Lines Matching refs:null

81     public static function mb_convert_encoding($s, $toEncoding, $fromEncoding = null)
83 if (\is_array($fromEncoding) || ($fromEncoding !== null && false !== strpos($fromEncoding, ','))) {
136 public static function mb_encode_mimeheader($s, $charset = null, $transferEncoding = null, $linefeed = null, $indent = null)
141 public static function mb_decode_numericentity($s, $convmap, $encoding = null)
143 if (null !== $s && !is_scalar($s) && !(\is_object($s) && method_exists($s, '__toString'))) {
146 return null;
153 if (null !== $encoding && !is_scalar($encoding)) {
156 return ''; // Instead of null (cf. mb_encode_numericentity).
167 $encoding = null;
194 if (null === $encoding) {
201 public static function mb_encode_numericentity($s, $convmap, $encoding = null, $is_hex = false)
203 if (null !== $s && !is_scalar($s) && !(\is_object($s) && method_exists($s, '__toString'))) {
206 return null;
213 if (null !== $encoding && !is_scalar($encoding)) {
216 return null; // Instead of '' (cf. mb_decode_numericentity).
219 if (null !== $is_hex && !is_scalar($is_hex)) {
222 return null;
233 $encoding = null;
264 if (null === $encoding) {
271 public static function mb_convert_case($s, $mode, $encoding = null)
281 $encoding = null;
290 static $titleRegexp = null;
291 if (null === $titleRegexp) {
297 static $upper = null;
298 if (null === $upper) {
307 static $lower = null;
308 if (null === $lower) {
342 if (null === $encoding) {
349 public static function mb_internal_encoding($encoding = null)
351 if (null === $encoding) {
370 public static function mb_language($lang = null)
372 if (null === $lang) {
407 public static function mb_check_encoding($var = null, $encoding = null)
409 if (null === $encoding) {
410 if (null === $var) {
419 public static function mb_detect_encoding($str, $encodingList = null, $strict = false)
421 if (null === $encodingList) {
455 public static function mb_detect_order($encodingList = null)
457 if (null === $encodingList) {
484 public static function mb_strlen($s, $encoding = null)
494 public static function mb_strpos($haystack, $needle, $offset = 0, $encoding = null)
515 public static function mb_strrpos($haystack, $needle, $offset = 0, $encoding = null)
542 public static function mb_str_split($string, $split_length = 1, $encoding = null)
544 if (null !== $string && !is_scalar($string) && !(\is_object($string) && method_exists($string, '__toString'))) {
547 return null;
559 if (null === $encoding) {
571 return preg_split($rx, $string, null, \PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE | \PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
584 public static function mb_strtolower($s, $encoding = null)
589 public static function mb_strtoupper($s, $encoding = null)
594 public static function mb_substitute_character($c = null)
596 if (null === $c) {
612 public static function mb_substr($s, $start, $length = null, $encoding = null)
616 return (string) substr($s, $start, null === $length ? 2147483647 : $length);
626 if (null === $length) {
638 public static function mb_stripos($haystack, $needle, $offset = 0, $encoding = null)
646 public static function mb_stristr($haystack, $needle, $part = false, $encoding = null)
653 public static function mb_strrchr($haystack, $needle, $part = false, $encoding = null)
666 public static function mb_strrichr($haystack, $needle, $part = false, $encoding = null)
674 public static function mb_strripos($haystack, $needle, $offset = 0, $encoding = null)
682 public static function mb_strstr($haystack, $needle, $part = false, $encoding = null)
729 public static function mb_http_output($encoding = null)
731 return null !== $encoding ? 'pass' === $encoding : 'pass';
734 public static function mb_strwidth($s, $encoding = null)
747 public static function mb_substr_count($haystack, $needle, $encoding = null)
757 public static function mb_chr($code, $encoding = null)
776 public static function mb_ord($s, $encoding = null)
809 return self::mb_substr($haystack, $pos, null, $encoding);
853 if (null === $encoding) {