Lines Matching refs:as

7 …s one after another. Wine also in abundance and of the best was presented, as was worthy of a king…
8 …1:8. Neither was there any one to compel them to drink that were not willing, but as the king had …
20 …ovinces of thy empire, (which is very wide,) and let all wives, as well of the greater as of the l…
22 …1:22. And he sent letters to all the provinces of his kingdom, as every nation could hear and read…
26 …ead of Vasthi. The word pleased the king: and he commanded it should be done as they had suggested.
35 …soever they asked to adorn themselves they received: and being decked out, as it pleased them, the…
37 …2:15. And as the time came orderly about, the day was at hand, when Esther, the daughter of Abihai…
42as yet declared her country and people, according to his commandment. For whatsoever he commanded,…
56 …to the money which thou promisest, keep it for thyself: and as to the people, do with them as seem…
57 …h: and they wrote, as Aman had commanded, to all the king's lieutenants, and to the judges of the …
74 …her thou art not therefore come to the kingdom, that thou mightest be ready in such a time as this?
86 …e, and that he not only did not rise up to honour him, but did not so much as move from the place …
90 …5:13. And whereas I have all these things, I think I have nothing, so long as I see Mardochai the …
101 …6:10. And the king said to him: Make haste and take the robe and the horse, and do as thou hast sp…
119 …8:4. But he, as the manner was, held out the golden sceptre with his hand, which was the sign of c…
123 …8:8. Write ye therefore to the Jews, as it pleaseth you in the king's name, and seal the letters w…
124as Mardochai had a mind, to the Jews, and to the governors, and to the deputies, and to the judges…
133 …9:1. So on the thirteenth day of the twelfth month, which as we have said above is called Adar, wh…
145 …t please the king, let it be granted to the Jews, to do to morrow in Susan as they have done to da…
151 …pointed the fourteenth day of the month Adar for banquets and gladness, so as to rejoice on that d…
159 …ithout solemnity: which the writing testifieth, and certain times require, as the years continuall…
163 …9:31. And observe the days of lots, and celebrate them with joy in their proper time: as Mardochai…
187 …11:10. And they cried to God: and as they were crying, a little fountain grew into a very great ri…
201 …hief over all the provinces, and second after the king, and whom we honour as a father, shall be u…
218 … from all their predecessors, to possess them as an everlasting inheritance, and thou hast done to…
229 …, which is upon my head in the days of my public appearance, and detest it as a menstruous rag, an…
238 …15:6. And upon one of them she leaned, as if for delicateness and overmuch tenderness she were not…
247 …15:15. And as she held her peace, he took the golden sceptre, and laid it upon her neck, and kisse…
248 …15:16. She answered: I saw thee, my lord, as an angel of God, and my heart was troubled for fear o…
256 …t madness, as to endeavour to undermine by lies such as observe diligently the offices committed t…
260 …but that we give sentence according to the quality and necessity of times, as the profit of the co…
262 …reat towards him, that he was called our father, and was worshipped by all as the next man after t…
263 …16:12. But he was so far puffed up with arrogancy, as to go about to deprive us of our kingdom and…
269 … hang on gibbets, before the gates of this city Susan: not we, but God repaying him as he deserved.
275 …olemnity, perish by the sword and by fire, and be destroyed in such manner as to be made unpassabl…