Lines Matching refs:A

29  1:29. A patient man shall bear for a time, and afterwards joy shall be restored to him.
30 …1:30. A good understanding will hide his words for a time, and the lips of many shall declare his …
90 3:27. A hard heart shall fear evil at the last: and he that loveth danger shall perish in it.
91 …3:28. A heart that goeth two ways shall not have success, and the perverse of heart shall be scand…
92 3:29. A wicked heart shall be laden with sorrows, and the sinner will add sin to sin.
95 …3:32. A wise heart, and which hath understanding, will abstain from sins, and in the works of just…
156 …6:5. A sweet word multiplieth friends, and appeaseth enemies, and a gracious tongue in a good man …
162 …6:11. A friend if he continue steadfast, shall be to thee as thyself, and shall act with confidenc…
165 6:14. A faithful friend is a strong defence: and he that hath found him, hath found a treasure.
167 …6:16. A faithful friend is the medicine of life and immortality: and they that fear the Lord, shal…
225 7:37. A gift hath grace in the sight of all the living, and restrain not grace from the dead.
265 9:15. A new friend is as new wine: it shall grow old, and thou shalt drink it with pleasure.
275 …9:25. A man full of tongue is terrible in his city, and he that is rash in his word shall be hatef…
276 10:1. A wise judge shall judge his people, and the government of a prudent man shall be steady.
283 …10:8. A kingdom is translated from one people to another, because of injustices, and wrongs, and i…
286 10:11. All power is of short life. A long sickness is troublesome to the physician.
353 12:8. A friend shall not be known in prosperity, and an enemy shall not be hidden in adversity.
525 18:18. A fool will upbraid bitterly: and a gift of one ill taught consumeth the eyes.
534 18:27. A wise man will fear in every thing, and in the days of sins will beware of sloth.
541 …19:1. A workman that is a drunkard shall not be rich: and he that contemneth small things, shall f…
566 …19:26. A man is known by his look, and a wise man, when thou meetest him, is known by his countena…
575 …20:7. A wise man will hold his peace till he see opportunity: but a babbler, and a fool, will rega…
581 20:13. A man wise in words shall make himself beloved: but the graces of fools shall be poured out.
585 20:17. A fool shall have no friend, and there shall be no thanks for his good deeds.
589 20:21. A man without grace is as a vain fable, it shall be continually in the mouth of the unwise.
590 …20:22. A parable coming out of a fool's mouth shall be rejected: for he doth not speak it in due s…
594 …20:26. A lie is a foul blot in a man, and yet it will be continually in the mouth of men without d…
595 …20:27. A thief is better than a man that is always lying: but both of them shall inherit destructi…
597 …20:29. A wise man shall advance himself with his words, and a prudent man shall please the great o…
619 …21:18. A man of sense will praise every wise word he shall hear, and will apply it to himself: the…
624 21:23. A fool lifteth up his voice in laughter: but a wise man will scarce laugh low to himself.
627 …21:26. A fool will peep through the window into the house: but he that is well taught will stand w…
635 22:3. A son ill taught is the confusion of the father: and a foolish daughter shall be to his loss.
636 …22:4. A wise daughter shall bring an inheritance to her husband: but she that confoundeth, becomet…
638 …22:6. A tale out of time is like music in mourning: but the stripes and instruction of wisdom are …
651 …22:19. A frame of wood bound together in the foundation of a building, shall not be loosed: so nei…
673 23:8. A sinner is caught in his own vanity, and the proud and the evil speakers shall fall thereby.
677 …23:12. A man that sweareth much, shall be filled with iniquity, and a scourge shall not depart fro…
687 23:22. A hot soul is a burning fire, it will never be quenched, till it devour some thing.
754 25:4. A poor man that is proud: a rich man that is a liar: an old man that is a fool, and doting.
760 25:10. A man that hath joy of his children: and he that liveth and seeth the fall of his enemies.
779 25:29. A woman's anger, and impudence, and confusion is great.
780 25:30. A woman, if she have superiority, is contrary to her husband.
781 25:31. A wicked woman abateth the courage, and maketh a heavy countenance, and a wounded heart.
788 26:2. A virtuous woman rejoiceth her husband, and shall fulfil the years of his life in peace.
789 …26:3. A good wife is a good portion, she shall be given in the portion of them that fear God, to a…
794 26:8. A jealous woman is the grief and mourning of the heart.
797 26:11. A drunken woman is a great wrath: and her reproach and shame shall not be hid.
805 26:19. A holy and shamefaced woman is grace upon grace.
812 26:26. A man of war fainting through poverty, and a man of sense despised:
826 27:12. A holy man continueth in wisdom as the sun: but a fool is changed as the moon.
844 …27:30. A mischievous counsel shall be rolled back upon the author, and he shall not know from when…
860 …28:13. A hasty contention kindleth a fire and a hasty quarrel sheddeth blood and a tongue that bea…
895 …29:18. A good man is surety for his neighbour: and he that hath lost shame, will leave him to hims…
898 …29:21. A sinner attributeth to himself the goods of his surety: and he that is of an unthankful mi…
899 29:22. A man is surety for his neighbour: and when he hath lost all shame, he shall forsake him.
902 …29:25. A sinner that transgresseth the commandment of the Lord, shall fall into an evil suretyship…
919 30:8. A horse not broken becometh stubborn, and a child left to himself will become headstrong.
938 30:27. A cheerful and good heart is always feasting: for his banquets are prepared with diligence.
987 32:7. A concert of music in a banquet of wine is as a carbuncle set in gold.
1001 32:21. A sinful man will flee reproof, and will find an excuse according to his will.
1002 …32:22. A man of counsel will not neglect understanding, a strange and proud man will not dread fea…
1010 …33:2. A wise man hateth not the commandments and justices, and he shall not be dashed in pieces as…
1011 33:3. A man of understanding is faithful to the law of God, and the law is faithful to him.
1014 …33:6. A friend that is a mocker, is like a stallion horse: he neigheth under every one that sittet…
1050 …34:9. What doth he know, that hath not been tried? A man that hath much experience, shall think of…
1061 …34:20. A preservation from stumbling, and a help from falling: he raiseth up the soul, and enlight…
1120 36:22. A perverse heart will cause grief, and a man of experience will resist it.
1121 36:23. A woman will receive every man: yet one daughter is better than another.
1147 …37:21. A wicked word shall change the heart: out of which four manner of things arise, good and ev…
1148 37:22. A skilful man hath taught many, and is sweet to his own soul.
1152 37:26. A wise man instructeth his own people, and the fruits of his understanding are faithful.
1153 37:27. A wise man shall be filled with blessings, and they that see shall praise him.
1155 37:29. A wise man shall inherit honour among his people, and his name shall live for ever.
1246 40:6. A little and as nothing is his rest, and afterward in sleep, as in the day of keeping watch.
1263 …40:23. A friend and companion meeting together in season, but above them both is a wife with her h…
1288 41:16. A good life hath its number of days: but a good name shall continue for ever.
1350 …43:24. A present remedy of all is the speedy coming of a cloud, and a dew that meeteth it, by the …
1554 …51:1. A prayer of Jesus the son of Sirach. I will give glory to thee, O Lord, O King, and I will p…