Lines Matching refs:Text

92 * [#651]( Text pasted using the [Paste from Wo…
175 …* [Text Watcher]( – Checks whether an editor's t…
176 …* [Text Match]( – Allows to search [`CKEDITOR.dom.…
324 …ighted in the [Color Button]( Text Color or Background…
408 * [#413]( Added Paste as Plain Text keyboard s…
451 * [#16913]( [Firefox, IE] Fixed: [Paste as Plain Text](https…
452 * [#16968]( Fixed: [Safari] [Paste as Plain Text](https://ck…
527 … the [Color Button]( plugin ([Text Color and Backgroun…
551 * [#14867]( [Firefox] Fixed: Text gets stripped when [pastin…
603 * [#7154]( Added support for the "Display Text" field to the …
784 * [#13495]( [Firefox, IE] Fixed: Text is not word-wrapped in…
1055 …t/12097): Fixed: JAWS not reading the number of options correctly in the [Text Color and Backgroun…
1070 * [#12243]( Fixed: Text formatting lost when pasting from Wo…
1317 * [#11307]( Fixed: Paste as Plain Text conflict with the [Mo…
1551 * [#10389]( Fixed: Invalid HTML in the "Text and Table" temp…