Lines Matching refs:Because

203 …7:30. Because the children of Juda have done evil in my eyes, saith the Lord. They have set their …
242 …9:13. And the Lord said: Because they have forsaken my law, which I gave them, and have not heard …
276 …10:21. Because the pastors have done foolishly, and have not sought the Lord: therefore have they …
401 …16:11. Thou shalt say to them: Because your fathers forsook me, saith the Lord: and went after str…
453 …18:15. Because my people have forgotten me, sacrificing in vain, and stumbling in their ways, in a…
465 …19:4. Because they have forsaken me, and have profaned this place: and have sacrificed therein to …
517 …22:9. And they shall answer: Because they have forsaken the covenant of the Lord their God, and ha…
548 …23:10. Because the land is full of adulterers, because the land hath mourned by reason of cursing,…
576 …23:38. But if you shall say: The burden of the Lord: therefore thus saith the Lord: Because you ha…
596 25:8. Therefore thus saith the Lord of hosts: Because you have not heard my words:
704 29:15. Because you have said: The Lord hath raised us up prophets in Babylon:
708 …29:19. Because they have not hearkened to my words, saith the Lord: which I sent to them by my ser…
712 …29:23. Because they have acted folly in Israel, and have committed adultery with the wives of thei…
714 …29:25. Thus saith the Lord of hosts the God of Israel: Because thou hast sent letters in thy name …
720 …of the captivity, saying: Thus saith the Lord to Semeias the Nehelamite: Because Semeias hath prop…
738 …30:17. For I will close up thy scar, and will heal thee of thy wounds, saith the Lord. Because the…
817 …32:32. Because of all the evil of the children of Israel, and of the children of Juda, which they …
895 …house of the Rechabites: Thus saith the Lord of hosts the God of Israel: Because you have obeyed t…
1066 …44:3. Because of the wickedness which they have committed, to provoke me to wrath, and to go and o…
1086 …44:23. Because you have sacrificed to idols, and have sinned against the Lord: and have not obeyed…
1130 …47:4. Because of the coming of the day, in which all the Philistines shall be laid waste, and Tyre…
1230 …50:11. Because you rejoice, and speak great things, pillaging my inheritance: because you are spre…
1232 …50:13. Because of the wrath of the Lord it shall not be inhabited, but shall be wholly desolate: e…
1320 …51:55. Because the Lord hath laid Babylon waste, and destroyed out of her the great voice: and the…
1321 …51:56. Because the spoiler is come upon her, that is, upon Babylon, and her valiant men are taken,…