Lines Matching refs:CSS

97 … the `contextmenu_contentsCss` configuration option to allow adding custom CSS to the [Context Men…
133 …ml#method-addButton) definition option can by identified by the `.cke_button_expandable` CSS class.
267 * [#1010]( Fixed: The CSS `border` shorthand …
331 * [#1221]( Fixed: Invalid CSS loaded by [Ball…
358 * [#566]( Fixed: The CSS `border` shorthand pr…
422 …m/docs/ckeditor4/latest/api/CKEDITOR.filter.html) incorrectly transforms the `margin` CSS property.
520 …// plugin which will now normalize the CSS `background` proper…
633 …xed: Missing [Widget]( drag handler CSS when there are mult…
640 * [#14535]( Fixed: CSS syntax corrections. Thanks to [mdjden…
865 * [#13279]( Reviewed CSS vendor prefixes.
993 * [#12777]( Fixed: The `table-layout` CSS property should be…
1080 * [#12218]( Fixed: Minor syntax issue in CSS files.
1198 …g), it is highly recommended to use this setting, which also helps prevent CSS conflicts, etc. Thi…
1212 …nfig.html#cfg-image2_alignClasses) option to configure the way images are aligned with CSS classes.
1220 …tor.html#method-addContentsCss) method that can be used for [adding custom CSS files](https://cked…
1222 …rentImageData) property which contains transparent image data to be used in CSS or as image source.
1408 * [#11066]( Widget's private parts use CSS reset.
1467 * [#10915]( Fixed: Invalid CSS filter in the Kama skin.
1528 * [#10562]( [Housekeeping] Unified CSS gradient filter forma…