Lines Matching refs:bar

9 Default progress bar.
12 <bar value="60"></bar>
19 <bar value="60"></bar>
28 <bar value="60" showvalue="true"></bar>
34 <bar value="60" showvalue="true"></bar>
44 <bar value="40" type="success"></bar>
48 <bar value="20" type="info"></bar>
52 <bar value="60" type="warning"></bar>
56 <bar value="80" type="danger"></bar>
63 <bar value="40" type="success"></bar>
67 <bar value="20" type="info"></bar>
71 <bar value="60" type="warning"></bar>
75 <bar value="80" type="danger"></bar>
86 <bar value="40" type="success" striped="true"></bar>
90 <bar value="20" type="info" striped="true"></bar>
94 <bar value="60" type="warning" striped="true"></bar>
98 <bar value="80" type="danger" striped="true"></bar>
105 <bar value="40" type="success" striped="true"></bar>
109 <bar value="20" type="info" striped="true"></bar>
113 <bar value="60" type="warning" striped="true"></bar>
117 <bar value="80" type="danger" striped="true"></bar>
125 Add ''animate="true"'' to a striped progress bar to animate the stripes right to left. Not availabl…
128 <bar value="45" type="info" striped="true" animate="true"></bar>
134 <bar value="45" type="info" striped="true" animate="true"></bar>
144 <bar value="35" type="success" striped="true"></bar>
145 <bar value="20" type="warning" striped="true"></bar>
146 <bar value="10" type="danger" striped="true"></bar>
152 <bar value="35" type="success" striped="true"></bar>
153 <bar value="20" type="warning" striped="true"></bar>
154 <bar value="10" type="danger" striped="true"></bar>
163 | ''type'' | ''info'' | ''success'' ''info'' ''warning'' ''danger'' | Type of progress bar |
164 | ''animate'' | optional | ''true'' | Animate the progress bar |
165 | ''striped'' | optional | ''true'' | Add a striped effect to progress bar |
166 | ''showvalue'' | optional | ''true'' | Display current value of progress bar |