Lines Matching refs:ptln

162         ptln('<h1>' . ucfirst(PluginUtility::$PLUGIN_NAME) . ' - ' . ucfirst($this->getPluginComponent()) . '</a></h1>');
184 ptln('<div class="level2" >');
185 ptln('<div id="form_container" style="max-width: 600px;">');
186 ptln('<form action="" method="post">');
187 ptln('<input type="hidden" name="sectok" value="' . getSecurityToken() . '" />');
188 ptln('<p><b>If the Dokuwiki ID matches the following pattern:</b></p>');
193 ptln('<label for="' . PageRules::MATCHER_NAME . '">(You can use the asterisk (*) character)</label>');
194 ptln('<p><input type="text" style="width: 100%;" id="' . PageRules::MATCHER_NAME . '" required="required" name="' . PageRules::MATCHER_NAME . '" ' . $matcherDefault . ' class="edit" placeholder="pattern"/> </p>');
195 ptln('<p><b>Then applies this redirect settings:</b></p>');
200 ptln('<label for="' . PageRules::TARGET_NAME . '">Target: (A DokuWiki Id or an URL where you can use the ($) group character)</label>');
201 ptln('<p><input type="text" style="width: 100%;" required="required" id="' . PageRules::TARGET_NAME . '" name="' . PageRules::TARGET_NAME . '" ' . $targetDefault . ' class="edit" placeholder="target" /></p>');
202 ptln('<label for="' . PageRules::PRIORITY_NAME . '">Priority: (The order in which rules are applied)</label>');
203 ptln('<p><input type="text" id="' . PageRules::PRIORITY_NAME . '." style="width: 100%;" required="required" placeholder="priority" name="' . PageRules::PRIORITY_NAME . '" value="' . $priority . '" class="edit" /></p>');
204 ptln('<input type="hidden" name="do" value="admin" />');
206 ptln('<input type="hidden" name="' . PageRules::ID_NAME . '" value="' . $id . '" />');
208 ptln('<input type="hidden" name="page" value="' . $this->getPluginName() . '_' . $this->getPluginComponent() . '" />');
209 ptln('<p>');
210 ptln('<a class="btn btn-light" href="?do=admin&page=webcomponent_pagerules" > ' . 'Cancel' . ' <a/>');
211 ptln('<input class="btn btn-primary" type="submit" name="save" class="button" value="' . 'Save' . '" />');
212 ptln('</p>');
213 ptln('</form>');
214 ptln('</div>');
216 ptln('</div>');
221 ptln('<h2><a id="pagerules_list">' . 'Rules' . '</a></h2>');
222 ptln('<div class="level2">');
224 ptln('<form class="pt-3 pb-3" action="" method="post">');
225 ptln('<input type="hidden" name="sectok" value="' . getSecurityToken() . '" />');
226 ptln(' <input type="hidden" name="do" value="admin" />');
227 ptln(' <input type="hidden" name="page" value="' . $this->getPluginName() . '_' . $this->getPluginComponent() . '" />');
228 ptln(' <input type="submit" name="upsert" name="Create a page rule" class="button" value="' . $this->getLangOrDefault('AddNewRule', 'Add a new rule') . '" />');
229 ptln('</form>');
235 ptln('<p>No Rules found</p>');
237 ptln('<div class="table-responsive">');
239 ptln('<table class="table table-hover">');
240 ptln(' <thead>');
241 ptln(' <tr>');
242 ptln(' <th>&nbsp;</th>');
243 ptln(' <th>' . $this->getLangOrDefault('Priority', 'Priority') . '</th>');
244 ptln(' <th>' . $this->getLangOrDefault('Matcher', 'Matcher') . '</th>');
245 ptln(' <th>' . $this->getLangOrDefault('Target', 'Target') . '</th>');
246 ptln(' <th>' . $this->getLangOrDefault('NDate', 'Date') . '</th>');
247 ptln(' </tr>');
248 ptln(' </thead>');
249 ptln(' <tbody>');
261 ptln(' <tr class="redirect_info">');
262 ptln(' <td>');
263 ptln(' <form action="" method="post" style="display: inline-block">');
264 ptln('<input type="hidden" name="sectok" value="' . getSecurityToken() . '" />');
265 ptln('<button style="background: none;border: 0;">');
266 ptln(inlineSVG(DirectoryLayout::getComboImagesDirectory()->resolve('delete.svg')->toAbsoluteId()));
267 ptln('</button>');
268 ptln(' <input type="hidden" name="Delete" value="Yes" />');
269 ptln(' <input type="hidden" name="' . PageRules::ID_NAME . '" value="' . $id . '" />');
270 ptln(' </form>');
271 ptln(' <form action="" method="post" style="display: inline-block">');
272 ptln('<input type="hidden" name="sectok" value="' . getSecurityToken() . '" />');
273 ptln('<button style="background: none;border: 0;">');
274 ptln(inlineSVG(DirectoryLayout::getComboImagesDirectory()->resolve('file-document-edit-outline.svg')->toAbsoluteId()));
275 ptln('</button>');
276 ptln(' <input type="hidden" name="upsert" value="Yes" />');
277 ptln(' <input type="hidden" name="' . PageRules::ID_NAME . '" value="' . $id . '" />');
278 ptln(' </form>');
280 ptln(' </td>');
281 ptln(' <td>' . $priority . '</td>');
282 ptln(' <td>' . $matcher . '</td>');
283 ptln(' <td>' . $target . '</td>');
284 ptln(' <td>' . $timestamp . '</td>');
285 ptln(' </tr>');
287 ptln(' </tbody>');
288 ptln('</table>');
289 ptln('</div>'); //End Table responsive
292 ptln('</div>'); // End level 2