Lines Matching refs:menu

29 * `FEAT`: translate append menu entry labels and groups ([#1810](…
31 * `FIX`: dragging append menu entries creates element connection ([#1843](…
32 * `FIX`: append shortcut triggers create menu if append not allowed ([#1840](…
41 * `FEAT`: feature `service` and `user` tasks more prominently in replace menu ([#1836](https://gith…
50 * `FEAT`: append menu available via context pad ([#1802](…
51 * `FEAT`: create menu available via palette ([#1811](,…
56 * `FEAT`: improve visibility of popup menu ([#1812](
58 * `FIX`: handle `bpmn:DataObjectReference` without data object in replace menu ([#1823](https://git…
63 * `FIX`: correct popup menu display in fullscreen ([#1795](…
94 _Reworks popup menu UI._
96 * `FEAT`: integrate new popup menu UI ([#1776](
101 * New popup menu UI introduced with `diagram-js@11`. See [`diagram-js` breaking changes and migrati…
162 * `FIX`: properly size icons for distribute/align menu ([#1694](…
166 * `FEAT`: add aligment and distribution menu ([#1680](…
385 * `FEAT`: add switch between DataStoreReference and DataObjectReference in replace menu ([#1372](ht…
528 * `FIX`: do not open replace menu after multi create ([#1255](…
892 * `FIX`: complete direct editing on popup menu use