Lines Matching defs:Sqlite
20 class Sqlite
48 * Sqlite constructor.
59 * @return Sqlite $sqlite
62 public static function createOrGetSqlite($databaseName = self::MAIN_DATABASE_NAME): Sqlite
65 $sqliteExecutionObjectIdentifier = Sqlite::class . "-$databaseName";
70 * @var Sqlite $sqlite
109 $sqliteMandatoryMessage = "The Sqlite Plugin is mandatory. Some functionalities of the ComboStrap Plugin may not work.";
123 $message = "Unable to initialize Sqlite";
144 $sqlite = new Sqlite($sqlitePlugin);
153 public static function createOrGetBackendSqlite(): ?Sqlite
284 $sqliteMandatoryMessage = "The Sqlite Php Extension is mandatory. It seems that it's not available on this installation.";
291 * to reset the Sqlite variable