterface` with slightly different parameters. All core renderers now implement this interface.
398 - All configuration-specific classes have been moved into a new `league/config` package with a new namespace
399 - `Configuration` objects must now be configured with a schema and all options must match that schema - arbitrary keys are no longer permitted
409 - `HtmlElement` automatically flattens any attributes with array values into space-separated strings, removing duplicate entries
461 - `NodeWalker::next()` now enters, traverses any children, and leaves all elements which may have children (basically all blocks plus any inlines with children). Previously, it only did this for elements explicitly marked as "containers".
463 - Anything with a `getReference(): ReferenceInterface` method now implements `ReferencableInterface`
464 - The `SmartPunct` extension now replaces all unpaired `Quote` elements with `Text` elements towards the end of parsing, making the `QuoteRenderer` unnecessary