Lines Matching refs:by

46  2:13. Who leave the right way, and walk by dark ways:
66 …3:11. My son, reject not the correction of the Lord: and do not faint when thou art chastised by h…
74 3:19. The Lord by wisdom hath founded the earth, hath established the heavens by prudence.
98 …4:8. Take hold on her, and she shall exalt thee: thou shalt be glorified by her, when thou shalt e…
101 4:11. I will shew thee the way of wisdom, I will lead thee by the paths of equity:
105 4:15. Flee from it, pass not by it: go aside, and forsake it.
123 5:6. They walk not by the path of life, her steps are wandering, and unaccountable.
137 5:20. Why art thou seduced, my son, by a strange woman, and art cherished in the bosom of another?
183 7:8. Who passeth through the street by the corner, and goeth nigh the way of her house,
201 7:26. For she hath cast down many wounded, and the strongest have been slain by her.
204 8:2. Standing in the top of the highest places by the way, in the midst of the paths,
244 9:6. Forsake childishness, and live, and walk by the ways of prudence.
249 9:11. For by me shall thy days be multiplied, and years of life shall be added to thee.
253 9:15. To call them that pass by the way, and go on their journey:
293 …11:5. The justice of the upright shall make his way prosperous: and the wicked man shall fall by h…
297 …11:9. The dissembler with his mouth deceiveth his friend: but the just shall be delivered by knowl…
299 …11:11. By the blessing of the just the city shall be exalted: and by the mouth of the wicked it sh…
301 …y, revealeth secrets: but he that is faithful, concealeth the thing committed to him by his friend.
315 …e early who seeketh good things; but he that seeketh after evil things, shall be oppressed by them.
322 12:3. Man shall not be strengthened by wickedness: and the root of the just shall not be moved.
327 …12:8. A man shall be known by his learning: but he that is vain and foolish, shall be exposed to c…
358 … proud there are always contentions: but they that do all things with counsel, are ruled by wisdom.
359 …13:11. Substance got in haste shall be diminished: but that which by little and little is gathered…
375 …14:2. He that walketh in the right way, and feareth God, is despised by him that goeth by an infam…
417 …15:9. The way of the wicked is an abomination to the Lord: he that followeth justice is beloved by
421 15:13. A glad heart maketh a cheerful countenance: but by grief of mind the spirit is cast down.
434 …l thoughts are an abomination to the Lord: and pure words most beautiful shall be confirmed by him.
435 …hat hateth bribes shall live. By mercy and faith sins are purged away: and by the fear of the Lord…
447 16:6. By mercy and truth iniquity is redeemed; and by the fear of the Lord men depart from evil.
453 16:12. They that act wickedly are abominable to the king: for the throne is established by justice.
474 16:33. Lots are cast into the lap, but they are disposed of by the Lord.
477 17:3. As silver is tried by fire, and gold in the furnace: so the Lord trieth the hearts.
521 …18:19. A brother that is helped by his brother, is like a strong city: and judgments are like the …
537 19:11. The learning of a man is known by patience: and his glory is to pass over wrongs.
540 19:14. House and riches are given by parents: but a prudent wife is properly from the Lord.
573 20:18. Designs are strengthened by counsels: and wars are to be managed by governments.
579 20:24. The steps of men are guided by the Lord: but who is the man that can understand his own way?
583 20:28. Mercy and truth preserve the king, and his throne is strengthened by clemency.
591 …21:6. He that gathereth treasures by a lying tongue, is vain and foolish, and shall stumble upon t…
683 24:3. By wisdom the house shall be built, and by prudence it shall be strengthened.
686 …24:6. Because war is managed by due ordering: and there shall be safety where there are many couns…
704 …24:24. They that say to the wicked man: Thou art just: shall be cursed by the people, and the trib…
710 24:30. I passed by the field of the slothful man, and by the vineyard of the foolish man:
712 24:32. Which when I had seen, I laid it up in my heart, and by the example I received instruction.
734 … is he that singeth songs to a very evil heart. As a moth doth by a garment, and a worm by the woo…
741 …ood for a man to eat much honey, so he that is a searcher of majesty shall be overwhelmed by glory.
748 26:6. He that sendeth words by a foolish messenger, is lame of feet and drinketh iniquity.
759 …26:17. As he that taketh a dog by the ears, so is he that passeth by in anger, and meddleth with a…
766 26:24. An enemy is known by his lips, when in his heart he entertaineth deceit.
791 …27:21. As silver is tried in the fining-pot, and gold in the furnace: so a man is tried by the mou…
805 …28:8. He that heapeth together riches by usury and loan, gathereth them for him that will be bount…
813 …28:16. A prince void of prudence shall oppress many by calumny: but he that hateth covetousness, s…
820 …28:23. He that rebuketh a man, shall afterward find favour with him, more than he that by a flatte…
844 …29:19. A slave will not be corrected by words: because he understandeth what thou sayest, and will…
853 …e vision which the man spoke, with whom God is, and who being strengthened by God, abiding with hi…
861 … I should be tempted to deny, and say: Who is the Lord? or being compelled by poverty, I should st…
874 30:22. By a slave when he reigneth: by a fool when he is filled with meat:
875 30:23. By an odious woman when she is married: and by a bondwoman when she is heir to her mistress.
879 30:27. The locust hath no king, yet they all go out by their bands:
898 31:13. She hath sought wool and flax, and hath wrought by the counsel of her hands.