Lines Matching refs:path

90      * @var FetcherMarkup - the parent (a instructions run may run inside a path run, ie {@link \syntax_plugin_combo_iterator)
113 * @var WikiPath the context path, it's important to resolve relative link and to create cache for each context namespace for instance
118 * @var Path the source path of the markup (may be not set if we render a markup string for instance)
160 * @param Path $executingPath - the path where we can find the markup
161 * @param ?WikiPath $contextPath - the context path, the requested path in the browser url (from where relative component are resolved (ie links, ...))
172 * Not a wiki path, default to the default
210 * and we need to know the original request path that is in the parent run.
297 // not an accessible source path
395 * At the beginning there is no markup path
406 LogUtility::error("The metadata path should be known. " . $e->getMessage(), self::CANONICAL, $e);
507 throw new ExceptionRuntimeInternal("A source path should be available as this is a path execution");
509 throw new ExceptionRuntime("There is no snippet cache store for a non-path execution");
528 * @return LocalPath the fetch path - start the process and returns a path. If the cache is on, return the {@link FetcherMarkup::getContentCachePath()}
536 * The cache path may have change due to the cache key rerouting
538 * as fetch path
634 * none if this is not a path execution
745 * @return LocalPath - the cache path is where the result is stored if the cache is on
746 * The cache path may have change due to the cache key rerouting
748 * as fetch path
752 $path = $this->contentCache->cache;
753 return LocalPath::createFromPathString($path);
777 * Source path execution
778 * The cache path may have change due to the cache key rerouting
780 * as fetch path
782 $path = $this->getContentCachePath();
784 $text = FileSystems::getContent($path);
786 throw new ExceptionRuntime("Internal error: The fetch path should exists.", self::CANONICAL, 1, $e);
802 // not a wiki path
834 throw new ExceptionNotFound("No source path for this markup");
838 * Utility class that return the source path
848 * @return Path|null - utility class to get the source markup path or null (if this is a markup snippet/string rendering)
907 // not a wiki path
925 * (ie when this is path execution)
926 * If this is not a path execution, the snippet cannot be
944 LogUtility::warning("The execution ($this) is not a path execution. The snippet $snippet will not be preserved after initial rendering. Set the execution as standalone or set a parent markup handler.");
958 * @return bool true if the markup string comes from a path
959 * This is motsly important for cache as we use the path as the cache key
966 * The rule is this is a path execution of the {@link self::$markupSourcePath executing source path} is set.
968 * Ie this is not a path execution, if the input is:
1090 throw new ExceptionRuntimeInternal("A markup or a source markup path should be specified.");
1095 LogUtility::error("The path ($sourcePath) does not exist, we have set the markup to the empty string during rendering. If you want to delete the cache path, ask it via the cache path function", self::CANONICAL, $e);
1132 $path = $this->instructionsCache->cache;
1133 return LocalPath::createFromPathString($path);
1224 // not a wiki path execution
1261 $path = $this->getRequestedExecutingPath();
1262 if (!FileSystems::exists($path)) {
1316 throw new ExceptionNotFound("No meta path for this markup");
1322 * All path should then be available
1338 * All path should then be available
1372 * a path execution
1421 throw new ExceptionRuntimeInternal("A source path should be defined if it's not a markup string execution");