Lines Matching refs:code

1 # JavaScript code prettifier
3 …** ** is going away](!topic/js-code-prettifier/IFHev_kL…
5 An embeddable script that makes source-code snippets in HTML prettier.
8 * Works even if code contains embedded links, line numbers, etc.
17 * Widely used with good cross-browser support. Powers
26 <script src=""></scri…
34 Put code snippets in `<pre class="prettyprint">...</pre>` or
35 `<code class="prettyprint">...</code>` and it will automatically be
98 ### How do I specify the language of my code?
114 You may also use the [HTML 5][3] convention of embedding a `<code>` element
118 <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-java">...</code></pre>
121 ### It doesn't work on "obfuscated code sample"?
123 Yes. Prettifying obfuscated code is like putting lipstick on a pig &mdash;
140 This breaks prettifying as well as copying and pasting of code samples. See
141 [WordPress's help center][5] for info on how to stop smart quoting of code
144 ### How do I put line numbers in my code?
146 You can use the `linenums` class to turn on line numbering. If your code
162 ### How do I prevent a portion of markup from being marked as code?
164 You can use the `nocode` class to identify a span of markup that is not code:
168 int x = foo(); /* This is a comment <span class="nocode">This is not code</span>
194 ### How can I customize the colors and styles of my code?
196 Prettify adds `<span>` with `class`es describing the kind of code. You can
201 ### I can't add classes to my code (because it comes from Markdown, etc.)
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