Lines Matching refs:is

8 …nd [Semantic Media Embed]( plugins is no longer preset by …
28 …focusing it when the [Copy Formatting]( plugin is enabled.
32 …Fixed: [Safari] [Paste as Plain Text]( is not handled by the e…
33 * [#16912]( Fixed: Exception thrown when a single image is pa…
41 * [#13062]( Fixed: Impossible to unlink when the caret is at …
43 * [#16811]( Fixed: Table alignment is not preserved by the [P…
44 * [#16810]( Fixed: Vertical align in tables is not supported …
47 …s) throws an error when the [Table Resize]( plugin is active.
49 …et/14894): [Chrome] Fixed: The editor scrolls to the top after focusing or when a dialog is opened.
51 * [#16804]( Fixed: Focus is not on the first menu item when …
53 …ontaining the [Color Button]( plugin is run in ES5 strict mo…
57 …ent Filter](!/guide/dev_advanced_content_filter) is against [security be…
74 * [#13818]( It is now possible to group [Widget](http://ckedi…
78 * [#13446]( [Chrome] Fixed: It is possible to type in an unfo…
86 …ement-method-setSize) sets incorrect editor dimensions if the border width is represented as a fra…
88 * [#14869]( Fixed: JavaScript error is thrown when trying to …
98 …: Cannot select all editor content when a widget or a non-editable element is the first or last el…
99 ….com/ticket/14755): [Blink, WebKit, IE8] Fixed: Browser hangs when a table is inserted in the plac…
134 * [#6115]( Fixed: When Right-to-Left text direction is applied…
135 …// filters out a basic text style when it is [configured to use a…
136 …/6457): [IE] Fixed: [Pasting from Word]( is extremely slow.
137 * [#6789]( Fixed: The `mso-list: ignore` style is not handled …
150 …!/api/CKEDITOR.config-cfg-pasteFromWordRemoveFontStyles) is ignored under certai…
153 * [#11294]( [IE10] Fixed: Font size is not preserved when [pa…
165 …1): Fixed: [Basic Styles]( do not work when SCAYT is enabled.
178 An upgrade is recommended.
187 …13362): [Blink, WebKit] Fixed: Active widget element is not cached when it is losing focus and it
190 … Fixed: When aborting file upload the placeholder for image is left.
199 …-autoGrow_onStartup) option set to `true` does not work properly for an editor that is not visible.
216 …dom.element-method-removeAttribute) method does not remove all attributes if no parameter is given.
218 * [#11697]( Fixed: Content is replaced ignoring the letter ca…
245 …!/api/CKEDITOR.editor-method-getData) fails when the cursor is next to an `<hr>` ta…
246 …!/api/CKEDITOR.editor-method-getData) throw an error when an image is the only data in the…
248 * [#14234]( Fixed: URL input field is not marked as required …
255 …!/api/ method. The CSRF token is now automatically se…
281 …lugin dialog does not display the subject of email links if the subject parameter is not lowercase.
282is appended to an email address added with the [Link]( plugin if su…
283 * [#13790]( Fixed: It is not possible to destroy the editor …
285 … Fixed: CKEditor does not work when the `classList` polyfill is used.
288 * [#13872]( Fixed: Cutting is possible in the [read-only](htt…
290 * [#13879]( Fixed: It is not possible to prevent the [`editor…
292 …Fixed: The `contents.css` style is not used if the [IFrame Editing Area](…
313 …/ticket/13640): [IE] Fixed: Dropping a widget outside the `<body>` element is not handled correctl…
318 ….com/ticket/13284): Fixed: Cannot drag and drop a widget if the text caret is placed just after th…
324 …!/api/CKEDITOR.env-property-mobile) as deprecated. The reason is that it is no longer clea…
343 …p:// Fixed: Error is thrown and the widget is lost on drag&drop if …
346 …/ integration with [Undo]( is broken.
363 …8] Fixed: Copying inline widgets is broken when [Advanced Content Filter](…
364 * [#13495]( [Firefox, IE] Fixed: Text is not word-wrapped in …
365 … Fixed: Content copied from Microsoft Word and other external applications is pasted as a plain te…
377 * [#11616]( [Chrome] Fixed: Resizing the editor while it is n…
394 … plugin should log an error, not throw an error when upload URL is not set.
402 …in the [Embed]( dialog to indicate that a resource is being loaded.
411 … inline [Enhanced Image]( alignment class is not transferred to t…
414 * [#13032]( Fixed: When upload is done, notification update s…
418 * [#13186]( Fixed: Content dropped into a nested editable is
431 … Fixed: Wrong position of the suggestion box if there is not enough space bel…
432 …( Fixed: The "Toggle empty elements" button label is unclear.
433 * [#13136]( Fixed: Autocompleter is far too intrusive.
435 …ttons`](!/api/CKEDITOR.config-cfg-removeButtons) is ignored by the advan…
455 …the editor was introduced. Through a set of new facades for native APIs it is now possible to easi…
457 …and update the content when the process is done. It also handles editing and undo/redo operations …
458 …* All drag and drop operations were integrated with the editor. All dropped content is passed thro…
459 …](!/api/CKEDITOR.plugins.clipboard.dataTransfer) is now always available…
460 …ata loss. Additionally, on copy and cut from the editor the clipboard data is set. Therefore, on p…
462 …pi/CKEDITOR.editor-event-paste) event can have the `range` parameter so it is possible to change t…
463is by default turned to `'semantic-content'` on Webkit and Blink for all pasted content coming fro…
466 …d](!/api/CKEDITOR.editor-method-getSelectedHtml) is used to get selected…
476 * File APIs needed to operate and file upload is not supported in Internet Explorer 9 and below.
477 …Mac OS support setting custom data items in the clipboard, so currently it is possible to recogniz…
486is now possible to insert one widget into another widget's nested editable. Note that unless neste…
488 …* [#12024]( [Firefox] Fixed: Outline is extended to the left…
501 …!/api/CKEDITOR.plugins.widget-static-method-getNestedEditable) and `is*` [widget helper](ht…
504 …ext directions by using the *Shift+Alt+Home/End* keystrokes. The direction is stored in the value …
510 …Full compatibility will be introduced later, because at the moment Spartan is still too unstable t…
512 …/#!/api/CKEDITOR.editable-method-insertElement) when the `range` parameter is used. Now, the `edit…
513 … is loaded, the notification system is used automatically. Otherwise,…
523 * [#13001]( [Firefox] Fixed: The `<br />` filler is placed in…
534 **An upgrade is highly recommended!**
540 …r [`CKEDITOR.dom.text`](!/api/CKEDITOR.dom.text) is incorrect. Thanks to…
548 …cket/11982): Fixed: Bullet added in a wrong position after the *Enter* key is pressed in a nested …
558 * [#13344]( [WebKit/Blink] Fixed: It is possible to remove or…
563 … Because of licensing issues, `truncated-mathjax/` is now removed from the…
574 * [#12812]( Fixed: An uncaught security exception is thrown w…
576 …: Fixed: [Paste from Word]( filter is executed for every p…
578is thrown if a skin does not have the [`chameleon`](!/api/…
579 …E8-10] Fixed: Opening a drop-down for a specific selection when the editor is maximized results in…
580 * [#12850]( [IEQM] Fixed: An error is thrown after focusing t…
590 **An upgrade is highly recommended!**
603is placed outside the paragraph when the [New Page]( button is c…
604 …r.blur`](!/api/CKEDITOR.editor-event-blur) event is not fired on first b…
606 … in the [Document Properties]( dialog window is always disabled.
609 * [#12515]( Fixed: Cursor is in the wrong position when undoi…
610 * [#12484]( [Blink/WebKit] Fixed: DOM is changed outside the …
626 * [#10804]( Fixed: `CKEDITOR_GETURL` is not used with some pl…
627 * [#9137]( Fixed: The `<base>` tag is not created when `<head>…
653 …ange`](!/api/CKEDITOR.editor-event-change) event is fired when pressing …
656 * [#11970]( [IE] Fixed: CKEditor `paste` event is not fired w…
661 … [Blink/WebKit] Fixed: Iterator does not return the block if the selection is located at the end o…
666 * [#12204]( Fixed: Editor's voice label is not affected by [`…
681 **An upgrade is highly recommended!**
692 * [#12132]( Fixed: Image is inserted with `width` and `height…
694 …d shortcut if the [Accessibility Help]( plugin is not available.
696 …!/api/CKEDITOR.config-cfg-fillEmptyBlocks) not working properly if a function is specified.
702 * The CKEditor testing environment is now publicly available. Read more about how to set up the env…
703 …itor/ckeditor-dev/tree/master/tests) directory which contains editor tests is not available in rel…
717 * [#12022]( Fixed: Outer widget's drag handler is not created…
742 …ments. **Note:** This patch only covers cases when *Backspace* or *Delete* is pressed on a collaps…
743 …[iOS] Fixed: Selection and drop-downs are broken if a touch event listener is used due to a [WebKi…
756 … [WebKit] Fixed: Editing anchors by double-click is broken in some cases.
758 * [#11788]( Fixed: It is not possible to change the language …
761 …:// Fixed: Drop-down is not "on" when clicking it while the editor
763 * [#11811]( Fixed: Widget's data is not encoded correctly whe…
778 …fig-cfg-image2_captionedClass) option is set to `caption`. For backward compatibility (i.e. when u…
781 …//!/api/ will work even when the editor instance is not provided.
787 …e) methods. Backward compatibility was preserved, but from CKEditor 4.4 it is highly recommended t…
789 …hod which can be implemented by the custom style handler and if exists, it is used by the [`CKEDIT…
793 …If this setting is defined, the editor produces classes instead of inline styles for aligned image…
795 …cket/11341): [Enhanced Image]( plugin: It is now possible to add …
837 …74): Fixed: *Backspace* destroying the DOM structure if an inline editable is placed in a list ite…
840 …ticket/11635): Fixed: Some attributes are not protected before the content is passed through the f…
841 …// [IE] Fixed: Table content is lost when some extra markup is insi…
843 …68): Fixed: [Styles]( drop-down list is not enabled on selec…
849 …://!/api/CKEDITOR.dom.selection-method-removeAllRanges) is now scoped to select…
854 * [#11438]( Splitting table cells vertically is no longer cha…
857 …/!/api/CKEDITOR.plugins.widget-event-doubleclick) event is not canceled anymore…
866 … [IE11] Fixed: Blurry toolbar icons when Right-to-Left UI language is set.
867 …g.fullPage`](!/api/CKEDITOR.config-cfg-fullPage) is set to `true`, entit…
877 … Fixed: Initial position is not updated when the widget data object i…
879 …* [#11161]( Fixed: Drag handler is not repositioned in vario…
885 … [Firefox] Fixed: High Contrast mode is enabled when the editor is loaded…
886 …entsCss`](!/api/CKEDITOR.config-cfg-contentsCss) is affected by [`CKEDIT…
890 … Fixed: Native Undo executed once the bottom of the snapshot stack is reached.
892 …Div Editing Area]( Fixed: Elements Path is not cleared after sw…
902 …/11021): Fixed: An error thrown when selecting entire editable contents while fake selection is on.
906 …n/image2): A `<div>` element with `text-align: center` and an image inside is not recognised corre…
913 * To match the naming convention, the `language` button is now `Language` ([#11201](http://dev.cked…
918 …ins.widget.repository-event-checkWidgets) event, so from CKEditor 4.3.1 it is preferred to use the…
928 … Widgets: Drag handler is not fully visible when an inline widget i…
929 * [#11132]( [Firefox] Fixed: Caret is lost after drag and dro…
930 …] Fixed: Editor crashes (IE11) or works with minor issues (IE10) if a page is loaded in Quirks Mod…
940 * [#11237]( Fixed: Table border attribute value is deleted wh…
983 … The `paste` command is no longer being disabled when the clipboard…
984 … Fixed: Firefox prepends `<br>` to `<body>`, so it is stripped by the HTML…
991 …om/ticket/10911): Fixed: Browser *Alt* hotkeys will no longer be blocked while a widget is focused.
992 * [#11082]( Fixed: Selected widget is not copied or cut when …
998 * [#11129]( Page break is lost when loading data.
999 * [#11123]( [Firefox] Widget is destroyed after being dragged…
1031 …): [Blink/WebKit] Fixed: A non-breaking space is created once a character is deleted and a regular…
1033 * [#11096]( Fixed: TypeError: Object has no method 'is'.
1042 … Prevent default action when content of a non-editable link is clicked.
1064 … to the ACF in case when the [Shared Spaces plugin]( is used.
1068 * [#10623]( [WebKit] Page is scrolled when opening a drop-dow…
1071 * It is now possible to set per instance [WebSpellChecker]( plugin co…
1085 …10281): The [jQuery Adapter](!/guide/dev_jquery) is now available. Sever…
1094 … [Indent]( plugin is no longer required b…
1096 * [#10438]( [FF, IE] No selection is done on an editable elem…
1126 …enterMode`](!/api/CKEDITOR.config-cfg-enterMode) is [`CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR`…
1152 * [#10330]( [WebKit] The filling character is not removed on …
1167is now correctly registering rules to Advanced Content Filter when [`config.justifyClasses`](http:…
1197 …not opening with keyboard shortcuts when [Autogrow]( is enabled.
1208 …when [`editor.readOnly`](!/api/CKEDITOR.editor-property-readOnly) is set.
1211 …tp://!/api/CKEDITOR.editor-event-selectionChange) event is not fired when mouse…
1215 …Link]( dialog window when the Anchor option is used and no anchors …
1219 … [Firefox] Selection is moved before editable position when the edito…
1221 … Fixed: Broken [sourcearea]( view when an RTL language is set.
1247 …: Context menu generates a JavaScript error in inline mode when the editor is attached to a header…
1258 * [#9531]( [Firefox & Inline editor] Toolbar is lost when clos…
1259 … Table width incorrectly set when the `border-width` style is specified.
1260 * [#9594]( Cannot tab past CKEditor when it is in read-only mo…
1267 * [#9787]( [IE9] `onChange` is not fired for checkboxes in dia…
1270 …p://!/api/CKEDITOR.editor-method-addRemoveFormatFilter) is exposed before it re…
1271 …/#!/api/CKEDITOR.config-cfg-pasteFromWordCleanupFile) configuration option is now taken from the i…