Lines Matching refs:string

85      * @var string[]
90 * @var string the path id passed to function (cleaned)
96 * @var string
100 * @var string|null - ie mtime
110 * @var string - the absolute path (we use it for now to handle directory by adding a separator at the end)
119 * @param string $path - the path (may be relative)
120 * @param string $drive - the drive (media, page, combo) - same as in windows for the drive prefix (c, d, ...)
121 * @param string|null $rev - the revision (mtime)
132 protected function __construct(string $path, string $drive, string $rev = null)
147 throw new ExceptionRuntimeInternal("The context path is unknwon. The empty path string needs it.");
256 * @param string $parameterPath - the path in a wiki form that may be relative - if the path is blank, it's the current markup (the requested markup)
257 * @param string|null $rev - the revision (ie timestamp in number format)
261 public static function createMarkupPathFromPath(string $parameterPath, string $rev = null): WikiPath
400 * @return false|string
419 * @return string
431 function toDokuWikiIdDriveContextual($path): string
464 static function createFromUri(string $uri): WikiPath
520 * @param string $path
523 static function addRootSeparatorIfNotPresent(string &$path)
532 * @param string $relativePath
533 * @return string - a dokuwiki path (replacing the windows or linux path separator to the dokuwiki separator)
536 static function toDokuWikiSeparator(string $relativePath): string
544 * @return string - a valid path
547 static function toValidAbsolutePath($path): string
566 * @param string $rev - the revision
570 static function createWikiPath($path, $drive, string $rev = ''): WikiPath
672 * @param string $namespacePath
676 static function isNamespacePath(string $namespacePath): bool
689 static function checkNamespacePath(string $namespacePath)
700 * @param string $namespaceAttribute
704 static function addNamespaceEndSeparatorIfNotPresent(string &$namespaceAttribute)
712 * @param string $path - path or id
713 * @param string $drive
714 * @param string|null $rev
718 static function createFromPath(string $path, string $drive, string $rev = null): WikiPath
734 * @param string $id
735 * @return array|string|string[]
743 static function normalizeWikiPath(string $id)
756 * @return string with the root path
759 static function removeRootSepIfPresent($path): string
774 function getLastName(): string
794 * First element can be an empty string
795 * Case of only one string without path separator
796 * the first element returned is an empty string
854 * @return string - the wiki id is the absolute path
866 function getWikiId(): string
874 function getPath(): string
883 function getScheme(): string
899 * @return string|null
903 function getRevision(): string
906 * Empty because the value may be null or empty string
932 * @return string
944 function getAbsolutePath(): string
971 * @return string
974 function toRelativeFileSystemPath(): string
1014 * @return string - the wiki id with a root separator
1016 function toAbsoluteId(): string
1074 function getDrive(): string
1080 function resolve(string $name): WikiPath
1094 function toUriString(): string
1111 function getHost(): string