Lines Matching refs:given

180  4:10. For it is written that He hath given his angels charge over thee that they keep thee.
291 …6:38. Give: and it shall be given to you: good measure and pressed down and shaken together and ru…
362 …8:10. To whom he said: To you it is given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God; but to the re…
370 …8:18. Take heed therefore how you hear. For whosoever hath, to him shall be given: and whosoever h…
489 …10:19. Behold, I have given you power to tread upon serpents and scorpions and upon all the power …
521 …11:9. And I say to you: Ask, and it shall be given you: seek, and you shall find: knock, and it sh…
541 …eration is a wicked generation. It asketh a sign: and a sign shall not be given it, but the sign o…
614 … of stripes shall be beaten with few stripes. And unto whomsoever much is given, of him much shall…
724 …ee and I have never transgressed thy commandment: and yet thou hast never given me a kid to make m…
785 …17:27. They did eat and drink, they married wives and were given in marriage, until the day that N…
853 …d the kingdom: and he commanded his servants to be called, to whom he had given the money, that he…
864 …19:26. But I say to you that to every one that hath shall be given, and he shall abound: and from …
888 …ell us, by what authority dost thou these things? Or, who is he that hath given thee this authorit…
920 20:34. And Jesus said to them: The children of this world marry and are given in marriage:
990 …gave thanks and brake and gave to them, saying: This is my body, which is given for you. Do this f…
1071 …ay: Blessed are the barren and the wombs that have not borne and the paps that have not given suck.