Lines Matching refs:by

8 …antic Media Embed]( plugins is no longer preset by default.
27 * [#16857]( Fixed: <kbd>Ctrl+Shift+V</kbd> blocked by [Copy F…
32 …: [Safari] [Paste as Plain Text]( is not handled by the editor.
43 * [#16811]( Fixed: Table alignment is not preserved by the [P…
44 … Fixed: Vertical align in tables is not supported by the [Paste from Word…
50 * [#14769]( Fixed: URLs with '-' in host are not detected by
101 … [Blink, WebKit] Fixed: Error thrown occasionally by an uninitialized edi…
117 …]( plugin that lets you upload a file by drag&amp;dropping it…
168 …-plugin-scayt/issues/128): Fixed: Error thrown after enabling SCAYT caused by conflicts with Requi…
174 * [Severity: minor] Fixed the `target="_blank"` vulnerability reported by James Gaskell.
219 …!/api/ instance with the `styles` property by [`CKEDITOR.filter`](…
255 …ools-method-getCsrfToken) method. The CSRF token is now automatically sent by the [File Browser](h…
345 … Fixed: Incorrect selection after content insertion by the [Auto Embed](htt…
370 … Fixed: Block widget blurred after a drop followed by an undo.
401 * [#13215]( Added ability to cancel fetching a resource by th…
413 * [#13003]( Fixed: Anchors are uploaded when moving them by d…
418 …cket/13186): Fixed: Content dropped into a nested editable is not filtered by [Advanced Content Fi…
435 …p://!/api/CKEDITOR.config-cfg-removeButtons) is ignored by the advanced toolbar…
460 … data is set. Therefore, on paste the editor has access to clean data, undisturbed by the browsers.
463 ….com/#!/api/CKEDITOR.config-cfg-pasteFilter) was introduced. The filter is by default turned to `'…
488 … [Firefox] Fixed: Outline is extended to the left by unpositioned drag ha…
504 …d textarea text directions by using the *Shift+Alt+Home/End* keystrokes. The direction is stored i…
523 …001): [Firefox] Fixed: The `<br />` filler is placed in the wrong position by the [`range.fixBlock…
530 * Fixed XSS vulnerability in the HTML parser reported by [Dheeraj Joshi](…
532 …or to source mode, then (ii) paste a specially crafted HTML code, prepared by the attacker, into t…
573 ….com/ticket/12777): Fixed: The `table-layout` CSS property should be reset by skins. Thanks to [vi…
586 * Fixed XSS vulnerability in the HTML parser reported by [Maco Cortes](…
588 …or to source mode, then (ii) paste a specially crafted HTML code, prepared by the attacker, into t…
638 … [IE8] Fixed: Undo steps are not recorded when changing the caret position by clicking below the b…
657 …Fixed: Linked image attributes are not read when opening the image dialog window by doubleclicking.
666 * [#12204]( Fixed: Editor's voice label is not affected by [`…
679 * Fixed XSS vulnerability in the Preview plugin reported by Mario Heiderich of [Cure53](https://cur…
712 * [#10091]( Blockquote should be treated like an object by th…
756 * [#11822]( [WebKit] Fixed: Editing anchors by double-click i…
785 …s-section-widget-styles) section of the "Syles Drop-down" guide. Note that by default, widgets sup…
787 …lled with an editor instance instead of the document so they can be reused by the [`CKEDITOR.edito…
788 …!/api/CKEDITOR.plugins.widget) to make the handling of styles by widgets fully custom…
789 …edContentRules) method which can be implemented by the custom style handler and if exists, it is u…
851 … widget will no longer change the value returned by the [`editor.checkDi…
859 * [#11359]( Standardized the way anchors are discovered by th…
878 …icket/11001): Fixed: Multiple synchronous layout recalculations are caused by initial drag handler…
886 …tp://!/api/CKEDITOR.config-cfg-contentsCss) is affected by [`CKEDITOR.getUrl()`…
920 * [#11085]( [IE8] Replaced preview generated by the [Mathemat…
939 …/#!/api/CKEDITOR.editor-method-destroy) does not cleanup content generated by the [Table Resize](h…
942 * [#11260]( Fixed: Initially disabled buttons are not read by
964 …ge non-editable content and are applied in nested editable only if allowed by its type and content…
977 * [#10833]( Fixed: *Lock ratio* option should be on by defaul…
984 …cket/10854): Fixed: Firefox prepends `<br>` to `<body>`, so it is stripped by the HTML data proces…
1094 …): [Indent]( plugin is no longer required by the [List](http://ck…
1147 … HTML code in the `<textarea>` should not be modified by the [`htmlDataProces…
1183 …ay toolbar and bottom editor space in selected locations and to share them by different editor ins…
1187 …lement`](!/api/CKEDITOR.htmlParser.element) etc. by many [`…
1243 …#9758]( Improved selection locking when selecting by dragging.
1258 …fox & Inline editor] Toolbar is lost when closing the Format drop-down list by clicking its button.