Lines Matching refs:i

104 	for (var i = 0; i < elms_len; i++) {
105 if(arr_elms[i].getAttribute(a) == b)//changed this line to suite my needs from:
108 output[j++] = arr_elms[i]//changed this line to suite my needs from:
166 for(i = 0; i < aCommands.length; i++)
168 if(aCommands[i].match(/^\/\//)) continue; //comment
172 if(matched = aCommands[i].match(/^\)/))//note stop
176 aParsedCommands[curCommand][4] = i;
183 else if(matched = aCommands[i].match(/^(.+)<-?>([^:]+):?([^:]+):?(.*)/)) //double arrow
185 … aParsedCommands[curCommand] = [matched[1], matched[2], matched[3], matched[4], "double-arrow", i];
190 else if(matched = aCommands[i].match(/^(.+)->([^:]+):?([^:]+):?(.*)/)) //arrow
192 aParsedCommands[curCommand] = [matched[1], matched[2], matched[3], matched[4], "arrow", i];
197 else if(matched = aCommands[i].match(/^(.+)<-([^:]+):?([^:]+):?(.*)/)) //back arrow
199 aParsedCommands[curCommand] = [matched[2], matched[1], matched[3], matched[4], "arrow", i];
205 else if(matched = aCommands[i].match(/parallel[ ]*\{/)) //start
207 aParsedCommands[curCommand] = [0, 0, 0, "parallel-start", i];
210 else if(matched = aCommands[i].match(/^}/)) //stop
212 aParsedCommands[curCommand] = [0, 0, 0, "parallel-stop", i];
216 else if(matched = aCommands[i].match(/note over ([^,]*),?([^(]*)\(/)) //note over start
219 aParsedCommands[curCommand] = [matched[1], actor2, 0, "note-over", i];
224 else if(matched = aCommands[i].match(/note ?\(/)) //note start
226 aParsedCommands[curCommand] = [0, 0, 0, "note", i];
231 else if(matched = aCommands[i].match(/break:?(.*)/)) //break
233 aParsedCommands[curCommand] = [0, 0, matched[1], "break", i];
237 else if(matched = aCommands[i].match(/title:(.+)/)) //title
268 else if(matched = aCommands[i].match(/^order:(.+)/)) //order
270 aParsedCommands[curCommand] = [matched[1], matched[1], "", "", "", i];
278 else if(curActor == 0 && (matched = aCommands[i].match(/colwidth:(.+)/))) //colwidth
287 for(i in callActors)
290 callActors[i]-l_colsminlen/2,// x
297 paper.text(callActors[i], // center x
299 i) // text
307 for(i = 0; i < aParsedCommands.length; i++)
310 cmd = aParsedCommands[i];
381 for(curCommand = i;curCommand > -1;curCommand--)
401 lasti = i;
402 while(i < aParsedCommands.length && aParsedCommands[i][3] != "note-stop")//find stop
404 i++;
408 … = aParsedCommands[lasti][4]+1;curCommand<aParsedCommands[((i==aParsedCommands.length)?i-1:i)][4];…
446 for(i in callActors)//find max(callActors) and draw bottom rects and paths
449 paper.path("M"+callActors[i]+","+y+ // from
450 "L"+callActors[i]+","+(20+(title?style.titlesize:0))) // to
453 callActors[i]-l_colsminlen/2,
460 callActors[i],
462 i)
466 for(i in breaks)//draw breaks
469 "M"+(breaks[i][1]?0:style.margin/2)+","+breaks[i][0]+ // from
470 "L"+(breaks[i][1]?(maxx+style.margin):(maxx+style.margin-l_colsminlen/2))+","+breaks[i][0]) // to
472 if(breaks[i][1])
475 breaks[i][0]-style.txtsize/2,
476 breaks[i][1])
496 for(var i = 0, max = callflows.length; i < max; i++)
498 draw(callflows[i]);