Lines Matching refs:a

59 At the minimum, we are required to have an array model and a template string. Alternatively we can have a file containing handlebars (or html, text, etc) expression.
67 Handlebars HTML-escapes values returned by a {{expression}}.
78 The string above can be used as is in your PHP file, or be put in a file (ie: */templates/main.tpl*), to be called upon rendering.
82 Now the we've created our template file, in a php file (index.php) we'll create the data to passed to the model. The model is a key/value array.
153 ***$template*** : Template can be the name of the file or a string containing the handlebars/html.
203 Handlebars expressions are the basic unit of a Handlebars template. You can use them alone in a {{mustache}}, pass them to a Handlebars helper, or use them as values in hash arguments.
206 The simplest Handlebars expression is a simple identifier:
230 Handlebars also allows for name conflict resolution between helpers and data fields via a this reference:
236 Handlebars expressions with a helper. In this case we're using the upper helper
244 Nested handlebars paths can also include ../ segments, which evaluate their paths against a parent context.
248 <a href="/posts/{{../permalink}}/{{id}}">{{title}}</a>
253 Handlebars HTML-escapes values returned by a {{expression}}. If you don't want Handlebars to escape a value, use the "triple-stash", {{{ }}}
268 You can use the if helper to conditionally render a block. If its argument returns false, null, "" or [] (a "falsy" value), Handlebars will not render the block.
295 You can use the unless helper as the inverse of the if helper. Its block will be rendered if the expression returns a falsy value.
306 You can iterate over a list using the built-in each helper. Inside the block, you can use {{this}} or {{.}} to reference the element being iterated over.
417 You can shift the context for a section of a template by using the built-in with block helper.
523 To capitalize each words in a string
551 To truncate a string: `{{#truncate title $length $ellipsis}}`
558 To use a default value if the string is empty: `{{#default title $defaultValue}}`
583 To truncate a string: `{{#repeat $count}}{{/repeat}}`
600 Allow to define a block of content and use it later. It helps follow the DRY (Don't repeat yourself) principle.
632 You can use comments in your handlebars code just as you would in your code. Since there is generally some level of logic, this is a good practice.
650 which is a file under /templates/my_partial.html
656 Block helpers make it possible to define custom iterators and other helpers that can invoke the passed block with a new context.
660 The following helper will UPPERCASE a string