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2  1:2. Which he had promised before, by his prophets, in the holy scriptures,
60 …2:28. For it is not he is a Jew, who is so outwardly: nor is that circumcision which is outwardly …
61 …2:29. But he is a Jew that is one inwardly and the circumcision is that of the heart, in the spiri…
87 …3:26. Through the forbearance of God, for the shewing of his justice in this time: that he himself…
90 3:29. Is he the God of the Jews only? Is he not also of the Gentiles? yes, of the Gentiles also.
94 4:2. For if Abraham were justified by works, he hath whereof to glory, but not before God.
102 …4:10. How then was it reputed? When he was in circumcision or in uncircumcision? Not in circumcisi…
103 …4:11. And he received the sign of circumcision, a seal of the justice of the faith which he had, b…
104 …4:12. And he might be the father of circumcision; not to them only that are of the circumcision, b…
105 …4:13. For not through the law was the promise to Abraham or to his seed, that he should be heir of…
109 …4:17. (As it is written: I have made thee a father of many nations), before God, whom he believed:…
110 …4:18. Who against hope believed in hope; that he might be made the father of many nations, accordi…
111 …4:19. And he was not weak in faith. Neither did he consider his own body, now dead (whereas he was…
112 …4:20. In the promise also of God he staggered not by distrust: but was strengthened in faith, givi…
113 4:21. Most fully knowing that whatsoever he has promised, he is able also to perform.
145 6:7. For he that is dead is justified from sin.
148 6:10. For in that he died to sin, he died once: but in that he liveth, he liveth unto God.
195 …at the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his.
197 …8:11. And if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you; he that raised up …
210 …e are saved by hope. But hope that is seen is not hope. For what a man seeth, why doth he hope for?
213 …8:27. And he that searcheth the hearts knoweth what the Spirit desireth: because he asketh for the…
215 …8:29. For whom he foreknew, he also predestinated to be made conformable to the image of his Son: …
216 …8:30. And whom he predestinated, them he also called. And whom he called, them he also justified. …
218 …8:32. He that spared not even his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how hath he not also, …
219 8:33. Who shall accuse against the elect of God? God is he that justifieth:
220 …8:34. Who is he that shall condemn? Christ Jesus that died: yea that is risen also again, who is a…
240 …9:15. For he saith to Moses: I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy. And I will shew mercy to…
243 9:18. Therefore he hath mercy on whom he will. And whom he will, he hardeneth.
244 9:19. Thou wilt say therefore to me: Why doth he then find fault? For who resisteth his will?
248 …9:23. That he might shew the riches of his glory on the vessels of mercy which he hath prepared un…
249 9:24. Even us, whom also he hath called, not only of the Jews but also of the Gentiles.
250 …9:25. As in Osee he saith: I will call that which was not my people, my people; and her that was n…
253 …9:28. For he shall finish his word and cut it short in justice: because a short word shall the Lor…
279 …10:21. But to Israel he saith: All the day long have I spread my hands to a people that believeth …
281 …2. God hath not cast away his people which he foreknew. Know you not what the scripture saith of E…
286 …11:7. What then? That which Israel sought, he hath not obtained: but the election hath obtained it…
300 11:21. For if God hath not spared the natural branches, fear lest perhaps also he spare not thee.
305 …11:26. And so all Israel should be saved, as it is written: There shall come out of Sion, he that …
311 11:32. For God hath concluded all in unbelief, that he may have mercy on all.
322 12:7. Or ministry, in ministering; or he that teacheth, in doctrine;
323 …12:8. He that exhorteth, in exhorting; he that giveth, with simplicity; he that ruleth, with caref…
335 …12:20. But if the enemy be hungry, give him to eat; if he thirst, give him to drink. For, doing th…
338 …13:2. Therefore, he that resisteth the power resisteth the ordinance of God. And they that resist …
340 …13:4. For he is God's minister to thee, for good. But if thou do that which is evil, fear: for he
344 …13:8. Owe no man any thing, but to love one another. For he that loveth his neighbour hath fulfill…
352 14:2. For one believeth that he may eat all things: but he that is weak, let him eat herbs.
353 …14:3. Let not him that eateth despise him that eateth not: and he that eateth not, let him not jud…
354 …art thou that judgest another man's servant? To his own lord he standeth or falleth. And he shall …
356 …th it unto the Lord. And he that eateth eateth to the Lord: for he giveth thanks to God. And he th…
359 …14:9. For to this end Christ died and rose again: that he might be Lord both of the dead and of th…
368 14:18. For he that in this serveth Christ pleaseth God and is approved of men.
372 …hou faith? Have it to thyself before God. Blessed is he that condemneth not himself in that which
373 …14:23. But he that discerneth, if he eat, is condemned; because not of faith. For all that is not …
383 15:10. And again he saith: rejoice ye Gentiles, with his people.
385 …15:12. And again, Isaias saith: There shall be a root of Jesse; and he that shall rise up to rule …
394 …15:21. But as it is written: They to whom he was not spoken of shall see: and they that have not h…