Lines Matching refs:be

8 so that your improvements can be added to the release package.
15be accessed as bibtex-type arrays, STYLEMAPBIBTEX is a set of pre-defined mapping arrays designed …
19 The naming of the style files to be downloaded is (for example):
54 …lar resource type (book, web article etc.) from a style XML file into an array to be used by OSBib.
62 …LSE, you do not need to do anything to the specific resource array as these arrays will be ignored.
67 … elements (author, editor, composer, inventor etc.) which OSBib expects to be listed as 'creator1'…
74 BIBFORMAT expects its data to be in UTF-8 format and will return its formatted data in UTF-8 format…
87 …F-8 string to lowercase. Where PHP has been compiled with mb_string, mb_strtolower() will be used.
91 …F-8 string to uppercase. Where PHP has been compiled with mb_string, mb_strtoupper() will be used.
95 Return a portion of a UTF-8 string. Where PHP has been compiled with mb_string, mb_substr() will be
103 …he length of a UTF-8 string. Where PHP has been compiled with mb_string, mb_strlen() will be used.
112 By default, $pathToOsbibClasses will be the same directory as BIBFORMAT.php is in.
115 NB -- BIBFORMAT expects its data to be in UTF-8 format and will return its formatted data in UTF-8 …
118 PROPERTIES to be set after instantiating the BIBFORMAT class:
120 …is useful when the bibliography to be displayed is the result of a SQL search. Default is FALSE a…
122be found. These classes are not part of OSBib but are part of the bibtexParse package that can be
128 Parses the XML style file into raw arrays (to be further processed in BIBFORMAT::getStyle() (see be…
141 loadStyle() and getStyle() need be called only once.
143 The following should be called for each database row you wish to process.
149 $type is the resource type which must be one of the ones listed in $this->types in STYLEMAP.php.
156 This method should be called for each type of creator the resource has. (See BIBSTYLE.php for an e…
159 $creators -- Multi-associative array of creator names. e.g. this array might be of the primary auth…
164 …ne what type of creator we're looking at. 'creator1' is always assumed to be the primary creator …
172 …of the title to be lowercased. If your bibliographic system allows users to specify a groups of l…
176be a cardinal or an ordinal number. If your edition number is stored in the database as a cardinal…
190 …re special formatting with the methods above. If it's not added, it won't be displayed. You'll no…
194 …o not require special formatting with the methods above. If it's not added, it won't be displayed.
232 // $resourceArray must be an array of all the elements in the resource where the key names are vali…