Lines Matching refs:path

23  *   * the {@link FetcherSvg::setSourcePath() original path}
24 * * the {@link FetcherSvg::setRequestedName() name} if this is an {@link FetcherSvg::setRequestedType() icon type}, the original path is then determined on {@link FetcherSvg::getSourcePath() get}
107 * * stroke, the color is on the path (known as Outline
145 public static function createSvgFromPath(WikiPath $path): FetcherSvg
149 $fetcher->setSourcePath($path);
483 public function setSourcePath(WikiPath $path): IFetcherLocalImage
486 $this->setOriginalPathTraitAlias($path);
724 if (isset($this->path)) {
726 return $this->path->getLastNameWithoutExtension();
1213 $path = $this->getSourcePath();
1214 $pathString = $path->toAbsolutePath()->toAbsoluteId();
1267 * Update the fill property on sub-path
1268 * If the fill is set on sub-path, it will not work
1272 $svgPaths = $this->getXmlDocument()->xpath("//*[local-name()='path' or local-name()='g']");
1304 * Delete the stroke property on sub-path
1306 // if the fill is set on sub-path, it will not work
1307 $svgPaths = $this->getXmlDocument()->xpath("//*[local-name()='path']");
1354 // Add a class on each path for easy styling
1357 $svgPaths = $documentElement->querySelectorAll('path');
1470 throw new ExceptionBadArgument("We can't get the icon path. Error: {$e->getMessage()}. (ie media or icon name attribute is mandatory).", self::CANONICAL, 1, $e);
1502 throw new ExceptionNotFound("No path was defined and no icon name was defined");
1505 throw new ExceptionNotFound("No original path was set and no icon was defined");
1693 * via the source path below
1706 * A svg path
1712 $path = $this->getSourcePath();
1714 $markup = FileSystems::getContent($path);
1716 throw new ExceptionRuntime("The svg file ($path) was not found", self::CANONICAL);
1721 throw new ExceptionRuntime("The svg file ($path) is not a valid svg. Error: {$e->getMessage()}");
1763 // not a svg from a path