Lines Matching refs:in

9 …n vulnerabilities (it's a security precaution, there was no security issue in CKEditor due to the …
15 * [#13381]( Dynamic code evaluation call in [`CKEDITOR.templa…
16 …icket/16971): Added support for color in the `background` property containing also other styles fo…
18 * [#16818]( Added table cell height parsing in the [Paste fro…
20 * [#16937]( The `command` parameter in [CKEDITOR.editor.getCo…
25 * [#16935]( [Chrome] Fixed: Blurring the editor in [Source Mo…
44 * [#16810]( Fixed: Vertical align in tables is not supported …
50 * [#14769]( Fixed: URLs with '-' in host are not detected by…
53 …ng the [Color Button]( plugin is run in ES5 strict mode. Tha…
55 * [PR#336]( Fixed: Typo in [`CKEDITOR.getCss`](h…
57 …ML parser when parsing `src`/`srcdoc` attributes of the `<iframe>` element in a CKEditor setup wit…
62 …ge" on a selected word with enabled [Language]( plugin in SCAYT.
65 ….com/ticket/16982): Latest Safari now supports enhanced Clipboard API introduced in CKEditor 4.5.0.
72 …olorButton_colorsPerRow) configuration option for setting the number of rows in the color selector.
78 * [#13446]( [Chrome] Fixed: It is possible to type in an unfo…
83 …ixed: [Copy Formatting]( breaks the editor in Quirks Mode.
84 …Copy Formatting]( breaks the editor in Compatibility Mode.
88 … error is thrown when trying to use [Find]( in a [`<div>`-based edi…
94 * [#16639]( The `callback` parameter in the [CKEDITOR.ajax.po…
98 …element is the first or last element of the content. Also fixes this issue in the [Select All](htt…
99 …14755): [Blink, WebKit, IE8] Fixed: Browser hangs when a table is inserted in the place of a selec…
107 …( Refreshed default colors available in the [Color Button](h…
110 …FontStyles) option now defaults to `false`. This option will be deprecated in the future. Use [Adv…
112 …* Major improvements in preservation of list numbering, styling and indentation (nested lists with…
113 …* Major improvements in document structure parsing that fix plenty of issues with distorted or mis…
115 …0015): Keyboard shortcuts (relevant to the operating system in use) will now be displayed in toolt…
119 …upport for the HTML5 `download` attribute in link (`<a>`) elements. Selecting the "Force Download"…
129 … Fixed: Copying a nested list from Microsoft Word results in an empty list.
130 …Pasting text from Word]( breaks the styling in some cases.
138 * [#7262]( Fixed: Lists in preformatted body disappear when [p…
139 * [#7662]( [Opera] Fixed: Extra empty number/bullet shown in t…
140 * [#7807]( Fixed: Last item in a list not converted to a `<li>…
141 …ent [from Word pasted]( differently than in other browsers.
145 … Fixed: Faulty removal of empty `<span>` elements in [Paste from Word](ht…
146 …/ticket/8754): [Firefox] Fixed: Incorrect pasting of multiple nested lists in [Paste from Word](ht…
158 * [#13829]( Fixed: No class in [Widget](…
167 …r-plugin-scayt/issues/127): Fixed: Uncaught TypeError after enabling SCAYT in the CKEditor `<div>`…
191 …4659): [Blink] Fixed: Content scrolled to the top after closing the dialog in a [`<div>`-based edi…
206 …om/ticket/14275): [IE9+] Fixed: `onerror` and `onload` events are not used in browsers it could ha…
212in [ckeditor-dev]( and [6c9189f4](…
217 …9): Fixed: Better focus indication and ability to style the selected color in the [color picker di…
218 …ticket/11697): Fixed: Content is replaced ignoring the letter case setting in the [Find and Replac…
226 …colorButton_enableAutomatic) option to allow hiding the "Automatic" option in the [color picker](h…
230 * [#10448]( Fixed: Lack of scrollbar in the [right-to-left te…
242 … Introduced a new strategy for Filling Character handling to avoid changes in DOM. This fixes the …
244 … [Widget]( plugin issue when typing in Korean.
246 …#!/api/CKEDITOR.editor-method-getData) throw an error when an image is the only data in the editor.
247 … [Firefox] Fixed: Copying and pasting a table results in just the first cell …
248 … Fixed: URL input field is not marked as required in the [Media Embed](ht…
266 …llChecker/ckeditor-plugin-scayt/issues/98): SCAYT affects dialog double-click. Fixed in SCAYT core.
269 …ebSpellChecker/ckeditor-plugin-scayt/issues/105): A JavaScript error fired in case of multiple ins…
273 * Issue with pasting SCAYT markup in CKEditor.
274 * SCAYT stops working after pressing the *Cancel* button in the WSC dialog.
288 * [#13872]( Fixed: Cutting is possible in the [read-only](htt…
289 …ening the [Find and Replace]( dialog window in the [read-only](http…
311 … [Edge] Fixed: *Ctrl+A* and then *Backspace* result in an empty `<div>` ele…
312 …om/ticket/13599): Fixed: Cross-editor drag and drop of an inline widget results in error/artifacts.
344 * [#13414]( Fixed: Content auto paragraphing in a nested edit…
358 * [PR#201]( Fixed: Buttons in the toolbar config…
359 …3422): Fixed: A monospaced font should be used in the `<textarea>` element storing editor configur…
360 * [#13494]( Fixed: Error thrown in the toolbar configurator i…
362 * [#13434]( Fixed: Dialog state indicator broken in Right–To–…
364 * [#13495]( [Firefox, IE] Fixed: Text is not word-wrapped in
366 …OR.plugins.clipboard.dataTransfer-method-getData) should work consistently in all browsers and sho…
367 … [IE] Fixed: Binding drag&drop `dataTransfer` does not work if `text` data was set in the meantime.
373 …: The [Auto Link]( plugin does not encode double quotes in URLs.
374 …to Embed]( plugin ignores encoded characters in URL parameters.
375 * [#13410]( Fixed: Error thrown in the [Auto Embed](http://ck…
376 * [#13566]( Fixed: Suppressed notifications in the [Media Emb…
388 * [#13421]( UX improvements to notifications in the [Auto Emb…
402 …!/api/CKEDITOR.dialog-method-setState) method and used it in the [Embed](http://c…
409 …/api/CKEDITOR.editor-method-getSelectedHtml) method throws an error when called in the source mode.
415 * [#13300]( Fixed: The `internalCommit` argument in the [Imag…
423 … [IE8] Fixed: Anchors are duplicated on drag&drop in specific locations.
428 ….element-method-breakParent). Mind the default values and special behavior in the `extractContents…
443 …y-isCompatible) a blacklist rather than a whitelist. More about the change in the [Browser Compati…
456 …* [File upload tools](!/api/CKEDITOR.fileTools) were introduced in order…
459 …data in various types and files. [Data Transfer](!/api/CKEDITOR.plugins.…
462 …ange` parameter so it is possible to change the paste position in the listener or paste in the not…
463 …ipboard. Internal and cross-editor paste is safe due to the change explained in the previous point.
466 …pi/CKEDITOR.editor-method-getSelectedHtml) is used to get selected HTML as in the normal case. Tha…
473 …* [#12914]( Fixed: Copy/Paste of table broken in `div`-based…
476 * File APIs needed to operate and file upload is not supported in Internet Explorer 9 and below.
477 …rt setting custom data items in the clipboard, so currently it is possible to recognize the origin…
478 …* No Internet Explorer browser supports the standard clipboard API which results in small glitches…
479 …* Direct access to clipboard could only be implemented in Chrome, Safari on Mac OS, Opera and Fire…
482 …ionality Overview](!/guide/dev_features) section in the documentation wh…
483 …ed. They will be shipped with every CKEditor package and are meant to help in configuring toolbar …
485 …n/embedsemantic) plugins were introduced. Read more about the new features in the [Embedding Conte…
486 … 4.5 some widget buttons may become enabled. This feature is not supported in IE8. Included issues:
497 * [#12036]( Initialize the editor in [read-only](http://docs.…
498 …//!/api/CKEDITOR.editor-event-resize) passes the current dimensions in its data.
504in the value of the input by prepending the [`\u202A`](…
506 … Added support for the HTML5 `required` attribute in various form element…
520 …/#!/api/CKEDITOR.dom.range-method-cloneContents) should not change the DOM in order not to affect …
523 * [#13001]( [Firefox] Fixed: The `<br />` filler is placed in
530 * Fixed XSS vulnerability in the HTML parser reported by [Dheeraj Joshi](…
538 …et/12899): Fixed: Corrected wrong tag ending for horizontal box definition in the [Dialog User Int…
542 … Fixed: Protection pattern does not work in attribute in self-closing …
543 * [PR#192]( Fixed: Variable name typo in the [Di…
548 … Fixed: Bullet added in a wrong position after the *Enter* key is pres…
549 * [#13027]( Fixed: Keyboard navigation in dialog windows with…
552 * [#13031]( [Firefox] Fixed: No more line breaks in source vi…
558 …): [WebKit/Blink] Fixed: It is possible to remove or change editor content in [read-only mode](htt…
563 … directory. Now `bender.config.mathJaxLibPath` must be configured manually in order to run [Mathem…
564 * [#13266]( Added more shades of gray in the [Color Dialog](h…
574 …Line Utilities]( are used in an inline editor loaded in a cros…
579 … a drop-down for a specific selection when the editor is maximized results in incorrect drop-down …
586 * Fixed XSS vulnerability in the HTML parser reported by [Maco Cortes](…
594 * [#12501]( Allowed dashes in element names in the [string fo…
602 … Fixed: Cannot remove inline styles (bold, italic, etc.) in empty lines.
603 …table is overwritten) is being fixed. That might have fixed many related scenarios in all browsers.
606 * [#12546]( Fixed: The Preview tab in the [Document Propertie…
609 * [#12515]( Fixed: Cursor is in the wrong position when undoi…
610 ….com/ticket/12484): [Blink/WebKit] Fixed: DOM is changed outside the editor area in a certain case.
612 …[font]( style should not lead to nesting it in the previous style e…
628 * [#12377]( Fixed: Errors thrown in the [Image](http://ckedit…
629 * [#12162]( Fixed: Auto paragraphing and *Enter* key in neste…
631 … [code snippet]( should be presented in the [elements path](…
635 …com/ticket/12097): Fixed: JAWS not reading the number of options correctly in the [Text Color and …
636 …1): Fixed: [Page Break]( used directly in the editable breaks …
637 * [#12354]( Fixed: Various issues in undo manager when holdin…
639 …com/ticket/12332): Fixed: Lowered DOM events listeners' priorities in undo manager in order to avo…
640 …: Workaround for Blink bug with `document.title` which breaks updating title in the full HTML mode.
651 …xed: `keypress` listeners should not be used in the undo manager. A complete rewrite of keyboard h…
654 …TOR.plugins.undo.UndoManager-property-locked) property violate strict mode in the [Undo](http://ck…
655 …cket/10916): Fixed: [Magic Line]( icon in Right-To-Left enviro…
658 … [IE] Fixed: Prevented "Unspecified Error" thrown in various cases when I…
659 * [#12273]( Fixed: Applying block style in a description list…
660 * [#12218]( Fixed: Minor syntax issue in CSS files.
665 * [#12298]( [IE11] Fixed: Clicking below `<body>` in Compatib…
668 ….com/WebSpellChecker/ckeditor-plugin-scayt/issues/69): Fixed: Error thrown in the console after en…
679 * Fixed XSS vulnerability in the Preview plugin reported by Mario Heiderich of [Cure53](https://cur…
685 …12164): Added the "Justify" option to the "Horizontal Alignment" drop-down in the Table Cell Prope…
690 * [#11897]( Fixed: *Enter* key used in an empty list item cre…
693 …IE/feedback/details/742593/please-respect-execcommand-enableobjectresizing-in-contenteditable-elem…
702 …available. Read more about how to set up the environment and execute tests in the [CKEditor Testin…
703 …irectory which contains editor tests is not available in release packages. It can only be found in
711 * [#11757]( Fixed: Imperfections in the [Moono](http://ckedit…
719 * [#11306]( [OSX][Blink/WebKit] Fixed: No widget entries in t…
720 * [#11957]( Fixed: Alignment labels in the [Enhanced Image](h…
725 * [#11947]( [Firefox+IE11] Fixed: *Shift+Enter* in lists prod…
726 * [#11972]( Fixed: Feature detection in the [`element.setText…
727 …p:// plugin omits the `allowFullScreen` parameter in the editor data if s…
732 …] Fixed: `IndexSizeError` thrown when pasting into a non-empty selection anchored in one text node.
738 …OR.config-cfg-linkJavaScriptLinksAllowed) anchor tags with JavaScript code in the `href` attribute.
742 …mpty) selection. The remaining case, with a non-empty selection, will be fixed in the next release.
744 …/ticket/11911): Fixed setting the `dir` attribute for a preloaded language in [CKEDITOR.lang](http…
746 …!/api/CKEDITOR.config-cfg-protectedSource) was not working in the `<title>` elemen…
749 …DITOR.editor-method-insertElement) throwing an exception when there was no selection in the editor.
754 …m/ticket/11814): Fixed: _Link_ and _Unlink_ entries persistently displayed in the [Enhanced Image]…
755 … [IE9] Fixed: The caret jumps out of the editable area when resizing the editor in the source mode.
756 … [WebKit] Fixed: Editing anchors by double-click is broken in some cases.
758 …11788): Fixed: It is not possible to change the language back to _Not set_ in the [Code Snippet](h…
764 * [#11777]( Fixed encoding ampersand in the [Mathematical For…
769 * [#11807]( Updated jQuery version used in the sample to 1.11…
770 * [#9504]( Stopped using deprecated `attribute.specified` in a…
771 * [#11809]( Changed tab size in `<pre>` to 4 spaces.
778 …ages has changed to `image` (was: `caption`). Please note that once edited in CKEditor 4.4+, all e…
780 …m/addon/showborders) plugin was added to the Standard installation package in order to ensure that…
785 …t contain two additional properties &mdash; `type` and `widget`. Read more in the [Widget Styles](…
788 …* Many new methods and properties were introduced in the [Widget API](!/…
790 * [#11300]( Various changes in the [Enhanced Image](http://ck…
796 * [#10202]( Introduced wildcard support in the [Allowed Conte…
797 * [#10276]( Introduced blacklisting in the [Allowed Content F…
802 …parentImageData) property which contains transparent image data to be used in CSS or as image sour…
807 … Removed Firefox 3.x, Internet Explorer 6 and Opera 12.x leftovers in code.
811 …* Fixed: Selection not being unlocked in inline editor after setting data ([#11500](http://dev.cke…
816 …!/api/CKEDITOR.editor-method-removeStyle) should result in a paragraph and not …
827 * [#11677]( Fixed: Undo/Redo keystrokes are blocked in the so…
835 …holders]( will no longer be upcasted in parents not acceptin…
837 …4): Fixed: *Backspace* destroying the DOM structure if an inline editable is placed in a list item.
839 …:// Fixed: `{cke_protected_1}` appearing in data in various cases wh…
842 * [#11641]( Fixed: Switching between modes in the classic edi…
849 ….com/ticket/11500): [WebKit/Blink] Fixed: Selection lost when setting data in another inline edito…
855 … Fixed: Links in the [About CKEditor]( dialog…
856 …): Fixed: [Menu button]( panel not showing in the source mode.
858 * [#11253]( [IE] Fixed: Clipped upload button in the [Enhance…
865 … plugin [methods](!/api/CKEDITOR.xml) now work in IE10+.
867 …m/#!/api/CKEDITOR.config-cfg-fullPage) is set to `true`, entities are not encoded in editor output.
869 * [#11439]( Fixed: Properties get cloned in the Cell Properti…
879 …* [#11161]( Fixed: Drag handler is not repositioned in vario…
881 …] Fixed: Misplaced [Enhanced Image]( resizer in the inline editor.
885 …1121): [Firefox] Fixed: High Contrast mode is enabled when the editor is loaded in a hidden iframe.
888 * [#11290]( Removed redundant code in the [Source Dialog](htt…
891 …a): Fixed: Error thrown when switching to source mode if the selection was in widget's nested edit…
895 * [#10762]( [IE] Fixed: JavaScript code displayed in preview …
899 …ents `line-height` to unitless values to avoid huge text overlapping (like in [#9696](http://dev.c…
903 * [#11086]( [IE8] Re-enable inline widgets drag&drop in Inter…
904 * [#11372]( Widgets: Special characters encoded twice in nest…
907 …m/addon/a11yhelp): Allowed additional keyboard button labels to be translated in the dialog window.
928 …om/ticket/11198): Widgets: Drag handler is not fully visible when an inline widget is in a heading.
930 …ditor crashes (IE11) or works with minor issues (IE10) if a page is loaded in Quirks Mode. See [`e…
932 * [#11202]( Fixed: No newline in [BBCode](…
933 …/ Fixed: Error thrown when pressing the *Delete* key in a list item.
935 * [#11183]( Fixed: Inserting a horizontal rule or a table in
964 …ested editables. Styles cannot change non-editable content and are applied in nested editable only…
968 * [#10855]( Change the extension of emoticons in the [BBCode]…
976 * [#10866]( Fixed: Broken *Tab* key navigation in the [Enhanc…
977 … Fixed: *Lock ratio* option should be on by default in the [Enhanced Image]…
978 * [#10881]( Various improvements to *Enter* key behavior in n…
981 …com/ticket/10877): Fixed: [SCAYT]( blocks typing in nested editables.
997 …/ticket/11110): Fixed: IFrame and Flash objects are being incorrectly pasted in certain conditions.
1000 …/11124): Fixed the [Elements Path]( in an editor using the …
1009in an element in which editor features should be adjusted). When you are implementing a new editor…
1045 …icket/10910): [IE9] Fixed JavaScript error thrown in Compatibility Mode when clicking and/or typin…
1047 * [#10915]( Fixed: Invalid CSS filter in the Kama skin.
1048 …and [Indent Block]( are now included in the build configurat…
1052 * [#10753]( The floating toolbar in inline instances now has …
1063 …/9958): [IE9] Pressing the "OK" button will trigger the `onbeforeunload` event in the popup dialog.
1064 …2): Fixed styles from the Styles drop-down list not registering to the ACF in case when the [Share…
1066 * [#9816]( Floating toolbar does not reposition vertically in
1079 … build based on the Basic/Standard package and add the Indent Block plugin in [CKBuilder](http://c…
1088 * [#9923]( HiDPI support in the editor UI. HiDPI icons for [Mo…
1095 * [#10370]( Inconsistency in data events between framed and i…
1106 * [#10644]( Fixed a critical bug when pasting plain text in B…
1108 … [Housekeeping] Unified CSS gradient filter formats in the [Moono](http://c…
1110 …#!/api/CKEDITOR.dialog-static-method-addIframe) incorrectly sets the iframe size in dialog windows.
1124 * [#9761]( Update the *Backspace* key state in [`keystrokeHand…
1131 * [#10389]( Fixed: Invalid HTML in the "Text and Table" templ…
1142 * [#10172]( Pressing *Delete* or *Backspace* in an empty tabl…
1143 … Error thrown when destroying an editor instance in parallel with a `mou…
1144 * [#10265]( Wrong loop type in the [File Browser](http://cked…
1147 * [#9995]( HTML code in the `<textarea>` should not be modifie…
1152 … [WebKit] The filling character is not removed on `keydown` in specific cases.
1161 …ed Content Filter](!/guide/dev_advanced_content_filter) in several cases.
1162 …/#!/api/CKEDITOR.filter-property-allowedContent) property always contains rules in the same format.
1164 * Minor issues in plugin integration with Advanced Content Filter:
1175 Brand new data filtering system that works in 2 modes:
1177 …d features (toolbar items, plugins) - the data will be filtered according to what the editor in its
1183 …ddon/sharedspace) - the ability to display toolbar and bottom editor space in selected locations a…
1186 * Included in [#9829]( Introduced new events, [`toHtml`](http:…
1188 * Included in [#10103](
1191 …: Introduced `<s>` as a default tag for strikethrough, which replaces obsolete `<strike>` in HTML5.
1206 * [#9772]( Custom buttons in the dialog window footer have dif…
1207 …`](!/api/CKEDITOR.stylesSet-method-add) are displayed in the wrong order.
1210 * [#9773]( Fixed rendering problems with selection fields in t…
1214 … [IE] Fixed broken toolbar when editing mixed direction content in Quirks mode.
1215 * [#9845]( Fixed TAB navigation in the [Link](http://ckeditor.…
1220 * [#9947]( [WebKit] Editor overflows parent container in some …
1229 * Security update: Added protection against XSS attack and possible path disclosure in the PHP samp…
1235 * [#9655]( Support for IE Quirks Mode in the new [Moono skin](…
1236 * Accessibility issues (mainly in inline editor): [#9364](, [#9…
1240 …* [#9573]( Magic Line does not disappear on `mouseout` in a s…
1241 … [WebKit] Cutting & pasting simple unformatted text generates an inline wrapper in WebKit browsers.
1247 …* [#9706]( Context menu generates a JavaScript error in inlin…
1249 * [#9721]( Padding in content of div-based editor puts the edi…
1252 * [#9769]( Improved floating toolbar positioning in a narrow w…
1254 * [#8675]( Deleting cells in a nested table removes the outer …
1255 … Cannot edit dialog window fields in an editor initialized in the jQu…
1256 * [#8888]( CKEditor dialog windows do not show completely in a…
1260 * [#9594]( Cannot tab past CKEditor when it is in read-only mo…
1265 * [#9765]( Toolbar Collapse command documented incorrectly in
1267 * [#9787]( [IE9] `onChange` is not fired for checkboxes in dia…
1269 …ments Path]( should not be initialized in the inline editor.
1280 possible. The list of relevant changes can be found in the [API Changes page of