Lines Matching refs:template

59 At the minimum, we are required to have an array model and a template string. Alternatively we can have a file containing handlebars (or html, text, etc) expression.
82 Now the we've created our template file, in a php file (index.php) we'll create the data to passed to the model. The model is a key/value array.
115 # Will render the model to the templates/main.tpl template
122 The simplest way to assign data is to create an Array model. The model will contain all the data that will be passed to the template.
151 Use the method `Handlebars\Handlebars::render($template, $model)` to render you template once everything is created.
153 ***$template*** : Template can be the name of the file or a string containing the handlebars/html.
155 ***$model*** : Is the array that we will pass into the template
157 The code below will render the model to the *templates/main.tpl* template
201 Let's work with the template.
203 Handlebars expressions are the basic unit of a Handlebars template. You can use them alone in a {{mustache}}, pass them to a Handlebars helper, or use them as values in hash arguments.
290 echo $handlebars->render($template, $model);
361 echo $engine->render($template, $model);
417 You can shift the context for a section of a template by using the built-in with block helper.
642 Partials are other templates you can include inside of the main template.
664 function($template, $context, $args, $source){
694 Given the following template and data:
706 Given the following template and the data above:
731 For example, given the following template and the following data, the output will be different depending on if data
751 $engine->render($template, $data)