Lines Matching refs:this

50      * This value should never change. Updates following this version are
70 * the feature first appeared in this branch.
102 $this->deserializationOptions = $options ?? ATNDeserializationOptions::defaultOptions();
134 $this->reset($data);
135 $this->checkVersion();
136 $this->checkUUID();
137 $atn = $this->readATN();
138 $this->readStates($atn);
139 $this->readRules($atn);
140 $this->readModes($atn);
144 $this->readSets($sets, function () {
145 return $this->readInt();
151 if ($this->isFeatureSupported(self::ADDED_UNICODE_SMP, $this->uuid)) {
152 $this->readSets($sets, function () {
153 return $this->readInt32();
157 $this->readEdges($atn, $sets);
158 $this->readDecisions($atn);
159 $this->readLexerActions($atn);
160 $this->markPrecedenceDecisions($atn);
161 $this->verifyATN($atn);
164 && $this->deserializationOptions->isGenerateRuleBypassTransitions()) {
165 $this->generateRuleBypassTransitions($atn);
167 $this->verifyATN($atn);
181 $this->data = [StringUtils::codePoint($characters[0])];
184 $this->data[] = $code > 1 ? $code - 2 : $code + 65533;
187 $this->pos = 0;
193 $version = $this->readInt();
206 $uuid = $this->readUUID();
216 $this->uuid = $uuid;
221 $grammarType = $this->readInt();
222 $maxTokenType = $this->readInt();
231 $nstates = $this->readInt();
234 $stype = $this->readInt();
243 $ruleIndex = $this->readInt();
249 $s = $this->stateFactory($stype, $ruleIndex);
253 $loopBackStateNumber = $this->readInt();
261 $endStateNumber = $this->readInt();
285 $numNonGreedyStates = $this->readInt();
288 $decisionState = $atn->states[$this->readInt()];
297 $numPrecedenceStates = $this->readInt();
300 $ruleStartState = $atn->states[$this->readInt()];
312 $nRules = $this->readInt();
317 $s = $this->readInt();
327 $tokenType = $this->readInt();
350 $nmodes = $this->readInt();
353 $tokensStartState = $atn->states[$this->readInt()];
368 $m = $this->readInt();
374 $n = $this->readInt();
375 $containsEof = $this->readInt();
394 $nEdges = $this->readInt();
397 $src = $this->readInt();
398 $trg = $this->readInt();
399 $ttype = $this->readInt();
400 $arg1 = $this->readInt();
401 $arg2 = $this->readInt();
402 $arg3 = $this->readInt();
403 $trans = $this->edgeFactory($atn, $ttype, $src, $trg, $arg1, $arg2, $arg3, $sets);
464 $decisions = $this->readInt();
467 $s = $this->readInt();
480 $count = $this->readInt();
484 $actionType = $this->readInt();
485 $data1 = $this->readInt();
491 $data2 = $this->readInt();
497 $lexerAction = $this->lexerActionFactory($actionType, $data1, $data2);
512 $this->generateRuleBypassTransition($atn, $i);
537 if ($this->stateIsEndStateFor($state, $idx)) {
637 // We analyze the ATN to determine if this ATN decision state is the
655 if (!$this->deserializationOptions->isVerifyATN()) {
661 $this->checkCondition($state->epsilonOnlyTransitions || $state->getNumberOfTransitions() <= 1);
665 $this->checkCondition($state->loopBackState !== null);
670 $this->checkCondition($state->loopBackState !== null);
671 $this->checkCondition($state->getNumberOfTransitions() === 2);
674 $this->checkCondition($state->getTransition(1)->target instanceof LoopEndState);
675 $this->checkCondition(!$state->nonGreedy);
677 $this->checkCondition($state->getTransition(1)->target instanceof StarBlockStartState);
678 $this->checkCondition($state->nonGreedy);
686 $this->checkCondition($state->getNumberOfTransitions() === 1);
687 $this->checkCondition($state->getTransition(0)->target instanceof StarLoopEntryState);
692 $this->checkCondition($state->loopBackState !== null);
697 $this->checkCondition($state->stopState !== null);
702 $this->checkCondition($state->endState !== null);
707 $this->checkCondition($state->startState !== null);
712 $this->checkCondition($state->getNumberOfTransitions() <= 1 || $state->decision >= 0);
717 $this->checkCondition($state->getNumberOfTransitions() <= 1 || $state instanceof RuleStopState);
731 return $this->data[$this->pos++];
736 $low = $this->readInt();
737 $high = $this->readInt();
746 $int = $this->readInt();