Lines Matching refs:now

9 * The [UI Color]( plugin now uses a custom color picker instead o…
15 …](!/api/CKEDITOR.template) removed. CKEditor can now be used with the `u…
20 …ttp://!/api/CKEDITOR.editor-method-getCommandKeystroke) now also accepts a comm…
21 …](!/api/CKEDITOR.dom.range-method-shrink) method now allows for skipping…
65 * [#16982]( Latest Safari now supports enhanced Clipboard API…
74 * [#13818]( It is now possible to group [Widget](http://ckedi…
100 …he [Color Button]( plugin which will now normalize the CSS `…
110 …!/api/CKEDITOR.config-cfg-pasteFromWordRemoveFontStyles) option now defaults to `false`…
115 …/10015): Keyboard shortcuts (relevant to the operating system in use) will now be displayed in too…
116 …/13794): The [Upload Image]( feature now uses `uploaded.widt…
182 …ket/14747): The [Enhanced Image]( caption now supports the link `…
255 …!/api/ method. The CSRF token is now automatically sent …
427 …!/api/CKEDITOR.dom.range-method-extractContents) methods which now clone IDs similarly…
455 … editor was introduced. Through a set of new facades for native APIs it is now possible to easily …
459 …ttp://!/api/CKEDITOR.plugins.clipboard.dataTransfer) is now always available in…
462 …(!/api/CKEDITOR.editor-method-insertHtml) method now accepts `range` as …
486 * [#10931]( Added support for nesting widgets. It is now poss…
511 … be configured to enable the [Mathematical Formulas]( plugin now.
563 … Because of licensing issues, `truncated-mathjax/` is now removed from the `t…
702 * The CKEditor testing environment is now publicly available. Read more about how to set up the env…
785 * [#11297]( Styles can now be applied to widgets. The definit…
787 …(!/api/ methods are now called with an edit…
795 …t/11341): [Enhanced Image]( plugin: It is now possible to add a l…
849 …!/api/CKEDITOR.dom.selection-method-removeAllRanges) is now scoped to selection…
855 …nks in the [About CKEditor]( dialog window now open in a new brows…
865 … plugin [methods](!/api/CKEDITOR.xml) now work in IE10+.
913 * To match the naming convention, the `language` button is now `Language` ([#11201](http://dev.cked…
918 ….com/#!/api/CKEDITOR.plugins.widget.repository-method-checkWidgets) method now fires the [`widget.…
922 …5): With drop-down menu button focused, pressing the *Down Arrow* key will now open the menu and f…
937 … Fixed: Keyboard navigation through menu and drop-down items will now cycle.
965 * [#10856]( Menu buttons will now toggle the visibility of th…
1048 …/indentlist) and [Indent Block]( are now included in the bui…
1052 * [#10753]( The floating toolbar in inline instances now has …
1071 * It is now possible to set per instance [WebSpellChecker]( plugin co…
1085 …81): The [jQuery Adapter](!/guide/dev_jquery) is now available. Several …
1167 ….com/ticket/10213): [Justify]( plugin is now correctly registeri…
1190 …* Default [`command`](!/api/CKEDITOR.command) state is now [`CKEDITOR.TR…
1271 …/api/CKEDITOR.config-cfg-pasteFromWordCleanupFile) configuration option is now taken from the inst…