Lines Matching refs:is

4 …olding it, and brightness was about it: and out of the midst thereof, that is, out of the midst of…
28 …1:28. As the appearance of the rainbow when it is in a cloud on a rainy day: this was the appearan…
67 …inst it, and it shall be besieged, and thou shalt lay siege against it: it is a sign to the house …
86 …5:5. Thus saith the Lord God: This is Jerusalem, I have set her in the midst of the nations, and t…
110 …6:12. He that is far off shall die of the pestilence: and he that is near, shall fall by the sword…
114 …son of man, thus saith the Lord God to the land of Israel: The end is come, the end is come upon t…
115 …7:3. Now is an end come upon thee, and I will send my wrath upon thee, and I will judge thee accor…
117 7:5. Thus saith the Lord God: One affliction, behold an affliction is come.
118 7:6. An end is come, the end is come, it hath awaked against thee: behold it is come.
119 …7:7. Destruction is come upon thee that dwellest in the land: the time is come, the day of slaught…
122 …7:10. Behold the day, behold it is come: destruction is gone forth, the rod hath blossomed, pride …
123 …7:11. Iniquity is risen up into a rod of impiety: nothing of them shall remain, nor of their peopl…
124 …7:12. The time is come, the day is at hand: let not the buyer rejoice: nor the seller mourn: for w…
126 …7:14. Blow the trumpet, let all be made ready, yet there is none to go to the battle: for my wrath…
127 …7:15. The sword without: and the pestilence, and the famine within: he that is in the field shall …
135 …7:23. Make a shutting up: for the land is full of the judgment of blood, and the city is full of i…
156 …8:17. And he said to me: Surely thou hast seen, O son of man: is this a light thing to the house o…
166 …ity of the house of Israel, and of Juda, is exceeding great, and the land is filled with blood, an…
183 …10:15. And the cherubims were lifted up: this is the living creature that I had seen by the river …
188 …10:20. This is the living creature, which I saw under the God of Israel by the river Chobar: and I…
193 11:3. Saying: Were not houses lately built? This city is the caldron, and we the flesh.
197 …ain, whom you have laid in the midst thereof, they are the flesh, all this is the caldron: and I w…
205 …the inhabitants of Jerusalem have said: Get ye far from the Lord, the land is given in possession …
213 …the Lord went up from the midst of the city, and stood over the mount that is on the east side of …
219 …12:4. And thou shalt bring forth thy furniture as the furniture of one that is removing by day in …
225 …12:10. Say to them: Thus saith the Lord God: This burden concerneth my prince that is in Jerusalem…
227 …12:12. And the prince that is in the midst of them, shall be carried on shoulders, he shall go for…
234 …r in desolation: that the land may become desolate from the multitude that is therein, for the ini…
237 …12:22. Son of man, what is this proverb that you have in the land of Israel? saying: The days shal…
242 …12:27. Son of man, behold the house of Israel, they that say: The visions that this man seeth, is
253 …13:10. Because they have deceived my people, saying: Peace, and there is no peace: and the people …
255 …13:12. Behold, when the wall is fallen: shall it not be said to you: Where is the daubing wherewit…
258 …that daub it without tempering the mortar, and I will say to you: The wall is no more, and they th…
259 …at prophesy to Jerusalem, and that see visions of peace for her: and there is no peace, saith the …
281 …s beasts also upon the land to waste it, and it be desolate, so that there is none that can pass b…
293 …15:4. Behold it is cast into the fire for fuel: the fire hath consumed both ends thereof, and the …
300 …16:3. And thou shalt say: Thus saith the Lord God to Jerusalem: Thy root, and thy nativity is of t…
329 16:32. But is an adulteress, that bringeth in strangers over her husband.
341 … a common proverb, shall use this against thee, saying: As the mother was, so also is her daughter.
343 …hy elder sister is Samaria, she and her daughters that dwell at thy left hand: and thy younger sis…
354 …16:57. Before thy malice was laid open: as it is at this time, making thee a reproach of the daugh…
370 …17:10. Behold, it is planted: shall it prosper then? shall it not be dried up when the burning win…
385 18:1. And the word of the Lord came to me, saying: What is the meaning?
388 …18:4. Behold all souls are mine: as the soul of the father, so also the soul of the son is mine: t…
393 …18:9. Hath walked in my commandments, and kept my judgments, to do truth: he is just, he shall sur…
394 …18:10. And if he beget a son that is a robber, a shedder of blood, and that hath done some one of …
398 …18:14. But if he beget a son, who, seeing all his father's sins, which he hath done, is afraid, an…
402 …nce to his brother, and wrought evil in the midst of his people, behold he is dead in his own iniq…
409 … And you have said: The way of the Lord is not right. Hear ye, therefore, O house of Israel: Is it…
413 …18:29. And the children of Israel say: The way of the Lord is not right. Are not my ways right, O …
426 …19:10. Thy mother is like a vine in thy blood planted by the water: her fruit and her branches hav…
429 19:13. And now she is transplanted into the desert, in a land not passable, and dry.
430 … fire is gone out from a rod of her branches, which hath devoured her fruit: so that she now hath …
488 …21:9. Son of man, prophesy, and say: Thus saith the Lord God: Say: The sword, the sword is sharpen…
489 …21:10. It is sharpened to kill victims: it is furbished that it may glitter: thou removest the sce…
490 …ave given it to be furbished, that it may be handled: this sword is sharpened, and it is furbished…
491 …21:12. Cry, and howl, O son of man, for this sword is upon my people, it is upon all the princes o…
492 …21:13. Because it is tried: and that when it shall overthrow the sceptre, and it shall not be, sai…
493 … let the sword be doubled, and let the sword of the slain be tripled: this is the sword of a great…
494 …tes I have set the dread of the sharp sword, the sword that is furbished to glitter, that is made …
504 …21:25. But thou profane wicked prince of Israel, whose day is come that hath been appointed in the…
505 …21:26. Thus saith the Lord God: Remove the diadem, take off the crown: is it not this that hath ex…
508 …ng thee upon the necks of the wicked that are wounded, whose appointed day is come in the time of …
514 …hew her all her abominations, and shalt say: Thus saith the Lord God: This is the city that shedde…
529 …22:18. Son of man, the house of Israel is become dross to me: all these are brass, and tin, and ir…
533 …22:22. As silver is melted in the midst of the furnace, so shall you be in the midst thereof: and …
535 …22:24. Son of man, say to her: Thou art a land that is unclean, and not rained upon in the day of …
536 …22:25. There is a conspiracy of prophets in the midst thereof: like a lion that roareth and catche…
546 …, and they bore sons and daughters. Now for their names, Samaria is Oolla, and Jerusalem is Ooliba.
562 …23:20. And she was mad with lust after lying with them whose flesh is as the flesh of asses: and w…
579 …23:37. Because they have committed adultery, and blood is in their hands, and they have committed …
587 …d, and as shedders of blood are judged: because they are adulteresses, and blood is in their hands.
596 … the flock, and lay together piles of bones under it: the seething thereof is boiling hot, and the…
597 …ith the Lord God: Woe to the bloody city, to the pot whose rust is in it, and its rust is not gone…
598 …24:7. For her blood is in the midst of her, she hath shed it upon the smooth rock: she hath not sh…
603 24:12. Great pains have been taken, and the great rust thereof is not gone out, not even by fire.
604 …24:13. Thy uncleanness is execrable: because I desired to cleanse thee, and thou art not cleansed …
626 …25:8. Thus saith the Lord God: Because Moab and Seir have said: Behold the house of Juda is like a…
637 …usalem: Aha, the gates of the people are broken, she is turned to me: I shall be filled, now she i…
645 …, and chariots, when they shall go in at thy gates, as by the entrance of a city that is destroyed.
683 …eople: thy men of war also, that were in thee, with all thy multitude that is in the midst of thee…
688 …ke up a mournful song for thee, and shall lament thee: What city is like Tyre, which is become sil…
690 …hes are in the bottom of the waters, and all the multitude that was in the midst of thee is fallen.
694 …28:2. Son of man, say to the prince of Tyre: Thus saith the Lord God: Because thy heart is lifted …
695 28:3. Behold thou art wiser than Daniel: no secret is hid from thee.
697 …wisdom, and by thy traffic thou hast increased thy strength: and thy heart is lifted up with thy s…
698 28:6. Therefore, thus saith the Lord God: Because thy heart is lifted up as the heart of God:
721 … great dragon that liest in the midst of thy rivers, and sayest: The river is mine, and I made mys…
727 …: and they shall know that I am the Lord, because thou hast said: The river is mine, and I made it.
742 …30:3. For the day is near, yea the day of the Lord is near: a cloudy day, it shall be the time of …
751 …land into the hand of the wicked: and will lay waste the land and all that is therein by the hands…
760 …30:21. Son of man, I have broken the arm of Pharao king of Egypt: and behold it is not bound up, t…
761 …t Pharao king of Egypt, and I will break into pieces his strong arm, which is already broken: and …
783 …he midst of the uncircumcised, with them that are slain by the sword: this is Pharao, and all his …
785 …and say to him: Thou art like the lion of the nations, and the dragon that is in the sea: and thou…
799 …32:16. This is the lamentation, and they shall lament therewith: the daughters of the nations shal…
803 …32:20. They shall fall in the midst of them that are slain with the sword: the sword is given, the…
805 …32:22. Assur is there, and all his multitude: their graves are round about him, all of them slain,…
807 …32:24. There is Elam and all his multitude round about his grave, all of them slain, and fallen by…
809 …32:26. There is Mosoch, and Thubal, and all their multitude: their graves are round about him: all…
812 …32:29. There is Edom, and her kings, and all her princes, who with their army are joined with them…
821 …mselves, and the sword come, and cut off a soul from among them: he indeed is taken away in his in…
832 … children of thy people have said: The way of the Lord is not equitable: whereas their own way is
835 …33:20. And you say: The way of the Lord is not right, I will judge every one of you according to h…
836 … the month, that there came to me one that was fled from Jerusalem, saying: The city is laid waste.
839 …ing: Abraham was one, and he inherited the land, but we are many, the land is given us in possessi…
842 …hey that dwell in the ruinous places, shall fall by the sword: and he that is in the field, shall …
843 …f shall fail, and the mountains of Israel shall be desolate, because there is none to pass by them,
845 …e to another each man to his neighbour, saying: Come, and let us hear what is the word that cometh…
847 …33:32. And thou art to them as a musical song which is sung with a sweet and agreeable voice: and …
848 …33:33. And when that which was foretold shall come to pass, for behold it is coming, then shall th…
914 …ther they went, they profaned my holy name, when it was said of them: This is the people of the Lo…
916 …36:22. Therefore thou shalt say to the house of Israel: Thus saith the Lord God: It is not for you…
926 …36:32. It is not for your sakes that I will do this, saith the Lord God, be it known to you: be co…
929 …36:35. They shall say: This land that was untilled is become as a garden of pleasure: and the citi…
943 …es are the house of Israel: they say: Our bones are dried up, and our hope is lost, and we are cut…
951 …37:19. Say to them: Thus saith the Lord God: Behold, I will take the stick of Joseph, which is in …
967 …38:7. Prepare and make thyself ready, and all thy multitude that is assembled about thee, and be t…
968 …ited: at the end of years thou shalt come to the land that is returned from the sword, and is gath…
971 …38:11. And thou shalt say: I will go up to the land which is without a wall, I will come to them t…
972 …em that had been wasted, and afterwards restored, and upon the people that is gathered together ou…
991 39:8. Behold it cometh, and it is done, saith the Lord God: this is the day whereof I have spoken.
1018 …f: and he measured the breadth of the threshold of the gate one reed, that is, one threshold was o…
1046 …40:34. And the porch thereof, that is, of the outward court: and the graven palm trees in the fron…
1054 …broad, and one cubit high: to lay the vessels upon, in which the holocaust and the victim is slain.
1065 …readth twenty cubits, before the face of the temple: and he said to me: This is the holy of holies.
1083 …ngth thereof, and the walls thereof, were of wood. And he said to me: This is the table before the…
1100 …shall lay the most holy things, and the offering for sin, and for trespass: for it is a holy place.
1119 …43:12. This is the law of the house upon the top of the mountain: All its border round about; most…
1120 …43:13. And these are the measures of the altar by the truest cubit, which is a cubit and a handbre…
1128 …43:21. And thou shalt take the calf, that is offered for sin: and thou shalt burn him in a separat…
1143 …nd uncircumcised in flesh, shall enter into my sanctuary, no stranger that is in the midst of the …
1155 44:21. And no priest shall drink wine when he is to go into the inner court.
1156 …dow, nor one that is divorced, but they shall take virgins of the seed of the house of Israel: but…
1160 44:26. And after one is cleansed, they shall reckon unto him seven days.
1164 …44:31. The priests shall not eat of any thing that is dead of itself or caught by a beast, whether…
1178 …45:14. The measure of oil also, a bate of oil is the tenth part of a core: and ten bates make a co…
1190 …rt that looketh toward the east, shall be shut the six days, on which work is done; but on the sab…
1197 …46:8. And when the prince is to go in, let him go in by the way of the porch of the gate, and let …
1201 …his peace offerings, as it is wont to be done on the sabbath day: and he shall go out, and the gat…
1209 …46:20. And he said to me: This is the place where the priests shall boil the sin offering, and the…
1213 …46:24. And he said to me: This is the house of the kitchens wherein the ministers of the house of …
1226 …47:13. Thus saith the Lord God: This is the border, by which you shall possess the land according …
1228 …47:15. And this is the border of the land: toward the north side, from the great sea by the way of…
1229 …. Emath, Berotha, Sabarim, which is between the border of Damascus and the border of Emath the hou…
1230 …e border of Damascus, and from the north to the north: the border of Emath, this is the north side.
1231 …47:18. And the east side is from the midst of Auran, and from the midst of Damascus, and from the …
1232 …outh side southward is, from Thamar even to the waters of contradiction of Cades: and, the torrent…
1233 …47:20. And the side toward the sea, is the great sea from the borders straight on, till thou come …
1265 …48:29. This is the land which you shall divide by lot to the tribes of Israel: and these are the p…
1271 …Its circumference was eighteen thousand: and the name of the city from that day, The Lord is there.