Lines Matching refs:is

8 …1:8. First, I give thanks to my God, through Jesus Christ, for you all: because your faith is spok…
9 …1:9. For God is my witness, whom I serve in my spirit in the gospel of his Son, that without ceasi…
12 …1:12. That is to say, that I may be comforted together in you by that which is common to us both, …
15 1:15. So (as much as is in me) I am ready to preach the gospel to you also that are at Rome.
16 …1:16. For I am not ashamed of the gospel. For it is the power of God unto salvation to every one t…
17 …1:17. For the justice of God is revealed therein, from faith unto faith, as it is written: The jus…
18 …1:18. For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and injustice of those …
19 1:19. Because that which is known of God is manifest in them. For God hath manifested it unto them.
25 … a lie and worshipped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Am…
26 …ful affections. For their women have changed the natural use into that use which is against nature.
27 …rned in their lusts, one towards another: men with men, working that which is filthy and receiving…
34 2:2. For we know that the judgment of God is, according to truth, against them that do such things.
43 2:11. For there is no respect of persons with God.
56 2:24. (For the name of God through you is blasphemed among the Gentiles, as it is written.)
57 …ou keep the law: but if thou be a transgressor of the law, thy circumcision is made uncircumcision.
59 …2:27. And shall not that which by nature is uncircumcision, if it fulfil the law, judge thee, who …
60 …2:28. For it is not he is a Jew, who is so outwardly: nor is that circumcision which is outwardly …
61 …2:29. But he is a Jew that is one inwardly and the circumcision is that of the heart, in the spiri…
62 3:1. What advantage then hath the Jew: or what is the profit of circumcision?
65 …3:4. But God is true and every man a liar, as it is written: That thou mayest be justified in thy …
69 …d and as some affirm that we say) let us do evil that there may come good? Whose damnation is just.
71 3:10. As it is written: There is not any man just.
72 3:11. There is none that understandeth: there is none that seeketh after God.
73 …ut of the way: they are become unprofitable together: there is none that doth good, there is not s…
74 …3:13. Their throat is an open sepulchre: with their tongues they have dealt deceitfully. The venom…
75 3:14. Whose mouth is full of cursing and bitterness:
79 3:18. There is no fear of God before their eyes.
81 …3:20. Because by the works of the law no flesh shall be justified before him. For by the law is th…
82 …3:21. But now, without the law, the justice of God is made manifest, being witnessed by the law an…
83 …aith of Jesus Christ, unto all, and upon all them that believe in him: for there is no distinction.
85 3:24. Being justified freely by his grace, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus,
87 …ice in this time: that he himself may be just and the justifier of him who is of the faith of Jesu…
88 …3:27. Where is then thy boasting? It is excluded. By what law? Of works? No, but by the law of fai…
91 3:30. For it is one God that justifieth circumcision by faith and uncircumcision through faith.
93 4:1. What shall we say then that Abraham hath found, who is our father according to the flesh?
96 4:4. Now to him that worketh, the reward is not reckoned according to grace but according to debt.
97 …4:5. But to him that worketh not, yet believeth in him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is r…
100 4:8. Blessed is the man to whom the Lord hath not imputed sin.
104 …the circumcision, but to them also that follow the steps of the faith that is in the uncircumcisio…
106 …4:14. For if they who are of the law be heirs, faith is made void: the promise is made of no effec…
107 4:15. For the law worketh wrath. For where there is no law, neither is there transgression.
108is it of faith, that according to grace the promise might be firm to all the seed: not to that onl…
109 …4:17. (As it is written: I have made thee a father of many nations), before God, whom he believed:…
113 4:21. Most fully knowing that whatsoever he has promised, he is able also to perform.
115 4:23. Now it is not written only for him that it was reputed to him unto justice,
122 …hope confoundeth not: because the charity of God is poured forth in our hearts, by the Holy Ghost …
131 …ho have not sinned, after the similitude of the transgression of Adam, who is a figure of him who …
133 … And not as it was by one sin, so also is the gift. For judgment indeed was by one unto condemnati…
142 …6:4. For we are buried together with him by baptism into death: that, as Christ is risen from the …
144 …6:6. Knowing this, that our old man is crucified with him, that the body of sin may be destroyed, …
145 6:7. For he that is dead is justified from sin.
159 … therefore had you then in those things of which you are now ashamed? For the end of them is death.
161 …6:23. For the wages of sin is death. But the grace of God, life everlasting in Christ Jesus our Lo…
163 … that hath an husband, whilst her husband liveth is bound to the law. But if her husband be dead, …
164 …th another man: but if her husband be dead, she is delivered from the law of her husband: so that …
165 …ead to the law, by the body of Christ: that you may belong to another, who is risen again from the…
173 7:12. Wherefore the law indeed is holy: and the commandment holy and just and good.
174 …7:13. Was that then which is good made death unto me? God forbid! But sin, that it may appear sin,…
175 7:14. For we know that the law is spiritual. But I am carnal, sold under sin.
177 7:16. If then I do that which I will not, I consent to the law, that it is good.
178 7:17. Now then it is no more I that do it: but sin that dwelleth in me.
179 …elleth not in me, that is to say, in my flesh, that which is good. For to will is present with me:…
181 7:20. Now if I do that which I will not, it is no more I that do it: but sin that dwelleth in me.
182 7:21. I find then a law, that when I have a will to do good, evil is present with me.
184 …rs, fighting against the law of my mind and captivating me in the law of sin that is in my members.
187 …8:1. There is now therefore no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus, who walk not accordi…
192 8:6. For the wisdom of the flesh is death: but the wisdom of the spirit is life and peace.
193 …8:7. Because the wisdom of the flesh is an enemy to God. For it is not subject to the law of God: …
195 …at the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his.
196 …8:10. And if Christ be in you, the body indeed is dead, because of sin: but the spirit liveth, bec…
210 …8:24. For we are saved by hope. But hope that is seen is not hope. For what a man seeth, why doth …
217 8:31. What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who is against us?
219 8:33. Who shall accuse against the elect of God? God is he that justifieth:
220 …8:34. Who is he that shall condemn? Christ Jesus that died: yea that is risen also again, who is a…
222 …8:36. (As it is written: For thy sake, we are put to death all the day long. We are accounted as s…
225 …ny other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our …
230 …9:5. Whose are the fathers and of whom is Christ, according to the flesh, who is over all things, …
233 …9:8. That is to say, not they that are the children of the flesh are the children of God: but they…
234 …9:9. For this is the word of promise: According to this time will I come. And Sara shall have a so…
238 9:13. As it is written: Jacob I have loved: but Esau I have hated.
241 …9:16. So then it is not of him that willeth, nor of him that runneth, but of God that sheweth merc…
255 …entiles who followed not after justice have attained to justice, even the justice that is of faith.
256 9:31. But Israel, by following after the law of justice, is not come unto the law of justice.
258 …9:33. As it is written: Behold I lay in Sion a stumbling-stone and a rock of scandal. And whosoeve…
259 10:1. Brethren, the will of my heart, indeed and my prayer to God is for them unto salvation.
262 10:4. For the end of the law is Christ: unto justice to everyone that believeth.
263 …10:5. For Moses wrote that the justice which is of the law: The man that shall do it shall live by…
264 …10:6. But the justice which is of faith, speaketh thus: Say not in thy heart: Who shall ascend int…
265 10:7. Or who shall descend into the deep? That is, to bring up Christ again from the dead.
266 …10:8. But what saith the scripture? The word is nigh thee; even in thy mouth and in thy heart. Thi…
268 …10:10. For, with the heart, we believe unto justice: but, with the mouth, confession is made unto …
270 …10:12. For there is no distinction of the Jew and the Greek: for the same is Lord over all, rich u…
273 …10:15. And how shall they preach unless they be sent, as it is written: How beautiful are the feet…
277 …el known? First, Moses saith: I will provoke you to jealousy by that which is not a nation: by a f…
278 …10:20. But Isaias is bold, and saith: I was found by them that did not seek me. I appeared openly …
284 …11:5. Even so then, at this present time also, there is a remnant saved according to the election …
285 11:6. And if by grace, it is not now by works: otherwise grace is no more grace.
287 …11:8. As it is written: God hath given them the spirit of insensibility; eyes that they should not…
290 …tumbled, that they should fall? God forbid! But by their offence salvation is come to the Gentiles…
295 …11:16. For if the firstfruit be holy, so is the lump also: and if the root be holy, so are the bra…
302 …11:23. And they also, if they abide not still in unbelief, shall be grafted in: for God is able to…
303 …11:24. For if thou were cut out of the wild olive tree, which is natural to thee; and, contrary to…
305 …11:26. And so all Israel should be saved, as it is written: There shall come out of Sion, he that …
306 11:27. And this is to them my covenant: when I shall take away their sins.
317 …orld: but be reformed in the newness of your mind, that you may prove what is the good and the acc…
318 …12:3. For I say, by the grace that is given me, to all that are among you, not to be more wise tha…
321 …12:6. And having different gifts, according to the grace that is given us, either prophecy, to be …
324 12:9. Let love be without dissimulation. Hating that which is evil, cleaving to that which is good,
333 12:18. If it be possible, as much as is in you, have peace with all men.
334 …yourselves, my dearly beloved; but give place unto wrath, for it is written: Revenge is mine, I wi…
337 …13:1. Let every soul be subject to higher powers. For there is no power but from God: and those th…
339 … but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? Do that which is good: and thou shalt…
340 …13:4. For he is God's minister to thee, for good. But if thou do that which is evil, fear: for he …
343 …13:7. Render therefore to all men their dues. Tribute, to whom tribute is due: custom, to whom cus…
345 …e witness: Thou shalt not covet. And if there be any other commandment, it is comprised in this wo…
346 13:10. The love of our neighbour worketh no evil. Love therefore is the fulfilling of the law.
347 …:11. And that, knowing the season, that it is now the hour for us to rise from sleep. For now our …
348 …13:12. The night is passed And the day is at hand. Let us, therefore cast off the works of darknes…
351 14:1. Now him that is weak in faith, take unto you: not in disputes about thoughts.
352 14:2. For one believeth that he may eat all things: but he that is weak, let him eat herbs.
354 …rvant? To his own lord he standeth or falleth. And he shall stand: for God is able to make him sta…
361 …14:11. For it is written: As I live, saith the Lord, every knee shall bow to me and every tongue s…
364 …t in the Lord Jesus, that nothing is unclean of itself: but to him that esteemeth any thing to be …
367 …14:17. For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink: but justice and peace and joy in the Holy Gho…
368 14:18. For he that in this serveth Christ pleaseth God and is approved of men.
370 …14:20. Destroy not the work of God for meat. All things indeed are clean: but it is evil for that …
371 …14:21. It is good not to eat flesh and not to drink wine: nor any thing whereby thy brother is off…
372 …14:22. Hast thou faith? Have it to thyself before God. Blessed is he that condemneth not himself i…
373 …14:23. But he that discerneth, if he eat, is condemned; because not of faith. For all that is not …
376 …15:3. For Christ did not please himself: but, as it is written: The reproaches of them that reproa…
382 …15:9. But that the Gentiles are to glorify God for his mercy, as it is written: Therefore will I c…
388 …ldly in some sort, as it were putting you in mind, because of the grace which is given me from God,
394 …15:21. But as it is written: They to whom he was not spoken of shall see: and they that have not h…
407 …16:1. And I commend to you Phebe, our sister, who is in the ministry of the church, that is in Cen…
411 …16:5. And the church which is in their house. Salute Epenetus, my beloved: who is the firstfruits …
425 …16:19. For your obedience is published in every place. I rejoice therefore in you. But I would hav…
431 …16:25. Now to him that is able to establish you, according to my gospel and the preaching of Jesus…
432 …16:26. (Which now is made manifest by the scriptures of the prophets, according to the precept of …