Lines Matching refs:has

9 …in now uses a custom color picker instead of the `YUI 2.7.0` library which has some known vulnerab…
57 …guide/dev_best_practices-section-security), so the problem described above has not been considered…
460 … from the editor the clipboard data is set. Therefore, on paste the editor has access to clean dat…
497 …/api/CKEDITOR.editor-property-readOnly) mode when the `<textarea>` element has a `readonly` attrib…
556 …rrect [Line Utilities]( positioning when `<body>` has a margin.
599 …ticket/12506): [Safari] Fixed: Cannot paste into inline editor if the page has `user-select: none`…
627 … Fixed: The `<base>` tag is not created when `<head>` has an attribute. Thank…
633 * [#12261]( Fixed: Filter has to be destroyed and removed fro…
717 …ket/12022): Fixed: Outer widget's drag handler is not created at all if it has any nested widgets …
765 * [#11880]( [IE8-9] Fixed: Linked image has a default thick b…
778 * The default class of captioned images has changed to `image` (was: `caption`). Please note that o…
927 …/ticket/10853): [Enhanced Image]( Widget has paragraph wrapper w…
1033 * [#11096]( Fixed: TypeError: Object has no method 'is'.
1052 * [#10753]( The floating toolbar in inline instances now has
1123 …// [IE] Access denied error when `document.domain` has been altered.
1279 The CKEditor JavaScript API has been kept compatible with CKEditor 4, whenever