Lines Matching refs:by

4 …1:4. And his sons went, and made a feast by houses, every one in his day. And sending, they called…
22 1:22. In all these things Job sinned not by his lips, nor spoke he any foolish thing against God.
70 4:9. Perishing by the blast of God, and consumed by the spirit of his wrath.
73 …4:12. Now there was a word spoken to me in private, and my ears by stealth, as it were, received t…
74 4:13. In the horror of a vision by night, when deep sleep is wont to hold men,
87 …5:5. Whose harvest the hungry shall eat, and the armed man shall take him by violence, and the thi…
124 6:15. My brethren have passed by me, as the torrent that passeth swiftly in the valleys.
145 …7:6. My days have passed more swiftly than the web is cut by the weaver, and are consumed without …
208 9:26. They have passed by as ships carrying fruits, as an eagle flying to the prey.
263 …12:4. He that is mocked by his friends as I, shall call upon God and he will hear him: for the sim…
331 …14:19. Waters wear away the stones, and with inundation the ground by little and little is washed …
337 …15:3. Thou reprovest him by words, who is not equal to thee, and thou speakest that which is not g…
364 … darkness: the flame shall dry up his branches, and he shall be taken away by the breath of his ow…
365 …15:31. He shall not believe, being vainly deceived by error, that he may be redeemed with any pric…
382 …16:13. I that was formerly so wealthy, am all on a sudden broken to pieces: he hath taken me by my…
392 16:23. For behold short years pass away, and I am walking in a path by which I shall not return.
441 …19:12. His troops have come together, and have made themselves a way by me, and have besieged my t…
508 … him what befalleth his house after him: and if the number of his months be diminished by one half?
516 …21:29. Ask any one of them that go by the way, and you shall perceive that he knoweth these same t…
551 22:30. The innocent shall be saved, and he shall be saved by the cleanness of his hands.
570 24:2. Some have removed landmarks, have taken away flocks by force, and fed them.
573 …24:5. Others like wild asses in the desert go forth to their work: by watching for a prey they get…
574 …24:6. They reap the field that is not their own, and gather the vintage of his vineyard whom by vi…
581 …een rebellious to the light, they have not known his ways, neither have they returned by his paths.
586 …he face of the water: cursed be his portion on the earth, let him not walk by the way of the viney…
590 …24:22. He hath pulled down the strong by his might: and when he standeth up, he shall not trust to…
595 25:2. Some have removed landmarks, have taken away flocks by force, and fed them.
598 …25:5. Others like wild asses in the desert go forth to their work: by watching for a prey they get…
599 …25:6. They reap the field that is not their own, and gather the vintage of his vineyard whom by vi…
606 …een rebellious to the light, they have not known his ways, neither have they returned by his paths.
611 …he face of the water: cursed be his portion on the earth, let him not walk by the way of the viney…
615 …25:22. He hath pulled down the strong by his might: and when he standeth up, he shall not trust to…
640 …27:8. For what is the hope of the hypocrite if through covetousness he take by violence, and God d…
643 27:11. I will teach you by the hand of God, what the Almighty hath, and I will not conceal it.
663 28:8. The children of the merchants have not trodden it, neither hath the lioness passed by it.
680 28:25. Who made a weight for the winds, and weighed the waters by measure.
686 29:3. When his lamp shined over my head, and I walked by his light in darkness?
769 31:30. For I have not given my mouth to sin, by wishing a curse to his soul.
816 …33:15. By a dream in a vision by night, when deep sleep falleth upon men, and they are sleeping in…
820 33:19. He rebuketh also by sorrow in the bed, and he maketh all his bones to wither.
837 34:3. For the ear trieth words, and the mouth discerneth meats by the taste.
899 36:12. But if they hear not, they shall pass by the sword, and shall be consumed in folly.
918 36:31. For by these he judgeth people, and giveth food to many mortals.
1011 39:26. Doth the hawk wax feathered by thy wisdom, spreading her wings to the south?