Lines Matching defs:ns

119 		for ($found; preg_match("/-(exclu(page|ns|nsall|nspages|nsns)!?):\"([^\\/\"]+)\" /i", $match, $found); ) {
129 for ($found; preg_match("/-(exclu(page|ns|nsall|nspages|nsns)) /i", $match, $found); ) {
194 $ns = trim($match);
197 $parsepagetemplate_data = array('id' => $ID, 'tpl' => $ns, 'doreplace' => true);
198 $ns = parsePageTemplate($parsepagetemplate_data);
200 if ($ns == '') $ns = '.'; // If there is nothing, we take the current namespace
202 if ($ns[0] == '.') $ns = getNS($ID).':'.$ns; // If it start with a '.', it is a relative path
203 $split = explode(':', $ns);
220 $data['ns'] = implode(':', $split);
294 $ns = $data['ns'];
295 $path = str_replace(':', '/', $ns);
299 msg(sprintf($this->getLang('dontexist'), $ns), -1);
304 $id = $ns . ':';
316 $ex = explode(':', $ns);
343 $this->_walk_recurse($data, $path, $ns, "", false, false, 1/*root depth is 1*/, $data['tree']/*root*/);
352 * ID and relative namespace ID are respectively $path, $ns and $relns.
360 function _walk_recurse (&$data, $path, $ns, $relns, $excluPages, $excluNS, $depth, &$_TREE) {
363 msg("catlist: can't open directory of namespace ".$ns, -1);
369 $id = ($ns == '') ? $name : $ns.':'.$name;
379 list($index_exists, $index_id, $index_filepath) = $this->_getStartPage($data['index_priority'], $ns, $path, $name, ($data['nsLinks']==CATLIST_NSLINK_FORCE));
465 if ($data['ns'] == '%%CURRENT_NAMESPACE%%')
466 $data['ns'] = getNS(cleanID(getID())); // update namespace to the one currently displayed
467 $ns = $data['ns'];
507 $perm_create = $this->_cached_quickaclcheck($ns.':*') >= AUTH_CREATE;
508 $ns_button = ($ns == '') ? '' : $ns.':';
581 $renderer->doc .= '<li class="catlist-ns"><'.$warper_ns.' class="li catlist-nshead">';
584 if ($perms !== NULL) $renderer->doc .= ' [ns, perm='.$perms.']';
616 function _displayAddPageButton (&$renderer, $ns, $displayType) {
618 $renderer->doc .= '<'.$html.' class="catlist_addpage"><button class="button" onclick="catlist_button_add_page(this,\''.$ns.'\')">'.$this->getLang('addpage').'</button></'.$html.'>';